Page 10 - Reedley Exponent 11-1-18 E-edition
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Senior Center NEWS
TheReedleyExponent B2Thursday,November1,2018
Community CALENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to or fax to 559-638-5021.
Prom Pictures
Come by the Senior Center Monday – Friday 9-10:30 am to pick-up your prom picture
Senior Trip to Duarte Poin- settia Farm & Hilmar Cheese Factory
Join us on Wednesday, November 28 for a trip to Du- arte Poinsettia Farm and see the variety of poinsettia plants and other unique items with an option to purchase.
Then off to Hilmar Cheese Factory for a wonder- ful lunch and tour of the facili- ty. Cost $42. (Includes catered lunch) Come to the Senior Center Monday through Fri- day 9-10:30 am to sign waiver form and pay.
Payment accepted by check or Money Order only payable to the City of Reed- ley. Limited seating. Spon- sored by The City of Reedley Community Services. Be at senior center day of trip at 7 am. Returnaround4:30pm.
Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon - Join us on Tues- day, December 11 at 10:30 am. Help us to say thank you to our volunteers that help us with senior programs and also
Bingo - Our next Bingo is on Thursday, November 15 following lunch. Call the day ahead by 11 am to make your lunch reservation. After lunch you can stay and enjoy Bingo with friends and yes, you will win a prize!
Chukchansi Casino
The next trip to Chukchan- si Casino will be on Friday, De- cember 14. Cost is $17 which includes $10 e-cash and $5 towards lunch with photo ID. Early registration for Reedley seniors now open. (Reedley Residents get first chance to sign up. Open enrollment is for all seniors). Open Enroll- ment starts October 22. Come to the Phil Hudson Senior Room weekdays from 9-12 to pay and sign-up. Pay by check or Money Order to The City of Reedley.
Café Bistro / Billiards
Bring a friend and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and Dan- ish and play a game of pool. Monday - Friday at 9am at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Center
- Meals taste so much better when you can enjoy them in the company of others! Join us in the Phil Hudson Senior Room at the Community
Continued from page B1
I believe, like Osborne said, experiences like climb- ing Half Dome can lead to not just memories that will last a lifetime, but also great inspi- rations. Her presentation was
days at
am (ex-
for a
n u t r i -
and good time.
This program is partially funded by the Fresno- Madera Area Agency on Aging. If you are 60 or old- er, a suggested donation of $2.00 is appreciated, how- ever, not required. Res- ervations by 11:00 am the weekday before you plan to attend. Call 637-4207 for your reservation today.
Senores Y Senoras
La Cuidad de Reedley les invita a visitar y par- ticipar en los programas de personas mayores. En el edificio del centro de la comunidad hay un cuarto especial para ustedes. Si tienen preguntas y necesi- tan informacion y asisten- cia les podremos ayudar de 9:30-11:30 am los dias de lunes a viernes
Please note- if you may know a Spanish speaking person please pass this in- formation on to them and encourage them to join us for lunch daily at 11 am. We are a Spanish speaking friendly center. They can call the center and ask for Christina.
Thank you
We are also honoring our community partners that sponsor our senior programs. We have a wonderful lunch, entertain- ment and a free drawing.
Our luncheons are made possible thanks to Sierra View Homes which sponsors our main and side dishes, RSCI and Reedley Community Services. Lim- ited seating, please call (559) 637-4207 or come by the Senior Center to sign up.
Celebration Cake
Come celebrate your birthday or anniversary on Wednesday, November 7. Just call on or before Tuesday, November 6 by 11 am to register for lunch. Please give us a call at (559) 637-4207
interesting, she brought along several of her props as well as plenty of photographs.
I will admit, after talk- ing to my friends about Half Dome I was convinced I would never try it, however after listening to Osborne that has likely changed. We'll see.
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Celebrate Recovery. Re- deemer's Church. Details: (559) 859-8942.
First Monday of the month. 6:45 p.m. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Daughters Court: Our Lady of Grace #2637. At St. Anthony of Pad- ua Catholic Church, 1018 N. Frankwood Ave. Rosary is at 6:45 p.m.; the meetings begin at 7 p.m. For more details, please check the church's regular bulletin.
Second Tuesday of the month, 2 p.m. Caregiver Sup- port Group. In the Communi- ty Room at the Palm Village Retirement Community, 703 W. Herbert Ave. This meeting gives caregivers of a fam- ily member or friend with memory loss a time to meet
RIGHT: Parishioners from St. Anthony of Padua in Reedley visited the Visalia Convention Center for the 30th annual Dioc- esan Congress. Pictured are Ma- ria Elena Garza displaying the Spanish version of the America Needs Fatima banner on Oct. 13. The national rosary chain draws thousands each year.
Photo Contributed
Continued from page B1
All of the events were organized by local parishio-
Continued from page B1
5,000 feet above Yosemite and more than 8,000 feet above sea level.
It is well known for being one of the biggest challenges even to the most experienced hikers, and experts urge those who want to climb Half Dome take some time to physically prepare.
"I challenged my family, and challenged them to go with me," she said. "My hus- band, daughter, son in law, my son and my brothers' in law, we all started training and took the hike of half dome and let me tell you, it was hard, it was really really hard."
"There are some really funky steps, they are not ex- actly nice steps like we have here on campus, these are like
for mutual emotional, educa- tional and social support. De- tails: call (559) 638-6933.
