Page 4 - Mid Valley Times 12-26-19 E-edition
P. 4
Thursday, December 26, 2019 | A4 | Mid Valley TiMes Editorial & Opinions
Serving the Readers of the Reedley Exponent, Dimuba Sentinel and Sanger Herald.
A Mid Valley Publishing Newspaper
Founded March 26, 1891, in a two-story building on the corner of 11th and F streets, by A.S. Jones
Fred Hall — Publisher
In my OPINION Democrats are quite adept
at the art of hypocricy
Firefighters make community proud in efforts battling Reedley blaze
Rick Curiel — Sanger Editor Jon Earnest — Reedley Editor Dick Sheppard — Editor Emeritus
Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat!
Hypocrisy is the contrivance of a false appearance of virtue or good- ness, while concealing real character or inclinations, especially with re- spect to religious and moral beliefs; hence, in a general sense, hypocrisy may involve dissimulation, pretense or a sham.
It's difficult to imagine the trauma and stress involved in losing a home to fire. It's mag- nified further when it happens the week of Christmas.
The Reedley community's collective hearts go out to the father and daughter who lost most of their possessions in a Dec. 22 blaze that destroyed their home in the 900 block of Kings Drive Circle, west of South Reed Avenue in west Reedley. The blaze did $300,000 in direct damage to the struc- ture, but there's the additional loss of heirlooms and fam- ily treasures that are gone for good.
Thankfully, the residents made it out safely. That in- cludes a family dog that was initially unresponsive because of smoke inhalation, but re- vived by the quick actions of fire personnel on the scene.
There was a somber de- velopment. One of Reedley's dedicated firefighters suffered a painful foot injury; impaled in the foot by a Christmas tree stand while fighting the blaze. Again, thankfully, the firefight- er should fully recover from the injury.
The incident brings to light the dedication, value and im- portance of the city's first re- sponders. It takes on a special meaning with Reedley's unique situation of an all-volunteer firefighting unit, which means they drop their other career commitments at the first sound of an alarm. In this case, that response helped keep a neigh-
borhood safe from the very re- al possibility of flames spread- ing to other residences. There's definitely a street of residents showing their appreciation to the firefighters.
The Reedley Fire Depart- ment — and a number of other fire agencies in the region — demonstrated their commit- ment to serve the public by taking the courageous steps of running to trouble, not away from it. It's something fire, po- lice and EMTs do without pause in Reedley, Dinuba, Sanger and all cities across Central Cali- fornia and the country.
Personally, I also want to give credit to our features edi- tor and astute spot reporter, Juanita Adame, for quickly coming to the scene of the blaze and following the eve- ning's developments. Her cov- erage of the story through pho- tos, video and online posts was solid in keeping the community informed.
And now, many in the com- munity will step up in an effort to help those directly affected by the fire. When we get word of any fundraising efforts to help the family, we will let you know.
To Reedley Fire Depart- ment and other emergency personnel, a hearty thank you.
To encourage what we call
"community" journalism, The Times welcomes your sub- mission of any holiday season events, fundraisers or acts of charity. This week, our issue
features the
Dinuba schools
toy giveaway
along with a
Parlier Com-
munity Dinner
and toy give-
away. The next
couple of is-
sues will have photos and in- formation from recent holiday events in Sanger, Reedley and Dinuba.
If you've been involved with these events, email pho- tos and highlights to news@, reed-, din- and We'll be sure to get them pub- lished during the winter vaca- tion break.
And in the spirit of Christ- mas, email us images of your personal holiday light dis- plays. Keep them legal; mean- ing no illegal aerial fireworks (a theme becoming all-too- common around the Valley during New Year's).
Remember, school is out for
the next three weeks in Kings Canyon Unified, Sanger Uni- fied and Dinuba Unified and other surrounding districts. Be careful on the streets, roads and highways during the holiday, and practice good judgment and caution with your holiday traditions.
Enjoy a safe and festive fi- nal week of 2019!
Jon Earnest is editor for the Times' Reedley office.
