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The Reedley Exponent A8Thursday, January 3, 2019
News highlights from 2018 in Reedley
ABOVE LEFT: Some of an estimated 100 Reedley High School students walked out of class and off campus on March 14 as part of a nationwide series of student walkouts calling for tighter gun control laws.
ABOVE RIGHT: Nicole Zieba, Reedley city manager, picked up a shoe during a homeless cleanup operation Aug. 31.
LEFT: Donna Berry, right, later named interim Reedley College president, hugged Sandra Caldwell during Caldwell’s last day as college president on June 13. Caldwell accepted a position as executive director of the Wyo- ming Community College Commission.
BELOW: Reedley and Mendota city officials and other guests watched as one of the experimental electric aircraft taxis away from the hangar at Chandler Airport in Fresno on March 27.
Exponent File Photos
February 2019
Community Guide and Business Directory
Mid Valley Publishing is looking forward to working with all of you to produce a beautiful, informative and user-friendly publication that will bene t the entire community.  e guide, used by the public to locate products and services, will be made available to Reedley residents and visitors. It will be distributed at restaurants, placed in local hotel rooms and will also be distributed throughout the year at several events and locations.
 e guide is scheduled to be released in February of 2019. Janie Lucio, advertising executive with the Reedley Exponent, will be in contact with Reedley businesses and organizations over the next couple of months to discuss advertising opportunities. Please note that Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce Members receive a FREE listing in the directory and will also receive a discount on a purchased advertisement in the guide.
If you are interested in this advertising opportunity, you may contact Janie Lucio direct at: (559) 638-2244 or janie@midvalleypublishing. com. You can also contact the Chamber at (559) 638-3548 or info@
Call Janie Lucio at 638-2244 to Reserve Space! Deadline January 31, 2019
2019Community Guide & Business Directory

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