Page 8 - Reedley Exponent 1-10-19 E-edition
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TheReedleyExponent B2Thursday,January10,2019
Youth & Education
St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
Eagle News
January 10 - 17
Campus Days Are Com- ing- Interested in learn- ing more about Immanuel Schools? Register for our Campus Days! Ask all your questions and experience ev- erything we have to offer. El- ementary is Friday, February 1st and Jr High/High School is Thursday, February 7th. Both events are from 11am-2:45pm, and lunch will be provided!
Sign up today at immanu-, or contact Corinne Hall at 559- 638-2529 ext 7101.
Athletics This Week-
Our Girls Basketball teams will be playing at home today against Selma High School, JV at 4:30, and Var- sity at 6:00pm. Girls Soccer is also competing today at home against Selma High at 6:00pm. Tomorrow, Boys Basketball travels to Selma for games, JV at 6:00, and Varsity at 7:30pm. Activities This Weekend On
Saturday, we are hosting the first session of our Soaring Eagles Hoopster Basketball Camp! Contact cwoods@im- if you’re interested in signing up, kids K-8th welcome!
Also, our FFA team will be competing at the Reedley High Tree Pruning competi- tion on Saturday from 7am- 1pm. And lastly, our chess team will be competing in a tournament at TL Reed from 7:45am-2pm. Good luck Eagles!
First Ever New Truck Raffle- One lucky winner will win a brand new 2019 Crew Cab Silverado LTZ- from Martens Chevrolet in Reedley. Tickets are $100 each (or 6 for $500 or 12 for $1000). Only 1,000 tick- ets are going to be sold! Purchase tickets at the Im- manuel School District Of- fice and Marten's Chevro- let (1050 I Street) *Details/ Rules/Restrictions online at
Let your child grow with us! Catholic Based Educa- tion: The most important gift you will ever give your child. We believe a Catholic school education is the most important gift that parents will ever give their child.
We offer an opportunity for students to explore the many life paths that enable them to use their talents by serving the church and our community in various ca- pacities and make the world a better place.
Catholic schools make a difference in every child’s life! Visit us at www.stla-
Gift Cards Fundraiser
St. La Salle School par- ticipates in the Scrip pro- gram year-round! What bet- ter way is there to shop for the family and help support our school at the same time! St. La Salle School has a va- riety of gift cards on hand or we can order them for you!
These are some of the retail stores that partici- pate with us: Macy’s, Dis- ney, Target, Starbucks, Walmart, Save Mart and so much more! Please stop by the school for a full list of Gift Cards.
Catholic Schools Week
2019 will be from Jan 27, 2019 through Feb. 1, 2019. The theme for Catho- lic Schools Week 2019 is, “Learn. Serve. Lead. Suc- ceed.” This year’s open-
ing Mass will be on January 27th at the new St. Anthony’s Church at 11:00am and there will be an Open House to follow at St. La Salle School please join us for some re- freshments and a tour of our school. We encourage every- one to attend this event.
2019 Benefit Auction- St. La Salle School is pleased to announce the 28th Annual Benefit Auction to be held on Saturday, February 2, 2019 at the Reedley Community Center. This year the auction promises to be another mem- orable one, filled with lots of fun and fellowship – all for a great cause.
We are in the midst of preparing for a great auction, but we will need your help in making it a success. We are hopeful that you will consider donating an item or service to be included in either the silent or live auction.
There is also the oppor- tunity to become one of our sponsors and be recognized for your generous support in our Auction Program book- let. This program is given to all the guests attending this popular event. All donations, whether large or small, can make a difference. Please give with your hearts and make a difference that will last a life- time. All donations are tax de- ductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Congratulations to our students of the month for the month of December- TK: Aaliyah Argote. K: Kimberly
Vargas & Ruben Villarreal. First grade- Amelia Barajas & Lea Inez Torres. Second grade- Alonzo Diaz & Nay- dine Murillo. Third grade- Mia Echeverria & Ace Murillo. Fourth grade- Isabel Loredo & Kayla Cervantes. Fifth grade- Michael Cavazos & Benjamin Ruiz. Sixth grade- Nathan- iel Fernandez & Elizabeth Velasco. Seventh grade- Alicia Guerrero & Andrew Valenzu- ela. Eighth grade- Christian Sanchez & Justin Ochoa
Congratulations to the Students of the Month who had Good Manners for the month of December
TK: Faith Echeverria. Kin- dergarten- Daniel Resendiz & Tenley Cortez. First grade- Alfredo Cervantes. Second grade- Jaylee McGill & Sophia Contreras. Third grade- Mary Ybarra & Landon Alemndarez
Fourth grade- Gabriela Pimentel & Ariana Ramirez. Fifth grade- Miranda Valen- zuela & Priscilla Torres. Sixth grade- Dallas Luna & Pri- cilla Mendez. Seventh grade- Giovanni Cuevas & Natalie Carranza. Eighth grade- Sofia Hoffman & Rebeca Barajas
Safe Environment Train- ing - The Diocese requires all volunteers to be “Safe En- vironment Cleared”. No one will be allowed to participate in school sports, field trips, class parties, etc., until they have been cleared through the Diocese. The following requirements must be met before volunteering: *Finger- printed: You must be finger-
printed through the Diocese of Fresno. Please pick up the form in the front office. This is done only one time.
*SE Training: You must complete the online course Protecting Children in the 21st Century. The website is https://safeandsacred-fresno. org. Print the certificate and bring it to the school office with $10.00. You do not have to complete this course every year.
