Page 6 - Reedley Exponent 1-3-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A6 Thursday, January 3, 2019
ealth &Fitne
ealth &Fitne
Feet, they carry you from here to there every day. Typically, we don’t give much thought about feet until there is pain. When there is pain we want relief.
Foot problems tend to be common in older people for several reasons. As we age the bottom of the foot loses the cushioning making the foot more susceptible to bruising. Skin can become dry and brittle causing open areas, es- pecially around the toes. Joints can become in amed by poor circulation or diabetes and can keep a foot wound from healing properly. e list goes on and on.
One way to avoid foot pain is to wear comfortable shoes that t well. Avoid tight or high-heeled shoes that put undue pressure on certain areas of the foot. Constant
By Ro Linscheid
Patience is important because the foot pain can return if you try to do too much too soon.
Athlete’s Foot is another challenge for seniors. You don’t have to be an athlete
to develop this fungal infec- tion. Warm, dark, moist areas, like a foot inside a shoe is a perfect environment for this fungus to grow. Symptoms
of athlete’s foot are redness, blisters, peeling and itching. Changing shoes every other day to allow the shoes to dry out, use cotton socks and after a shower or bath dry your feet especially between the toes. Wearing sandals allows the feet to breathe.
Corns, calluses and ham- mertoes can be very painful. ey can certainly limit your activity. e best way to avoid corns, calluses and hammer- toes is to wear properly tting
shoes. A podiatrist can help you deal with these problems especially if you are diabetic or have poor circulation.
If you are diabetic, it is extra important to pay attention to your feet. A minor corn, a cut or a callous can become life threatening due to the issues diabetes can cause. Diabetes can cause the blood vessels
to shrink causing a wound
to heal very slowly or not at all. It can also damage nerve endings leaving you unaware that there is a problem with your feet. Lack of circulation or lack of feeling can lead
to some very serious conse- quences such as amputation. It is extremely important you check your feet every day, especially if you are diabetic.
Blood ow to your feet is vital. Get up, move around, do stretches, and take walks
Oh my aching feet
all keeps a healthy ow of blood traveling to your feet. Sierra View Homes Retire- ment Community has many paths to take a walk. ere is
a heated pool for swimming and exercise equipment to build strength. You will walk better and farther with proper tting shoes with good sup- portand goodcushioning.A podiatrist comes on campus to care for the more di cult foot care issues.
is is not a complete list of possible problems foot problems. Foot pain can really hinder quality of life. It is important to pay attention to your feet. Watch for problems and address them quickly. If there is a problem, see your doctor to get treatment and keep moving for a long and healthy life.
rubbing and pinching from shoes, that do not t properly, can cause corns, calluses, ham- mer toes and bunions. Feet change in size and width as we age so it is a good idea to be tted every time you buy new shoes.
Another way to avoid foot pain is to keep the blood supply owing to your feet. Walking, stretching, or doing some type of exercise im- proves circulation providing bene ts to more than just your feet. Avoid sitting too long especially if you like to
Now What?
cross your legs. Tight socks can cut circulation causing pain or slow wound healing.
ere are many reasons your feet might hurt. Plantar Fasci- itis is the in ammation of the band of tough tissue con- necting the heel bone to the toes. e pain is usually more intense in the morning when you get out of bed. e pain can be quite intense after you have been sitting a while. To heal Plantar Fasciitis, you may need to rest your foot, and use arch supports and add extra cushioning to your shoes.
3 tips to overcome everyday aches and pains
Pain is a signi cant concern for many people. Estimates from the International Association for the Study of Pain suggest that one in ve adults across the globe
su er from pain.
Pain can a ect anyone, even
people who have not been in an accident or su ered an injury while playing a sport or perform-
ing another physical activity. For example, lower back pain, which can be caused by sitting at a desk for long stretches of time, is the most common type of chronic
pain in the United States. Such pain may be unavoidable, but that does not mean it and other types of everyday aches and pains cannot be overcome.
1. Begin a well-rounded exer- cise regimen.
Regular exercise that includes both strength training and
cardiovascular exercise increases blood ow and helps build
3 Tips... Continued on Next H&F page
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