Page 6 - Reedley Exponent 8-2-18 E-edition
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“It’s time to head to
the band concert!” Every ursday evening for six weeks out of the sum-
mer there is a group of eager people waiting to board the bus. e sum- mer activity list for Sierra View Homes Retirement Community includes the Kingsburg Summer Band Concerts. ere is never
a problem lling the bus and often there is a waiting list hoping someone will back out. Even when the
By Ro Linscheid
peanut brittle top the list of summer avors.
We are fortunate to be able to enjoy the Kings- burg Band. It is believed that this band is one of the oldest bands in the United States having been founded in 1887. e band is made up of professional and semiprofessional musicians coming from as far away
as Los Banos to perform music by great composers.
For me going to the summer concerts takes
me back to my childhood in the Midwest when my family would go to the
park to listen to the band. My father played trumpet or percussion in a several di erent community bands. ese summer band con- certs instilled a deep love of band music for both my sister and me. We both
played instruments in our high school bands. My sister went on to college, majored in the clarinet, and played in several commu- nity bands.
Since I have strong memories of attending summer band concerts, I thought I would ask several people in the Sierra View Community, for their rea- son for attending. LaVada Brandt told me “I enjoy instrumental music. My family has always been musical and music was im- portant in our house. Dad was a self-taught musician on several instruments and I played piano.” LaVada enjoys the outdoor venue and visiting with friends. “I just love the whole pack- age,” She told me.
band concerts?” Her reply was “My husband played in the Selma Band many years ago. I played French Horn in my High School Band so I have grown to love band music.” She went on to tell me that she enjoys going to the park and meeting old and new friends and the best part
is being part of a group who can enjoy the concerts together.
Annie Sawatzky ex- pressed how good it feels to spend time with friends out under the evening
sky. She states,”Music has always been very important to me. I just love music.” “Going to the summer band concerts gives me great pleasure, I just love it.”
Summer Band Concert Time
temperature soars, there are people who want to be at the concert. e enjoy- ment of the outdoor band concerts keeps these folks
Now What?
signing up for the next one. Each person is anxious
to hear music that brings happy memories, lifts the spirit and gives a feeling of contentment.
Summer band concerts provide a wonderful place to relax, enjoy the outdoors and listen to some toe- tapping music as you watch the sun go down. It pro- vides a great way to visit with friends and taste the avors of summer Kettle corn, ice cream, banana avored shaved ice and
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I asked Janet Foote, “Why do you attend the
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