Page 7 - Reedley Exponent 5-2-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A27 Thursday, May 2, 2019
ealth &Fitne
ealth &Fitn
H e What to expect 20 years after retirement
By Jim Dueck
What to expect 20 years after retirement
Most seniors plan to retire someday but how can you know if and when you can a ord to retire? In many cases,
monthly expenses need to be reduced to match the income that will
be lower once you are no longer working full time.
Social Security in- come will likely be low- er than what you were earning while working full time. Seniors who are 62 years old can begin taking their social security retirement in- come, but they will re- ceive more if they wait until 70 to begin taking it. Retirement savings plans, pensions and
sense of centeredness, balance and wellbeing. Walking heel to toe is
a good challenge.  e police do this test when they are testing to see if
a person is drunk. Can you walk in a straight line placing your foot right in front of the other? Do- ing squats helps to build strength in your legs slowly lower yourself onto a chair preferably not an easy chair.  en stand up with your arms stretched out in front of you, abs
retirement income are all good sources of income plus any equity you have built up in property you own.
Some life insur-
ance policies have
a cash surrender
value that can also
be used for retire-
ment income or can
be used to purchase long term care insurance. Seniors
who use reverse mortgages as a source of income to meet monthly expenses could
tight, back straight, and knees above your shoe- laces. As we age, we tend to lose the force in our legs. Practice getting out of a chair so forcefully that you need to take a few steps after you are up. It is also very impor- tant to get a good night’s rest since sleep depriva- tion slows down reaction time. Lastly, you can talk to you doctor if you are concerned about balance. You doctor may prescribe therapy. Trained thera-
 nd themselves with no way to pay for care should they need it in the future.
pists work with you and teach you good balance training habits.
At Sierra View Homes Retirement Commu- nity we strive to give our residents the opportunity to stay active.  e Well- ness Center has equip- ment to support balance training and a swimming pool with exercise classes to keep the muscles ready to work.  ere is outpa- tient and inpatient physi- cal therapy for personal training. In addition,
When you decide on a date to retire, look 20 to 30 years into the future at what your expenses
there are classes in di er- ent parts of the campus for residents to enjoy movement together.
It is important to stay active to keep the keen sense of balance in great condition. Working on your balance does not just keep you from falling. You have a better sense
of wholeness because
will be to con- tinue living in your home.  en con- sider what it will cost to have some- one take care of you, should you not be able to care for yourself. 50-70% of seniors will need long term care at some point in their life and it is one of the most important
things to consider in your retirement plan- ning.
you have better mobility, fewer injuries and feel more comfortable being active.
My son’s foster daugh- ter is running now. Her balance comes natu-
rally and she is happy and active. We, too, need to continue to practice balance and remain active and happy, free from falls.
Continued from Previous Page
balance. With a chair or something sturdy close by, stand on one leg and do not hold onto any- thing. See how long you can do this before you have to grasp the chair. Make sure you work on each leg. You could take a tai chi class.  e Senior Center here in Reedley has o ered tai chi classes. Tai chi uses slow move- ments to enhance your
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