Page 8 - Reedley Exponent 8-2-18 E-edition
P. 8
The Reedley Exponent A8 Thursday, August 2, 2018
Reedley firefighters at Ferguson Fire
CRASH Continued from page A1
County. But both had a deep connection to Reedley.
Avila starred in football and baseball at Reedley Col- lege in 1960 and 1961. He was inducted into the col- lege’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2006, and won acclaim for his play in both sports. He later coached at Laton and Hanford high schools, and was the varsity head football coach at Hanford High from 1971 to 1974.
However, it was fast- pitch softball where Avila excelled at the highest level. He played at the open divi- sion level for 18 years, and was a two-time All-Ameri- can. He was inducted into the International Softball Congress’ Hall of Fame in 2010. He played for travel teams in multiple cities.
After his playing and coaching career, Avila ran a longtime insurance agency in Hanford.
Hanning was the owner and chief executive officer for Swage Kings Well Re- pair Company in Hanford. He attended Immanuel High School for four years, graduating in 2004.
Ryan Wood, super- intendent for Immanuel Schools, said he was one of Hanning’s teachers right before Wood moved into administration at the school.
“He was a good kid who had a great sense of humor,” Wood said of Hanning. “He laughed a lot and didn’t take himself too serious. He was liked by teachers and stu- dents and was a good all- around kid.”
Hanning excelled in golf, earning four varsity letters and all-league rec- ognition with the Eagles. He later golfed for two seasons at Reedley College.
After graduating from UCLA, Hanning began a successful career as a young business owner. At the same time, he continued golfing on a recreational competitive basis. He, Sie- gel and Avila reportedly were returning from a tour- nament in Reno, Nev. when the accident happened.
Hanning is survived by his wife and two young children.
The California Highway Patrol said in a news release that it wasn’t known if drugs or alcohol played a role in the accident. The crash re- mains under investigation.
Mayor Anita Betancourt cuts a ceremonial ribbon as she stands with Gina Falcon, left, program coordinator with Champi- ons for Change, during a fruit and vegetable expo at Town & Country Market in Reedley on July 28. The event is designed to pro- mote healthier lifestyles and eating options for low-income residents.
Champions for Change / Photo Contributed
Four members of the Reedley Fire Department and station engine 531 have been in the Mariposa area for more than two weeks helping tofighttheFergusonFire.EngineerFabianMorales andfirefighters Arturo Gonzales, Jeremy Luther and Noah Montes have helped clear brush and set defensive lines against the blaze that started on July 13 intheSierraNationalForest. Morethan3,600firepersonnelfeaturing more than 200 engines, nearly 50 water tenders and 14 helicopters are battling the blaze, according to the Ferguson Fire incident online page.
TOP: In a shot titled “unintimidated,’ firefighters Jeremy Luther and Noah Montes watch the hills as they work on setting up a fireline.
ABOVE: The Reedley Fire Department’s engine 531 is parked near the scene of part of the Ferguson Fire.
ABOVE RIGHT: Three of the firefighters watch the crestline as smoke rises from flames on the other side of the hill.
RIGHT: From left are rookie Firefighter Noah Montes, Firefighter Jeremy Luther, Firefighter Arturo Gonzales, Engineer Fabian Morales.
Engineer Fabian Morales, Reedley Fire Department / Photos Contributed
CHAMPIONS Continued from page A2
Market event included food sampling, zumba dancing, and educational resources for fami- lies. A healthy checkout line was also opened that offers fresh fruit instead of gum and candy for last minute impulse buys. Two radio stations broadcast live from the fruit and vegeta- ble expo: B95 iHeartRadio and KMAK 100.3 Radio La Unika Mexicana.
Champions for Change also works with Kings Canyon Uni- fied School District providing classrooms with the “Harvest of the Month” program which
offers free fruit samples to stu- dents along with educational curriculum.
Falcon said at least half of each meal should consist of col- orful fruits and vegetables.
Reedley Mayor Anita Be- tancourt attended the fruit and vegetable expo on Saturday. She is concerned about childhood obesity.
“Alotofusgrewupinadif- ferent era and are realizing that the food we grew up eating is not healthy for us,” Betancourt said.
Betancourt said Champions for Change is making a differ- ence in the community.
“As mayor, it is my responsi-
bility to make sure that Reedley is a safe and healthy commu- nity,” she said. “Champions for Change is really helpful. They offer opportunities for exercise and eating right.”
Town & Country Market manager Rigo Batalla said he is excited to partner with Champi- ons for Change.
“We believe that there needs to be a change in this community,” he said. “We need healthier people in the com- munity, especially kids. That is one of the main reasons we are teaching families how to eat healthy, consume less sugar, and participate in more physi- cal activity.”
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$2,995.00 includes national certification exam Call 1-800-927-5159 to register
$2,995.00 includes national certification exam Call 1-800-927-5159 to register
Course is free. The estimated costs for DMV & CHP tests, license and nger prints is $170. Must call to sign up for informational session