Page 5 - Mid Valley Times 3-4-21 E-edition
P. 5
Thursday, March 4, 2021 | A5 | Mid Valley TiMes
DINUBA Continued from page A3
El Monte Way at 7:01 p.m.
Wednesday, February 24
• A gray Chrysler was reported driving at a high rate of speed and running stop signs in the ar- ea of Olive and Randle avenues at 1:38 a.m.
• A woman reported a subject in a white Tacoma truck was following her and her daughter as they were walking in the 800 block of Bellis Avenue at 10:19 a.m.
• The theft of a rear license plate was called in to police at 4:49 p.m.
• A non-injury traffic collision involving two vehicles occurred at 5:17 p.m. in the area of Col- lege and Sierra avenues.
• A woman said a suspicious subject put money on her wind- shield in the 600 block of Lilac Avenue at 8:58 p.m.
Thursday, February 25
• A non-injury hit and run traf- fic collision was reported at 5:57 a.m. in the 300 block of Sue Av- enue.
• A residential burglary was re- ported in the 1100 block of Sec- ond Avenue at 1:32 p.m.
• A disturbance involving an older man was reported at 3:14 p.m. in the 2100 block of East El Monte Way.
• A transient was reported tres-
passing through the rear of a residence in the 400 block of Whitney Avenue at 3:42 p.m.
• The theft of a wallet was reported at 9:38 p.m. at the Walmart in the 700 block of West El Monte Way.
Friday, February 26
• A non-injury traffic collision occurred at 9:36 a.m. in the area of College and Kamm avenues. • A fire was reported at Ne- braska and Euclid avenues at 12:22 p.m. The reporting party saw smoke on the north side of Nebraska Avenue.
• A man was seen walking around looking into vehicles in the area of Crawford and Davis avenues at 4:13 p.m. He was last seen shirtless with a tattoo on his back.
• Two males were involved in a verbal disturbance at 4:57 p.m. in the 500 block of North Craw- ford Avenue. No weapons were seen.
• Officers were alerted at 7:16 p.m. of a be-on-looking for a possible shots fired involving a black Chevrolet Camaro with tinted windows.
• An injury traffic accident in- volving vehicle and pedestrian was reported at 7:27 p.m. on the corner of Echo and Crawford avenues.
Saturday, February 27
• Vehicle vandalism was report- ed at 7:46 a.m. in the 1400 block
of North Crawford Avenue.
• A non-injury hit and run acci- dent was reported at 8:57 a.m. in the 1200 block of Michelle Drive.
• A suspicious person was seen looking into vehicles at 6:39 p.m. in the east side of the Walmart parking lot.
• A possible DUI involving a vehicle swerving and hitting brakes was reported at 6:54 p.m. driving east on Avenue 416 and Road 68.
• An assault was reported at 9:15 p.m. in the area off Academy and College Way.
Sunday, February 28
• Three to five shots were re- ported in the area of Kamm Av- enue and O Street at 12:04 a.m. • Multiple subjects were re- ported fighting inside Camaron Pelado at 12:37 a.m. in the 1500 block of East El Monte Way.
• Vehicle vandalism was report- ed at 8:54 a.m. in the 100 block of Whitney Avenue.
• Smoke was reported coming out of an outlet of a residence in the 1400 block of East Sher- man Avenue at 1:56 p.m.
• A disturbance involving a woman yelling an holding a crowbar was reported in the 1000 block of Golden Way at 8:26 p.m.
• A report of fires near an or- chard in the area of Crawford Avenue and El Monte Way was reported at 8:57 p.m.
Fresno County Sheriff's Office / Photo Contributed
A truck was set up to tow the tractor that overturned on March 1, killing Sanger farmer Robert Huey. The 82-year-old Huey was disking his almond orchard near Tulare and New- mark avenues when his tractor tipped off an embankment and overturned, killing him.
Farming accident kills Sanger man
SANGER Continued from page A3
possession and an out- standing warrant.
• Officers made a do- mestic violence arrest in the 800 block of Hoag Avenue.
• A missing persons re- port was filed in the 600 block of Edgar Avenue. • A stolen vehicle was reported in the 1800 block of Swan Avenue. • Officers responded to a general incident re- garding a medical call in the 900 block of J Street. • A civil dispute was re- ported in the 800 block of O Street.
• A vehicle was repos- sessed in the 2000 block of Magnolia Avenue.
• A welfare check in the 2100 block of Sterling Avenue resulted in a de- ceased person (elderly female with prior medi- cal conditions).
Thursday, February 25
There were 141 calls for service and nine traf- fic citations were issued. • Officers responded to report of a dog bit in the area of Academy and Annadale avenues.
• A mental health report was taken in the 2700 block of Jensen Avenue. • Officers arrested a
suspect for possession of shaved keys in the area of Quality and Magnolia avenues.
• A vehicle was repos- sessed in the 800 block of DeWitt Avenue.
• Officers responded to a child custody dispute in the 1600 block of J Street.
Friday, February 26
There were 107 calls for service and 26 traffic citations were issued.
• A drug parapherna- lia/outstanding warrant arrest occurred in the 1200 block of Academy Avenue.
• A vehicle burglary oc- curred in the 900 block of O Street.
• Officers responded to a hit and run vehicle crash in the 800 block of Rawson Avenue.
• Officers worked with another agency on fol- low up to an identifica- tion theft report in the 2700 block of Jensen Avenue.