Second Tuesday of the month, 6 p.m. The Blossom Trail A’s meets at Bristol Ranch (formerly Brooks Ranch), 1620 E. Manning Ave, for dinner and meeting. New members are welcome. You don't have to own a Model A to join. For more details, call Jerry Eitzen at (559) 638- 8222.
Second Friday of the month, 9:30 a.m. Parkinson's Support Group. Palm Village Community Room, 703 W. Herbert Ave. Open to anyone with Parkinson's disease and/ or their caregivers. For de- tails, call (559) 638-6933 and ask for Norma Froese.
Third Thursday of the
month, 10:30 a.m. The Friends of the Library at the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. New mem- bers are welcome. For more details, call (559) 638-6476.
Nov. 5 . Vicki Reinhold with the Alzheimer’s Associa- tion along with the local DMV Senior Driver Ombudsman will be presenting a 2 hour workshop in the Administra- tion Building of Palm Village Retirement Community. The event will begin at 6 p.m. un- til 8 p.m. Those interested in attending are encouraged to register by calling Palm Vil- lage at 559-638-6933
Nov. 10
The Reedley Eagles Lodge #2781 will be hosting their monthly breakfast on Saturday, Nov 10th. Serv- ing up Biscuits/Gravy, Sau-
sage, Eggs (your way), Hash Browns and fruit. $7/per- son. All proceeds to benefit the Reedley Eagles Projects Fund. We are located at 1230 11th Street, Reedley. Take outs available. For more in- formation please contact Pat at (559) 259-8968.
Oct. 9 - Nov. 14
Annual Toys 4 Tots Sign ups - Applications are being accepted for the disadvan- taged children in Parlier to receive a gift for Christmas. Sign up at Central Valley Resource Center at 13700 E. Parlier Avenue. Parlier, Ca 93648, from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. from Monday through Friday. Must provide proof of residence in Parlier. For more information call 559- 646-3837
try as well as other issues they believe are important to society. For more information on this event, visit america- or call (559) 638-2012.
Come Join Sal’s for
between 11:00am and 4:00pm
Now Taking Orders For Thanksgiving Dinners and Pies.
Complete Dinner Packages
Roasted Turkey (Whole) • Stuf ng Cranberry Sauce • Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Candied Sweet Potatoes • Vegetables • Dinner Rolls Dutch Apple, Pumpkin or Apple Pie
Continued from page B1
Research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement will be intro- duced, and activities with hands won tools to help in- corporate these recommen- dations into a plan for healthy aging will be available.
Part two of the program will focus on driver safety and the aging driver. DMV Senior Driver Ombudsman
will present ideas for safe, pro- longed driving independence. Topics will include: driver license renewal strategies, DMV criteria for evaluation of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive or physical impair- ments, and how your health is closely connected to your driving.
For more information on the workshop, Visit CRF to explore additional ed- ucation programs. Registra- tion for the workshop is also strongly encouraged by calling Palm Village at 559-638-6933.
Enchilada & lunch size
tostada a la carte 76.49
Lunch size our enchilada
beans and rice
4-6 People$ 99 $ 99
Hand held burrito (choice of two llings) served with beans and
rice 6.49 7.49
Lunch size our taco rice 67.49
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Grilled Onions | Jalapeños | BBQ Sauce Garlic Aioli | Thousand Island | Mayo
Seasoned Fries | Curly Fries Sub Sweet Potato Fries or Onion Rings For $.99
Bacon | Avocado | Onion Tanglers Fried Egg | Grilled Ham
Sautéed Mushrooms
(Add other premium toppings – $.99 each)
Dine-In Only
Lunch size chili verde quesadilla
beans and rice
Christina Ontiveros
served with beans and
6-8 People
12-16 People
Selma Location Only
2163 Park Street, 559-896-SALS (7257
76.49 Friday:
Our 100% all-beef, 1/3 lb burgers are served with leaf lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and red onions on a toasted Oil Top bun.
Must Place order by 11/16/18
Standard portioned restaurant servings per person.
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1052 G STREET • REEDLEY • 638-4082
$ 99
$ 99 199
8-12 People
BURGER $8.99
Downtown DOINGS
ners and consisted of various groups reciting the rosary across the United States at the same time.
"We would like to also wish abundant blessings to the special people who took
rocks, uneven rocks," she said. "There are cables you can't grab them with your bare hands, they will burn your hands, you need gloves to be able to grip the cables. I climbed the cables for an hour."
Osborne told students she used her real life Half Dome experience to create a popular character who stars in a series of books named Riley Mae.
"I didn't get lost on my hike, but guess who did get lost on her hike? Riley Mae," she said. "So you can take an experience that has hap- pened to you and make it into a book or character."
Osborne said she wanted to inspire students to write, and wanted to give them ideas on what to write about and how to help them begin their writing process.
time to attend our holy rosa- ry, thank you for saying yes to our blessed mother," said Garcia.
Parishioners who gath- ered at the event said they pray for peace for the coun-
ABOVE: Immanuel students listened in as children's book author, Jill Osborne spoke on the afternoon of Oct. 26.
Add an extra burger patty for $1.50
910 North Alta • Dinuba • (559) 591-2122
Juanita Adame / The Exponent