Page 9 - Mid Valley Times 1-23-20 E-edition
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The Friends of the Sanger Library meets every third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room. The meeting is open to the public and anyone interested is in- vited to attend. For in- formation, contact (559) 875-2435
Apache Football Boosters meets at 7 p.m. the first Tuesday of every month in the activity room in the administration build- ing at Sanger High School. Details, Monica Gaucin 559-367-2175 or apachefbfundraising@
American Red Cross
Central California Re- gion is looking for vol- unteers. Details, vol- unteer.centralca@red-
The Hannibal House Thrift Store at 1501 14th St. will be open the first Saturday of the month from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Dinuba Senior Center holds Coffee & Conversation every Monday at the center’s Social Hall from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at 437 N. Eaton Ave. Details, Cece Bobst at 591-2450.
Bingo is held from 8 to 11 a.m. every Tues- day, Wednesday and Thursday at the Dinu- ba Senior Center, 437 N. Eaton Ave., in Room
The store welcomes donations. Details, 559- 875-0564.
The Lock It Up
Sanger High School Youth Coalition is seek- ing members interested in learning about pre- scription drug abuse and gaining profession- al development experi- ence and community service hours. Details, Frances Nixon 559-244- 3617 or fnixon@health-
Aerobics with An- gieisfrom6to7p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the Sanger Youth Center, 818 L St. Details, 559- 876-6300, ext. 1430 or
Zumba and Step Class by Rosa is from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday for zumba and from 8 to 8:50 a.m. Tuesday and Thursday for step. De- tails, Rosa 559-355-4204 or rosareyessalva@ya-
The WAMS Pantry Dinuba
Dinuba senior di-
rector Cece Bobst, says bingo offers cer- tain health benefits for those who play. Details, Cece Bobst at 591-2450.
Feb. 5 - Open Gate Ministries annual Soup, Salad and Pie Lunch will be held from 11 a.m.-1p.m.onFeb.5 at Palm United Method- ist Church (corner West
is seeking donations of non-food related items for students.
Donations benefit students in need. De- tails, Meagan Speer and Brenda Cisneros 559- 524-7015.
Girl Scouts want- ed.- To become a Girl Scout, contact Maribel Mendoza 800-490-8653 ext. 123 or mmendoza@
The Sanger Demo- crats meet at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month at 1446 Seventh Ave. Call for confirma- tion. Details, 559-977- 5956.
Karate for all ages is 6 to 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Fridays at the Sanger Youth Center, 818 L St. Details, recinfo@ or 559- 876-6300, ext. 143
To submit an entry, send information to news@midvalleytimes. com.
Tulare and P Streets in downtown Dinuba).
This will be an all-you-can-eat soup which will be $6, and side salads will be $1 and a piece of pie costs $2. Take out is avail- able. Centerpieces and boutique items will be available for purchase.
For more informa- tion contact (559) 834- 5135 or (559) 591-1241.
Starting Jan 16 - Tumbling will begin. This is a 10 week pro- gram, 4 classes avail- able. 3:15 p.m. to 7 p.m. Register online through DASH or come by the Reedley Community Center. Call for more information (559) 637- 4203.
Starting Jan 15 - Cheer Classes, 8 week session, 2 classes avail- able 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m Register online through DASH or come by the Reedley Community Center. Call for more information (559) 637- 4203.
Starting Jan 17 Hip Hop, 8 week session, 6 p.m to 7 p.m. Register online through DASH or come by the Reedley Community Center. Call for more information (559) 637-4203.
Jan 24 - Fam- ily Dance -Super Hero theme. Event begins at 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Tick- ets on sale now. Come by the Reedley Com- munity Center to pur- chase your tickets. For more information (559) 637-4203
Reedley Jan 31 - The Reed-
ley Peace Center pres- ents William Rempel. The topic for the event will be the Gambler: How Penniless Drop- out Kirk Kerkorian Became the Greatest Deal Maker in Capital- ist History.
Event will go from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Contact dfriesen0@ for info.
Feb. 7 - The Reedley Peace Center presents Lauren Friesen, a uni- versity professor who will be making another stop at the peace center, event will be from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For in- formation contact dfri-
Feb. 21 - The Reed- ley Peace Center - There will be NO meeting this day so, if interested participants can attend a lecture by Professor Rajmohan Gandi, he is the grand- son of Mahatma Gandi. The presentation will be for the interfaith scholar Event will be at Fresno City College in the Administrative Building, and the free
lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m.
The Reedley Peace Center meets at the Reedley First Menno- nite church fellowship hall at 6:30 for pot luck and a program starting at around 7 p.m. Handi- capped accessible.
Third Thursday of the month, 10:45 a.m. The Friends of the Li- brary at the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. New members welcome. For more details, call (559) 638-6476.
The Reedley Read- ing Group meets every first Tuesday of the month. For more infor- mation email gnmjohn-
The Reedley Read- ing Group invites those interested to its month- ly book discussions.
The group meets the first Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. at the Reedley Library, 1027 E. St. Details, gn- mjohnson2@comcast. net.
To submit an entry, send information to news@midvalleytimes. com.
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Community CALENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to or call Sanger Office at (559) 875-2511 Reedley Office at (559) 638-2244
Emad Marcos (Marc)
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Presunte por nuestra transferencia
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Saturday, February 1 · 5:30 p.m.
$15.00 per person

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