Page 7 - Reedley Exponent 1-3-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A7 Thursday, January 3, 2019
ealth &Fitne
ealth &Fitne
The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
By Jim Dueck
In our world of 24-hour cable news and social media, it is more important than ever to guard what we watch, listen to
and most importantly, what we say. Everything we take into our body, mind and spirit and everything we verbalize, can make us who we are.
It is never too late to begin new and healthy habits no matter what your age. Start by being thankful for what you already have. Compliment those around you and smile all throughout the day. What you put out will come back to you so ask yourself, what would I like coming back to me from others?
less likely people who sit for
long stretches at a time will end their days with lower back pain. Routine exercise also helps other areas of the body by keeping muscles loose and exible. Before
Someone once said, “when in the grocery store buying food, imagine your great grandmoth- er is with you. If she would not recognize what you plan to buy as food, don’t buy it.” We all know the bene ts of eating healthy food. At Palm Village Retirement Community good nutrition for our residents is a priority.
Walking outdoors stimu- lates all of your senses and a 30-minute walk at a relaxed pace is very good for your
beginning a new exercise regi- men, men and women, especially those with existing aches and pains, should consult their physi- cians about which exercises they should do and which they might want to avoid.
2. Employ RICE.
RICE, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation, can help men and women over- come the aches and pains that result as the body ages and ten- dons begin to lose some of their elasticity. RICE might be most helpful for people who have been diagnosed with tendinitis. Athletes over 40 who engage
in activities that require repeti- tive motion might need to take more days o between rounds of golf or other competitive and/or repetitive activities. If tendinitis
health especially if you can do it 5 days a week.
Try turning o all social media and news for a week. Is that a shocking idea for you? It shouldn’t be. ink of it as a fast or a cleanse for your mind and spirit. Having a face to face conversation with another person without the constant in- terruption of your smart phone, is good for the soul.
When out with friends for a meal, have everyone put their phones in the middle of the
ares up, take some time away, icing any sore areas, wrapping them in bandages, and elevat- ing them while resting. Athletes rarely want to sit on the sidelines, butafewdayso cangoalong way toward alleviating the pain associated with tendinitis.
3. Recognize your body may develop some limitations.
Age should not prevent you from being physically active, and numerous studies have touted the bene ts of continu- ing to exercise into your golden years. However, as the body ages, muscle bers become less dense, resulting in a loss of ex- ibility that increases the risk of injury and/or soreness. As men and women grow older, they shouldn’t abandon activities like gardening or strength training.
table. Whoever picks up their phone rst, even to look at it, pays for everyone’s meal. If more than one person does this, the last one to look at their phone picks up the whole tab.
None of us are perfect and we all need to be reminded that face to face relationships and conversation with friends and family cannot be replaced by impersonal digital communica- tion.
According to Wikipedia, “A self-ful lling prophecy is
But they may need to scale back on the intensity with which they perform such activities. Doing so can prevent the kinds of muscle strains associated with aging.
a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to be- come true.” As we age, our bad habits tend to catch up with us. Decades of eating junk food and too many years of focusing on the negative, too often result in poor physical, emotional and spiritual health. How we spend our days and what we say can bring the positive or negative into our lives.
So begin the New Year with many positive thoughts, good food and lots of physical activi- ties.
Pain a ects more than one bil- lion people across the globe. But some simple strategies can help people overcome pain and enjoy a rich quality of life.
Continued from Previous Page
a strong core. A strong core supports the spine and reduces the pressure on it, making it
Such pain may be unavoidable, but that does not mean it and other types of everyday aches and pains cannot be over- come.
Dr. Amu, M.D. Candice Brantley Magdalena Ruiz M. Iqbal Choudhry,
Pediatrician F.N.P.-C F.N.P.-C
Speaks: Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi
Full Family Practice Physical Exams ❦ Women’s Health Pediatrics ❦ Immunizations
Weight Management ❦ Massage Chiropractic ❦ Holistic Health
Stefan Pentschev,
Family Practice for over 40 yrs.
Joanne Beattie,
Family Practice for over 17 yrs. Specializing in depression and anxiety.
Sheri Cooley,
Family Practice. Specializing in Food Allergies, Nutrition and Supplements.
Brianna Edwards,
Family Practice. Specializing in Women’s Health & Pediatrics.
❦ Covered California ❦ Medi-Cal ❦ Medicare ❦ Most Insurance Accepted
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