Fred Hall
Now that we've defined this ugly affliction, I have very little doubt that readers who, as yourselves, will have members of Democratic leadership flash before your eyes.
We'll just begin with the top of the pyramid of the elite and that would be Nancy Pelosi. I don't know about you, but quite frankly, I'm tired of Ms. Nancy hiding her nefarious ways behind her Catholicism. Whenever necessary, she will use the cloak of religion such as when she dressed down a reporter, claiming she was raised in a hate-free home and hate was not part of who she is. Sure!
She does things which she indicates are “for the children” and yet is one of the leading voices for the Democrat “religion” of abortion. I was raised Catholic and went to Catholic schools and, for the life of me, can't recall any part of that where we were taught that there were more than two genders or that killing ba- bies because they were inconvenient was compatible with my chosen religion. Nancy, thy name is hypocrite! Religious credo is not a part time undertaking — you either are, or you're not!
Lately, Democrats have been given to pontificating about the rule of law and how no one is above the rule of law. This is the same political party which, each time there is a Republican candidate for the Supreme Court whine and cry that the Constitution is old and needs to be a malleable document to reflect modern times. Now that they are busy trying to impeach a President for a nonexistent crime, they are suddenly staunch defenders of that Constitution and every American who ever lived.
That brings us to Adam Schiff and the entire Califor- nia delegation on both the House and Senate side. Schiff is such a flawed character that I'm not sure where, exactly, one begins. This is the guy who, during the entire Trump term and all it's myriad investigations, claimed there was absolute proof that our President was a Russian spy. Even when it established fact that there was no election collusion he continues to claim the contrary and that he can prove it. The House Intel- ligence, of whom he is chair, conducted some of the most egregious hearings in the history of this republic. Now Schiff and Pelosi want to set the rules for a trial in the Senate. That isn't going to happen!
Jerry Nadler, who once looked like Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars, oversaw the impeachment hearings in the Judicial Committee and chose to call witnesses who knew absolutely nothing about the Ukraine affair. After impeaching over something that wasn't even a crime, the House wants the Senate to call witnesses, which is a violation of protocol. The Senate can't be expected to clean up their hypocritical mess.
Jon Earnest
Hypocrisy is the practice of engag-
ing in the same behavior or activity for which one criti- cizes another. In moral psychology, it is the failure to follow one's own expressed moral rules and principles According to British political philosopher David Run- ciman, “Other kinds of hypocritical deception include claims to knowledge that one lacks, claims to a consis- tency that one cannot sustain, claims to a loyalty that one does not possess, claims to an identity that one does not hold.” American political journalist Michael Ger- son says that political hypocrisy is “the conscious use of a mask to fool the public and gain political benefit.”
But, as always, that's only one man's opinion.
'Ungodly charade'
a national disgrace Millions of Christian sup-
porters of Donald Trump are condemning the unethical im- peachment instigated by the far radical left. Yes, Trump does speak his mind and says words that can offend people, but his every intention still is to make America great.
Our country now is respect- ed abroad and stands as a bea- con of light, of the greatness of what this country should be. What makes a country great
are laws and policies that are designed by lawmakers, who believe in the U.S. Constitution as one nation under God.
We cannot support or ap- prove of unconstitutional accu- sations such as what they are condemning President Trump with. This ungodly charade circus, is a national disgrace, instituted by the liberal left. Where is the Christian hon- esty to tell the truth when you condemn a person of wrong- ful doing? The liberal left is re-interpreting the wording,
in the Constitution to fit their ravage hatred for President Trump. Biblical history, has shown that when people, mali- ciously...cause great harm to others, the “wrath of the Al- mighty” has fallen upon them. We pray not. President Trump, will be re-elected in 2020, and Republicans will possibly take the House and Senate. God’s blessings and peace, be with everyone. God Bless America!
Manuel Madrid Reedley
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be 350 words or less, and bear the author's name, address, and phone number. Letters can be mailed, emailed, submitted via our website, or personally delivered to: Editor, Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St, Reedley CA 93654.
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“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
— Albert Einstein (1879-1955)