Page 2 - Mid Valley Times 2-10-22 E-Edition
P. 2
Thursday, February 10, 2022
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Mid Valley TiMes
Nancy Juanita Anderson
Nancy Juanita An-
derson of Dinuba died Feb. 2. She was 76.
Mrs. Anderson worked for 40 years at a machinist shop that manufactures fire hy- drants.
She is survived by her three stepchildren, numerous grandchil- dren and two sisters.
Visitation was held Feb. 7 at Dopkins Di- nuba Funeral Chapel. A graveside service was held Feb. 8 at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Dopkins Dopkins Funeral Chapel is han- dling the arrangements.
Sarah Hernandez Diaz
Sarah Hernandez
Diaz of San Jose died Jan. 23 in San Jose. She was 95.
Mrs. Diaz was a homemaker.
She is survived by her husband, Manuel Curiel Diaz; one son and two daughters.
A viewing will be from noon followed by a funeral service at 12:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11, at Dopkins Dinuba Funeral Chapel. Burial will be at Smith Moun- tain Cemetery in Di- nuba.
Dopkins Dinuba Funeral Chapel is han- dling the arrangements.
Jose Paz Lopez
Jose Paz Lopez of Reedley died Jan. 28 in Fresno. He was 62.
Mr. Lopez worked as a lead mechanic for BWIS.
He is survived by his wife, Rosa Belia Garza;
one son, one daughter and two grandchildren. A viewing will be from 4 to 7 p.m. Mon- day, Feb. 14, at Dopkins Reedley Funeral Cha- pel. A mass will be at noon Tuesday, Feb. 15, at the old St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Reedley. A graveside service will follow at
Reedley Cemetery. Dopkins Reedley Funeral Chapel is han- dling the arrangements.
Jessica Ortega
Jessica Ortega of Dinuba died Jan. 27 in Dinuba. She was 34.
Ms. Ortega worked as an insurance agent.
She is survived by her parents, one broth- er and one sister.
Visitation and ro- sary were held Feb. 7 at Sterling & Smith Funeral Home. A mass will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 10, at St. Catherine's Catho- lic Church in Dinuba. Burial will follow at Smith Mountain Cem- etery in Dinuba.
Sterling & Smith Fu- neral Home is handling the arrangements.
Richard Rocha
Richard Rocha of Dinuba died Jan. 17 in Dinuba. He was 58.
Mr. Rocha worked as a mechanic.
He is survived by five sons, one daughter and four grandchildren.
A Memorial Mass was held Feb. 7 at St. Anthony of Padua Cath- olic Church in Reedley. Burial will be at a later date.
Dopkins Dinuba Funeral Chapel is han- dling the arrangements.
ACADEMIC Continued from page A1
High (33,703.2 points). Sanger also was named as Most Im- proved School at the event, which attracts the top AD teams from the 23 county schools
that entered.
The virtual event
was held remotely, with teams participating on- line from their respec- tive campuses. Sanger's Super Quiz team fin- ished behind only Uni- versity (4,060.0) and Design Science High (29,934.2).
Leading the Apach- es overall was Elena Romero, who took sec- ond place in student Division 1 with 6,012.6 to earn $250 in schol- arship money. She won gold medals in Pre- pared Speech and Sci- ence; captured silver medals in Art and Lan- guage/Literature; and earned bronze med- als in Essay Writing, Interview, Economics and Music.
Evan Cortes finished in fourth place in in student Division 3 with 5,358.7 points, earning him a $150 scholarship. He claimed gold med- als in Prepared Speech (also taking third place in combined divisions) along with silver medals in Interview, Math, and Essay Writing.
In addition, Vuctoria Magnone placed sev- enth ($150 scholarship) and Samantha Harper ninth ($100 scholarship) in their respective di-
visions. Magnone had a silver medal in Art, while Harper captured a bronze medal in In- terview.
Other medalists for SHS were Leonna Tep (gold medal, Essay Writing), Guadalupe Moreno-Hernandez (sil- ver, Interview; bronze, Science). and Alan Dan- iel (bronze, Prepared Speech).
Team winners by division were Univer- sity (Division 1), Clovis North (Division 2) and
Kingsburg (Division 3 with 28,503.8 points).
Other Mid Valley Re- gion teams competing at the event were Reedley High (17th overall and fifth in Division 2 with 19,921.1) and Orange Cove High (16th overall and fourth in Division 3 with 20,179.0 points).
Reedley scored 2,310.0 and Orange Cove 1,890.0 in the Super Quiz competition.
University High now will compete in the Vir- tual California State
ABOVE: The Sanger High School Academic Decath- lon team and coaches posed for a team shot on Feb. 5. The Apaches fin- ished in second place in Di- vision I, third place overall.
LEFT: Family members held up signs supporting SHS team members participat- ing in the virtual event.
Photos Courtesy of Sanger High School
Decathlon March 1-12 based in Sacramento. The state championship team will advance to the Virtual National Decath- lon April 21-23.
The 2022 decathlon is hosted in part by Fresno State, coordinated by the Office of the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools and spon- sored by participating high schools and local businesses. More than $8,000 in scholarships was awarded to partici- pating students.
Continued from page A1
includes stints at the Dinuba Recreation Cen-
ter working with youth sports, and many years of service with St. Cath- erine’s Catholic Church as a teacher for first and second graders
Rico hopes scholar- ship money with the Teenage Citizen of the Year honors can help further her education, starting with the Reed- ley College Honors Pro- gram with plans to go into pre-health and a possible career in kinesi- ology. She has a cumula- tive grade point average of 4.17.
“Coming from the youngest of nine whose family has been involved with this community for many ears, I have seen firsthand what it feel like to be a Dinuban at heart. I have been able to witness the good memo- ries and learn from our faults with this commu- nity,” she said.
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Alta Healthcare District video meeting Feb. 17
MVT Staff Report
The Alta Health- care District board will conduct its regu- lar meeting by video at 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 17. All board members
and staff will appear through Zoom.
Agenda items in- clude a second public hearing on redistricting, including explanation of election zones; grant applications; and a re- port from new board clerk Stefane Lawson, who replaces the retir-
ing Irene Clements. A closed session from the board also is scheduled.
Anyone wanting cop- ies of the board materi- als, or to get login infor- mation on the meeting, can contact Lawson at (5590 730-6027 or go online to slawson@al-
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MID VALLEY TIMES invites letters from the public on any topic of relevance. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity or brevity, and we reserve the right to NOT publish them if they could be deemed libelous, slanderous, or profane. Letters from the same author may not be published more than once in a 30-day pe- riod. Letters should be 300 words or less and bear the author’s name, address, phone number and signature. Typed or legibly hand-written letters should be mailed, e-mailed or personally delivered to: Letters to the Edi- tor, Mid Valley Times, 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654.
Dopkins has been serving families for 126 years and much has changed since our
start in 1895. We are proud to announce the opening of our Reedley Funeral Chapel and Crematory, so we can better serve our
growing communities. Our hope is to have an open house this summer
once the restrictions are lifted, but you can always come for a visit. Also Preneed Funeral Policies are transferable. If you have any concerns, please give us a call.
Funeral Chapel
& Crematory
Dinuba 189 S. J Street 559-591-1919
Reedley 2200 S. Reed Ave. 559-638-7000
• Energy Efficient
• Reduces Noise
• Full Lifetime Warranty
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228 NORTH “L” ST. DINUBA • 595-1959
Michael Franzen