Page 10 - Mid Valley Times 7-30-20 E-edition
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MVT Staff Report
Washington Interme- diate School in Dinuba recognized students for their academic ex- cellence as part of the school’s end of the year awards in May. Stu- dents must have a 4.0- 3.5 grade point average, demonstrate leadership qualities, be involved in school activities and help peers.
The students are rec- ognized by departments
and grade. Here are the honorees:
English/Language Arts: Breana Hernandez (7th grade) and Elyjah Lopez (8th grade)
Math: Lizbeth Vala- dez (7th grade) and Ben- jamin Parker (8th grade)
Science: Alyiha Sa- mantha Diaz (7th grade) and Luz Elena Martinez Espinosa (8th grade)
Social Science/His- tory: Alina Pruneda (7th grade) and Jovani Marti- nez Astorga (8th grade)
Art: Melanie Acosta
(7th grade) and Angel Reyes (8th grade)
Ag Discovery: Em- ily Guzman Lopez (7th grade) and Angel Reyes (8th grade)
AVID: Abigail Ma- rie Soto Toscano (7th grade) and Ana Avilez Cervantes (8th grade)
Broadcasting: Mck- enzie Corcoran and Dominique Nunez (8th grade)
Choir: Roberto Go-
mez (Men’s Choir, 7th grade) and Savannah Peters (Women’s Choir, 7th grade) and Zach- ary Ontiveros (Men’s Choir, 8th grade), Alyssa Chavez (Women’s Choir, 8th grade), and Catricia Alvarez (Concert Choir, 8th grade)
Computer SD: Joshua Gomez (7th grade) and Fabianesi Diaz Sierra (8th grade)
Guitar: Briana Gal- lardo (7th grade) and
Alexxus Villanueva (8th grade)
Spanish: Sukhdeep Kaur (8th grade)
STEM: Eveyln Elizar- raraz Rios (7th grade) and Jalen Villareal Silva (8th grade)
Avid Scholarships:
Mia Helo and Alina Pruneda (7th grade) and Dayana Chavez Villegas and Wendy Garcia Mar- tinez (8th grade)
PE Athletic Excel- lence: Kaylee Leal (Fe-
male 7th grade) and Alexis Chavez (Male 7th grade) and Jayleynn Acevedo (Female 8th grade) and Javier Tor- res Medina (Male 8th grade)
Students were also were recognized for academic growth (most improved). These stu- dents improved at least one grade level from first semester and dem- onstrate positive work habits/effort.
ELA: Josue Aviles (7th grade) and Vivian- na Villegas and Malak Nasser (8th grade)
Math: Kevin Gutier- rez (7th grade) and Sum- mer Reynoso (8th grade)
Science: Ivan Zavala Lopez (7th grade) and Jessica Ugaide Gonzalez (8th grade)
SS/History: Rosario Dominguez (7th grade) and Alyssa Chavez (8th grade)
Art: Jada Quintero (7th grade) and Savan- nah Herrera (8th grade)
Ag Discovery: An- thony Jaimes (7th grade) and Samara Ramirez (8th grade)
AVID: Samantha Mon- tes Lopez (7th grade) and Luna Alcantar (8th grade)
Choir: Steven Ramirea Mata (Men’s Choir, 7th grade), Ce- leste Martinez (Women’s Choir, 7th grade) and Ye- shua Valdez Rodrgiuez (Men’s Choir, 8th grade), Destiney Lopez (Wom- en’s Choir, 8th grade) and Briana Smith (Con- cert Choir, 8th grade)
Guitar: Vanessa Es- tefania Gutierrez (7th grade) and Erick Calde- ron Guzman (8th grade)
Leadership: Xime- na Villegas Palos (7th grade) and Anthony Car- mona (8th grade)
Spanish: Sebastian Munoz (8th grade)
STEM: David San- chez (7th grade) and Ethan Rojas (8th grade)
PE Athletic Growth:
Melanie Acosts (Female 7th Grade) and Benja- min Camaquin (Male 7th grade) and Amelia Villareal (Female 8th Grade) and Juan Garcia Andrade and Tylor Gib- son (Male 8th Grade)
Thursday, July 30, 2020 | A10 | Mid Valley TiMes
Dinuba eateries move outside
GRANTS Continued from page A2
community who have suffered tremendous- ly, many of whom will rely on these funds to keep the American Dream alive.”
