Page 9 - Reedley Exponent 11-1-18 E-edition
P. 9
The Reedley Exponent PB anorama
First place winner for baby's cat- egory in costume contest
See B8
Section | Thursday, November 1, 2018
A climb to the top of Half Dome
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654
The View From Here
There are a few things in life, I won't ever try: sky- diving and
cave diving. There is one thing however, I've been "on the fence" about for years and that is climb- ing up Half
Juanita Adame
Dome at Yosemite.
I had the pleasure of listening
to author Jill Osborne speak at Im- manuel Schools on Oct. 26.
I was immediately drawn to her presentation because she was talking about her experience climbing up Half Dome.
A few of my friends have climbed Half Dome and their warnings about it being excruciat- ingly difficult were palpable. "It's not for the faint of heart," they told me. "Make sure you're prepared, it's not easy."
It seems that Osborne corrobo- rated those statements during her presentation last week. She told students she trained for one year and it was still "really really hard."
When I say, I'm on the fence about something, I really mean, I will eventually do it, it will just take time.
SeeCOLUMN pageB2
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
ABOVE: Author Jill Osborne points to a set of rock stairs from a photo that was taken on one of her hikes. ABOVE RIGHT: Students at Immanuel Schools sit and listen to the stories of Osborne's hikes.
Author recounts hiking experience that served as inspiration
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
ABOVE: Author, Jill Osborne held an oar to detail a white water rafting ex- perience she went on. Osborne spoke to students on Oct. 26.
By Juanita Adame
Students at Immanuel Schools sat mesmerized as they were taken on a virtual trip up Yosemite's Half Dome on the afternoon of Oct. 26 during a presentation by author Jill Osborne.
Osborne brought a variety of props to her presentation as well as photographs to show students how she prepared for the Half Dome
hike and to give students a better understanding of how she writes her books and how she came up with a character named Riley Mae.
"How do you think that I could possibly write anything about a trip up Yosemite's Half Dome unless I've been up to the top of Half Dome?" said Osborne.
Osborne told the group that she's been hiking since she was young, and has visited Yosemite numerous times, however climbing Half Dome
was different from any hike she'd done prior.
"One thing I asked my family," she said. "What is the hardest hike in the park? They told me it was the top of Half Dome and that I wouldn't want to go up there because it was too hard."
According to, Half Dome is a 16 mile hike that is nearly
See AUTHOR page B2
Superheroes, lions, firefighters and more
Variety of kids costumes participate in annual 'Red Ribbon' Halloween carnival
The annual Red Ribbon carnival tookplaceonOct.26. Madison Leighty the Recreation Coordinator said the costume contest was by far the most popular event and there were plenty of participants.
FAR LEFT: Ages two through three year old category winners were, from left, Michelle Hernandez as Wonder Woman won first place, and Romeo Lopez as the Incredible Hulk took home second place.
LEFT: For ages four through six cat- egory were Jocelynn Herrera dressed as Moana won second place and CamilaOchoadressedasa firefight- er took home first place. More pho- tos on B8.
Photo Contributed
Workshop offered to senior citizen motorists
Photo Contributed
ABOVE: Members from the new St. Anthony of Padua Church in Reedley posed for a photo on Oct. 13 to commemorate the national public reading of the rosary event.
Locals take part in national public rosary
According to reports, changes to senior citizen's mental fitness and driving abilities are common as they enter the later years of their lives, and most senior drivers would like to continue to be independent with their transportation abilities.
Experts believe there are strat- egies to maintain a healthy body- healthy brain and to prolong driv- ing independence for the senior community.
The Palm Village Retirement Community in Reedley is hosting a workshop presented by Vicki Re- inhold with the Alzheimer’s Asso- ciation and the DMV Senior Drive Ombudsman program.
The Senior Drive Ombudsman program was created by the De- partment of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to help senior drivers continue to drive safely for as long as they can.
The DMV states that there are four ombudsmen assigned to this program. They are located in vari- ous parts of California.
The primary function of the Om- budsman Program is to represent the interest of public safety with a special interest in addressing the concerns of senior drivers.
The ombudsmen can assist as a "go-between" to ensure that senior drivers are treated fairly, consis- tent with laws and regulations, and
“An ombudsmen can act as a go between to ensure senior drivers are treated fairly"
– Department of Motor Vehicles
with the dignity and respect they deserve.
The workshop be held on Nov. 5 from6p.m.-8p.m.at703WHer- bert Avenue, in the administration building, and will focus primarily on two parts of senior driving.
Partonewillbe entitledHealthy Living for Your Brain and Body - and will include tips from the lat- est research, will provide scientific insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help to keep the brain and body healthy during ag- ing.
See WORKSHOP page B2
Locals from the St. Anthony of Padua Church in Reedley gathered to recite a public rosary on Oct. 13.
The reading is part of a national campaign called "America Needs Fatima," and was held to commemo- rate the 101st anniversary of the Apparitions of Our Lady Fatima, a Catholic event that began in Portu- gal in 1917.
The group of local parishioners recited the rosary in synchronicity with other parishioners across the country.
"A special thank you goes out
"The Public Square Rosary is a great way to reach non- practicing Catholics.
to Olga Garcia," said Mark Garcia. "For organizing a very successful 'our America needs Fatima regional rally campaign, in addition we would like to commend Jenny Estrada and
Fidel Avila Franco for providing the beautiful music that accompanied our rosary, and again to Jenny for bringing her statue of the Lady of Fatima dressed in a blue veil and decorated with flowers."
Several of the church's parishio- ners also attended the 30th Diocesan Congress at the Visalia Convention Center.
According to americaneedsfati-, there were more than 14,000 rallies across the country organized by local parishioners in 2015, as well as nearly 13,000, the year prior.
See ROSARY page B2