*Code of Conduct: Sign and return the Code of Conduct to the school office. This must be done every school year. Copies are available in the school office.
Dates to Remember: January 17th & 18th Parent Teacher
(Early Release 12:30pm)
January 21st – No School (MLK Day)
January 26th – Walk for Life
January 27th - February 1st Catholic Schools Week
February 2nd- Annual
Benefit Auction
October 2018
FilePhotos /TheExponent
ABOVE: The annual Diaper Derby was held at Sierra View Homes in October, babies crawled to the finish line as parents cheered on from the sidenlines. The event is one of the more popular events in town.
BELOW: Students at Jefferson Elementary were given a lesson in dairy farms as a Mobile Dairy visited the campus.
Downtown DOINGS Volunteers make it possible
Come Join Sal’s for
between 11:00am and 4:00pm
November 2018
File Photos / The Exponent
ABOVE: Students and volunteers hiked up Campbell Mountain to help restore the capital R on the side of the mountain. The group of volunteers hiked more than one hour to reach the top of the moun- tain.
File Photos / The Exponent
ABOVE: SilasBartschSchoolcelebratedtheir10yearanniversaryin November, students formed the number 10 and posed for photos.
3 Years Running! 2014, 2015 & 2017
OPEN 6 A.M. TO 10 P.M.
Home of Dinuba’s Original Early Bird Early Bird Specials Served Daily from 6 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
It was all about thanking the community and showing appreciation for those who have helped the local senior programs by volunteering their time and efforts.
This was the theme at the annual volunteer appre- ciation luncheon on Dec. 11.
"We gave certificates of appreciation to our senior volunteers who help with our gleaners program and lunch program," said Senior Center Coordinator, Chris- tina Ontiveros. "Our city manager, the mayor and community services direc- tor signed the certificates."
Ontiveros added that it's because of the volunteers that these types of pro- grams are made possible.
She said it's these volun- teers who pick up fruits and vegtables from local farm- ers as well as the breads and danishes at Save Mart supermarkets.
"Our lunch volunteers help with our congregate meal program, setting up, serving and clean up for our daily lunches served at the senior center."
Ontiveros added that appreciation plaques were also awarded to the Reed- ley Senior Commission, Inc. known as R.S.C.I for short, for sponsoring their monthly newsletter's mail- ing costs, their montly cel- ebrations, the Gleaner's Program, the Diaper Derby, senior prom, and other spe- cial luncheons.
"We would also like to
thank the Reedley Y.M.C.A. committee for sponsoring Se- nior Prom, the Blossom Trail Photography for sponsor- ing our senior prom. Denny Mason takes wonderful pho- tographs of our seniors that attend as a keepsake of the prom." she said. "Reedley Ro- tary has sponsored our senior volunteers by chartering a bus for them to attend a special luncheon at Clovis Memorial, they sponsored a BBQ for our seniors and provided Thanks- giving Baskets to seniors that attend our center. The Lions Club sponsored a BBQ for our seniors on our senior pa- tio and also at Mueller Park. They replaced our patio can- opy so our senior could enjoy having lunch with shade cov- er. Golden Living Center has sponsored our monthly Ice Cream Social for many years, way before I started."
Ontiveros said this is a wonderful time for the social- iztion of local seniors. She added that Sierra View Homes luncheons are just a small ex- ample of the genorisity shown by Sierra View Homes.
"We have three luncheons that are held in the California Room for 100. Sierra View has provide our main and side dish for 3 years and will con- tinue to provide this for our senior community in 2019 as well," she said. "It is going on 6 years that our Senior Prom will be held at Sierra View. So much work goes into making the senior prom so special. Sierra View also sponsors our yearly diaper derby, and we are thankful for all of that."
Enchilada & lunch size
tostada a la carte 76.49
Dine-In Only
Lunch size chili verde quesadilla
beans and rice
Lunch size  our enchilada
beans and rice
Farm Fresh Country Breakfast
Fresh Baked Biscuit and Gravy with 2 Large Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage
Bacon or Sausage & Eggs
2 Large Eggs with your choice of Bacon or Sausage, Served with Hash Browns and Toast
French Toast Combo
3 Slices of Thick French Toast with 2 Large Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage
Hot Cakes Combo
2 Big Hot Cakes, 2 Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage
Any 1
Emergency Medical Technician I Course
Sequoia Safety Council has openings for the Emergency Medical Technician course begin- ning February 4, 2019. Classes are Monday and Wednesday evenings with occasional Saturday classes.  is course ful lls the medical train-
ing prerequisite required by  re academies and prepares students to work in the ambulance, hospital emergency department, and other  rst responder industries.  e course is accredited through the Central Cali- fornia EMS Agency and the National Registry for EMT’s. Course tuition is $850 and includes CPR certi cation and books. Must be at least 18 years of age. Please call or stop by our o ce to register.
Sequoia Safety Council Headquarters located at 500 E. 11th Street in Reedley or call (559) 638-9995.
Haveastoryidea? CallJuanitaAdame 559- 638-2244
Hand held burrito (choice of two  llings) served with beans and
rice 6.49 7.49
76.49 Friday:
$ 85 1
ird Breakfast
served with beans and
Selma Location Only
2163 Park Street, 559-896-SALS (7257
910 North Alta DINUBA
Lunch size  our taco rice 67.49
Coffee with any Early Bird Breakfast
Early B5 $
(559) 591-2122
(No Substitution or Take-Out on Early Bird Specials. No meal splitting please.)
   6   7   8   9   10