Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 1-23-20 E-edition
P. 8

Thursday, January 23, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes In the garden
Garden Checklist: Don't treat pruning cuts or wounds
Photo Courtesy of Growing a Greener World
Do not apply any treatment to pruning cuts or other wounds because these materials are ineffective and of- ten are detrimental. Also, wait to prune spring-flowering shrubs until after they bloom.
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local gardeners who wish to keep their green- ery, flowers, and herbs looking beautiful all year long.
Buds swell as days lengthen—the garden begins to awaken from it winter slumber.
Tasks for this time of year include, peruse seed catalogs looking for disease resistant strains.
Shop now for bare root grape and berry vines.
Deeply water trees and native plants if rainfall has been light.
Peach leaf curl is best controlled by fixed
copper spray at bud swell before bud break. When pruning, re- member crepe myrtles and redbuds may be
pruned now.
Do not apply any
treatment to pruning cuts or other wounds because these materi- als are ineffective and often are detrimental.
Wait to prune spring-flowering shrubs until after they bloom.
Planting annuals and perennials for spring bloom starts next month, look now for new varieties of spring vegetables and summer blooming bulbs.
Sow seeds of sum- mer annuals and veg- etables in flats in a protected location or
From left, Ben Hernandez- Garcia, Alfonso Bucio, Na- than Botkin and Christo Gonzalez Barajas. Reedley Middle College High School opened enrollment for new students in December. The enrollment window will remain open until Feb. 21. Two information meetings will be held for parents and students, complete infor- mation on A7.
Photo Contributed
he said.
“There are some pri-
orities, for example if a sibling is applying to come here and they have a brother or sister that is already here they have priority, or their name goes into a different hat.”
Pack also said that students of employees with Kings Canyon Uni- fied School District or Reedley College are also prioritized.
Open enrollment for Reedley Middle College High School will close on Feb. 21. For more infor- mation on the enrollment process, visit rmchs.
Enjoy these now, an-
nuals and perennials: Iceland poppy (Papa- ver nudicaule) camel- lias, Callistemon ‘Little John.’
Bulbs, corms, tu- bers: freesia, daffodil, crocus.
Fruits and vegeta- bles: lemon, navel or- ange and spinach.
Things to pon- der, sharp tools make cleaner cuts. Clean and maintain pruning equipment.
This is a good time to divide African vio- lets for early spring bloom.
When the soil is cold and wet, citrus trees and other plants may not be able to make efficient use of
iron, mitrogen and other nutrients even though there is an ad- equate supply available in the root zone. This problem
Usually disappears when soil conditions improve, and no fur- ther action is required.
Automatic sprin- klers should be turned completely off during periods of rainfall.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Val- ley,” 3rd edition, cur- rently available from Fresno County Master Gardeners for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Continued from page B1
It’s mostly undergrad work to transfer to what- ever their next college may be.”
Pack said incoming students must identify a pathway and the classes they enroll in must be part of that pathway.
“Because we are a du- al enrollment high school, that is our whole reason for existing, a student that attends our school is required to take college classes,” he said. “Let’s say for example one of our students is not doing well in college classes
they may have to take a semester off because they are put on probation with Reedley College.”
“If that happens, they still stay here for that semester,” he continued. But if that lasted longer than the semester, then we’d probably link them back up with Reedley High School or another charter program that bet- ter meets their needs.”
RMCHS offers some extra curricular ac- tivities, such as dances, prom and ASB.
“We don’t have for- mal sports teams here because we are just too small, however we do
have some kids that will participate with their home school and that is allowed,” he said.
“We do have intramu- ral sports here and that is allowed, this is the first year we’ve done that and a lot of kids enjoy it.”
How students are se- lected for the program depends on a number of factors.
“Once we collect ap- plications we then do some data work with that and then we will hold a lottery, so if we have more applications than spaces available, we will hold a lottery at the district boardroom,”
Decals added to Sanger Fire's new ladder truck
ABOVE: A decal artist added striping to the de- partment's newest resource. The city of Sanger purchased the ladder truck in late December. It is expected to be in operation within the next few months.
BELOW: The finished product. Sanger Fire Depart- ment's white fire engines with red stripes are well known throughout the Fresno County area.
Photo Courtesy of Sanger Fire Department
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