Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 2-21-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, February 21, 2019 A lesson in roping from a pro
Photo Contributed / The Exponent
ABOVE: Jennifer Nicholson demonstrated some roping skills as Dra- ma club president, Cheri Witter Lawrence looked on.
Feb. 12.
Continued from page B1
and writing a short story for their scene.
Students were to pick one theme, a racetrack theme, an aircraft theme, or a red carpet theme. From there, they were required to create a scene based one of the themes and then write a short story for their theme.
"We were told we could do three different themes," said Briana. "I did all three."
Presto said students sub-
PhotoJuanitaAdame /TheExponent
mitted their projects with just hours left before the deadline closed.
"I gave them the guide- lines that were put forth through Tinkercad," said Presto. "Which is a program we work in, and My Mini Fac- tory was the one sponsoring it. A majority of our kids went for it, some of them we got to print out their pieces, one of my students we were even able to paint his piece."
Presto said they received the news that Briana had taken first place right before Christmas break.
"When they told me she'd
Jennifer Nicholson, exec- utive director of Riata Ranch International was the speaker at the Feb. 12 meeting of the Reedley Drama Club.
The meeting was held at the home of member, Denny Mason. Riata Ranch is a non profit organization devoted to teaching youth equestrian
skills which evolves into life lessons of hard work, dis- cipline, pride and respect. Nicholson and her team; "the Riata Ranch Cowboy Girls," have performed all over the world including at Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee celebration at Windsor Castle in 2012.
According to their web- site, Riata Ranch believes that
hard work and community service builds great leaders. To be driven and successful in business, government or any arena, skills need to be devel- oped and passions nutured. We have a unique program of mentorship and training that allows young women to thrive.
For more information on Riata Ranch, visit, riata-
ABOVE: Jennifer Nicholson, exec- utive director at the Riatta Ranch International spoke to members of the Reedley Drama Club on
ABOVE: From left, Briana Ochoa stands with the type of 3D print- er that she won, alongside her teacher, Rose Presto.
LEFT: Briana's friends showed up to support her success on the af- ternoon of Feb. 13.
Photos Juanita Adame / The Exponent
won, I honestly at first didn't believe it, I am a first year teacher, I also know these kids have potential, I see it every day," said Presto.
Briana said when she grows up she'd like to be a teacher and inspire other students just they way "Ms. Presto" has inspired her.
"She's a really good teach- er, she helps us all the way, she doesn't get mad easily, she will help us out.
Maybe some day when they grow older they will find the same passion, just like I did."
Photo Contributed
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ABOVE: Members of Reedley High School's Debate team talked to the Kings Canyon Unified School Board members on the evening of Feb. 12. The team placed 4th in their division and 11th overall during the Fresno County Academic Decathlon.

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