Page 6 - Reedley Exponent 5-2-19 E-edition
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Have you ever lost your balance? I know I have. It is an awful feeling to know you are out of bal- ance and probably go- ing to fall. If you cannot regain your balance, you will most likely fall. Hav- ing bad balance is some- thing you should not ignore. One bad fall can change your life adding
By Ro Linscheid
walk. She worked hard to balance as she stood up and then moved forward. Most of the time she had good success but there were quite a few times when she would plop down on her behind. In the days I was with the family I watched her gain con dence, her balance became steadier and she could walk greater dis- tances without incident. It was wonderful to see her sense of con dence rise higher and higher. Losing one’s balance when you are so young is not much trouble.  e fall to the  oor is short and surprising but soon you are up on your feet and trying again.
Unfortunately, for those of us who are older, the loss of balance can cause huge issues that could change the course of
our lives forever. Gait and balance disorders are common in older
Dr. Amu, M.D. Pediatrician
Candice Brantley F.N.P.-C
Magdalena Ruiz F.N.P.-C
M. Iqbal Choudhry, PA-C
Speaks: Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi
adults and unfortunately are a major cause of falls. Changes in muscle strength can really a ect how you walk and how you balance. As early
as our 30s, the muscles that help us stand tall weaken, the length of
our stride shortens, and vision changes have a ect coordination.
Balance problems can
be the result of an illness or a chronic disease or lack of activity. Everyone needs to work on balance with age. When people workout, the focus is on strength and  exibility but you must also focus on balance. I found a few ideas on how to work on
BALANCE... Continued on Next H&F Page
Joanne Beattie,
Family Practice for over 17 yrs. Specializing in depression and anxiety.
Sheri Cooley,
Family Practice. Specializing in Food Allergies, Nutrition and Supplements.
Brianna Edwards,
Family Practice. Specializing in Women’s Health & Pediatrics.
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Emad Marcos (Marc)
Owner/Pharmacist in Charge
struggles and frustration to what once was easy.
Recently, I was visiting
Now What?
my son’s family.  ey have a young foster daughter. She was just learning to
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172N.LStreet | DowntownDinuba | 559.725.4525
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826 E. Manning Ave. • Reedley
Walk-In Clinic
The Reedley Exponent A16 Thursday, May 2, 2019
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