Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 12-5-19 E-edition
P. 7
The View From Here
Juanita Adame
Reedley's Christmas tree lights up downtown
After the
Mid Valley
Times goes
to print, our
staff will
gather for
what’s called
our ‘Editorial
We go over
our stories
and analyze what we could have done better or high- light what stories we felt were well thought out and perfectly executed.
It’s a common practice for most newsrooms to do this. And of course we also prepare for the upcoming week by previewing what stories we will be covering and what city we will be working in.
However, because last week was Thanksgiving and we were so incredibly busy, we skipped on our meeting. I didn’t have a chance to look at the paper in its entirety until a few days ago.
It's become a habit of mine to read over the paper and catch up on what stories my coworkers covered and re-read my stories as well to see what I could have also done better.
As I flipped through the A section, I came across the obituaries and was immedi- ately shocked and saddened to read the first name on the list.
Georgia (Sommer) Lin- scheid, 92 of Reedley.
It took my brain a mo- ment to process the sad fact that Georgia was gone. And almost immediately I was taken back to August 2018 and recalled the first time I met her.
I had been at the Expo- nent only a few weeks when the phone at my desk rang.
“Hi, this is Juanita,” I said.
“Hi Juanita, my name is Georgia Linscheid, I am wondering if you’d be in- terested in joining us at the Burgess Hotel, a group of Si- erra View Homes residents will be touring it.”
I immediately agreed and remember our conversation was pleasant. She also made it a point to spell her last name for me. I toured the hotel with the group from Sierra View Homes and had a great time chatting with them.
See COLUMN on page A8
Photo by Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Publishing
Reedley's Christmas tree lighting ceremony was held on Nov. 30 in downtown Reedley with more than one hundred people in atten- dance.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
The soft voice of Mia Bel- la Leal singing “Silent Night” echoed through several loud speakers in Reedley’s down- town as small white candles were lit and handed out to families who attended the city’s annual Tree Lighting Ceremony on the evening of Nov. 30.
“We started with a Christ- mas message at the Pioneer Park gazebo given by Nick Jones, pastor of the Redeem- er’s Church,” said Erik Valen-
cia, executive director for the Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce. “From there the crowd caroled down G Street to the Tree at 11th & G.”
See TREE on page A7
Danny Jimenez / Photo Contributed
Mia Bella Leal sang "Silent Night" shortly before the city's Christmas tree was lit during Reedley's annual ceremony on Nov. 30.
“Watching the tree light up and realizing the whole experience is about more
than just a tree.”
- Erik Valencia
Military Banners presented to service personnel in Sanger
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
The City of Sanger held a Military Banner Presentation Ceremony on the evening of Dec. 2.
The event took place to rec- ognize local service personnel and their families for their duty to the country.
"We know that many of you took time from your jobs or families to attend tonight's event," said Frank Gonzalez, mayor of Sanger. "We thank every one for attending tonight and showing their support."
More than twenty lo- cal families were honored. The banners are displayed throughout town and have the name of the service member, the branch of Military and the years they served.
A reception followed the ceremony. More than one hun- dred family members attend- ed. The program also honored the memory of fallen soldiers, and presentation of colors.
Photo by Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Publishing
Eli Ontiveros, council member for the city of Sanger shook hands with family membes of Military service personnel during the ceremony.