Valero went on to add, “because of prior restrictions from oth- er giving entities, our program will be open and flexible on how to use these grants.”
Eligible business include for-profit and non-profit businesses with 20 full-time em- ployees or less, as well as independent con- tractors. Applicants must attest to a loss of net revenue as a result of the COVID-19 pan- demic, the business for which the applicant is seeking funding is the primary source of in- come, be physically lo- cated in Tulare County with a demonstrated economic need, and prove they have been
in operation prior to March 2020.
Grant funding may be used to cover busi- nesses expenses in- curred between March 19-September 30, 2020 such as
• Rent
• Utilities
• Cleaning and dis-
infectant supplies
• Personal protec-
tive equipment
• Social distancing
• Costs associated
with limiting cash-han- dling
Businesses not eli- gible to apply are those that have received di- saster relief such as Paycheck Protection Program, SBA Eco- nomic Relief Loan, or a loan from an incor- porated city in Tulare County.
MVT Staff Report
When Gov. Gavin Newsom an- nounced an immediate shutdown of indoor dining rooms, Dinuba restaurants moved quickly to pro- vide outdoor-dining for patrons.
The Safari Restaurant used an area already in place as adding shade coverings, popup umbrellas, canopies and misters to accommo- date customers. California Tacos, located in downtown, has space at the front of their restaurant with tables and chairs with plenty of space for casual dining.
“Some places had the set up to do that,” said Dinuba Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Sandy Sills.
Sills said restaurants will have to follow CDC and county guide- lines. Some of those guidelines include cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, use of gloves and masks as well as limited seating capacity to allow for social distancing.
George M. Villagrana / Mid Valley Times
A sign displayed an outdoors eating area at the Safari Restaurant in Dinuba on July 28.
In a back-and-forth saga, res- taurant owners are doing their best to stay afloat during the
pandemic. The governor's or- der was in response to rising coronavirus cases. Last month, restaurants had to close their doors to dine-in customers only to reopen with some restrictions and guidelines.
said it has been difficult as he’s made the necessary changes to meet the requirements, again.
“I’ve spent more money and it’s a lot of work,” he said. “I know this will be temporary.”
Application docu- ments will be avail- able, Saturday, Aug. 1 on the WIB website,
Safari owner Jose Mendoza,
Washington Intermediate honors its academic stars
See RESTAURANTS on page A16
Larry Isao Nakamura
October 10, 1949 - July 10, 2020
“Mr. Nak” was born on Octo-
ber 10, 1949, and passed away unexpectedly on July 10, 2020, at the age of 70. Larry was the  rst born child of George and Irene Nakamura. Being the eldest, Larry watched over every family mem- ber with love and support.
Larry is survived by his daughter Lari Anne; sister Eileen Seals; brothers: Steve (Lisa); Arnold (Lo- ette); Jim (Jill); Tim (Brian); and numerous nieces and nephews. Larry was a beloved teacher and coach in KCUSD for 45 years. He
cared deeply for his students and made a tremendous impact on their lives which made a di erence in the community.
Larry (Dad, Brother, Uncle, Friend, Coach, or Nak) will be sorely missed, but his legacy will forever be kept alive in our hearts.
A memorial service will be held at a later date. Remembrances may be sent to Arnold Nakamura,
2364 E Los Altos Ave, Fresno, CA 93710.
Come Join Sal’s for
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76.49 Friday:
served with beans and
Selma Location Only
2163 Park Street, 559-896-SALS (7257
Lunch size  our taco rice 67.49

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