• A subject check in the area of Church and Rea- gan avenues resulted in a warrant arrest.
• A subject check in the area of 7th and Academy avenues resulted in a warrant arrest.
• Officers responded to a report of a vehicle bur-
glary with felony evad- ing in the 2600 block of Jensen Avenue.
• Assault with a deadly weapon was reported in the 800 block of Annad- ale Avenue. An investi- gation was ongoing.
• Officers made two ar- rests for brandishing a firearm in the 900 block of Q Street.
• A vehicle theft was re- ported in the 800 block of O Street. The vehicle was recovered.
• A vehicle theft was re- ported in the 900 block of O Street.
Saturday, February 27
There were 67 calls for service and no traffic citations were issued.
• Officers responded to an assault with a deadly weapon report in the 2600
block of Casty Court. One arrest was made.
• A stolen vehicle was reported in the 2100 block of Palm Avenue.
• Officers conducted a field interview in the 2700 block of Jensen Avenue.
• Officers made an ar- rest for felony domestic violence in the 900 block of 2nd Street.
• Shots reportedly were fired at an occupied vehicle in the area of Church and L streets.
• A domestic distur- bance in the 900 block of Harriett Avenue re- sulted in an arrest.
• Officers responded to a family disturbance in the 500 block of P Street.
Sunday, February 28
There were 56 calls
for service and four traf- fic citations were issued. • Officers recovered a stolen vehicle in the 300 block of Greenwood Av- enue.
• A report of a previous battery was taken in the 100 block of Academy Avenue.
• Officers responded to a general incident report in the 900 block of Acad- emy AVenu
MVT Staff Report
An 82-year-old Sanger farmer died on March 1 after this tractor over- turned and pinned him underneath.
Robert Huey, who owned the property near East Tulare and North Newmark avenues, north of Highway 180 and south of Belmont Avenue.
The Fresno County Sheriff's Office reported that Huey was disking his
almond orchard shortly before 2:30 p.m. when the tractor he was driv- ing somehow slid off an embankment and rolled into a dry ditch. The trac- tor overturned, pinning Huey beneath the indus- trial vehicle.
Sheriff's officials said Huey's wife went to check on him when he didn't come home for lunch. After finding him,
SeeACCIDENTonpage A6
• A missing person was reported in the 1800 block of Diamond Av- enue. The person later was located.
• Officers responded to a restraining order viola- tion in the 400 block of K Street.
• Assault with a deadly weapon was reported in the 400 block of K Street. One person was arrested.
Kings River UESD TK/Kindergarten Registration March1&March8at
New London Child Development Center
March 15 at Kings River School
Kings River Union Elementary School District is planning three registration sessions for parents whose children will be entering Kindergarten in the fall. Registration at New London Child Development Center will be held on March 1 & March 8 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Parents must call the New London CDC at 595-0317 to make an appointment. Registration at Kings River School will be held on March 15 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00p.m. Appointments to register can be made by calling the school at 897-7209.
In order to enroll in Kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year, children must be age 5 on or before September 1, 2021. If your child turns 5 between September 2, 2021 – March 15, 2022 and you would like to enroll your child in Transitional Kindergarten, please contact Kings River School.
To register their children, parents must provide:
• The child’s birth, hospital or baptismal certificate to verify date of birth;
• Immunization records showing up-to-date vaccinations for polio, DPT, MMR, varicella and hepatitis B, along with a current tuberculosis skin test with results.
• A complete and current physical and dental exam.
• Telephone numbers for home, parents place of
employment and a family physician;
• Proof of residence in the Kings River Union School
District (utility bill, rent or mortgage receipts are sufficient
proof of residence).
A child will not be enrolled without these documents.
Matriculación del Kínder/Kínder de Transición Distrito Escolar Primario Kings River Union Marzo1&Marzo8enel
Centro Pre-Escolar de New London
Marzo 15 en la Escuela Kings River
El Distrito Escolar Primario Kings River Union está planeando tres sesiones de matriculación para padres cuyos hijos comenzaran en el Kínder este otoño. La matriculación se llevará a cabo en el Centro Pre-Escolar de New London el 1 y 8 de Marzo de 8:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. Los padres deben llamar al Centro Pre-Escolar de London al 595- 0317 para hacer una cita. La matriculación en la Escuela Kings River será el 15 de Marzo de 8:00 a.m. a 12:00p.m. Llame al 897-7209 para hacer una cita.
Para matricularse en el Kínder para el ciclo escolar 2021-2022, niños deben tener 5 años de edad para el o antes del 1 de Septiembre 2021. Si su hijo cumple 5 años de edad entre las fechas del 2 de Septiembre, 2021 al 15 de Marzo, 2022 y a usted le gustaría matricular a su hijo en el Kínder de Transición, favor de ponerse en contacto con la escuela Kings River.
Para matricular a sus niños, los padres deben proveer:
• Acta de nacimiento, del hospital o bautizo del niño/a para verificar la fecha de nacimiento;
• Registro de vacunación mostrando vacunas al corriente para polio, DPT, MMR, varicela y hepatitis B al igual que un examen de Tuberculosis con los resultados;
• Un examen físico y dental completo y al corriente;
• Números de teléfono para el hogar, lugar de empleo
de los padres y médico de familia.
• Prueba que reside dentro del Distrito Escolar Primario
Kings River (factura de utilidades, recibo de renta o
hipotecario son suficiente prueba de residencia).
No podemos matricular niños sin estas verificaciones.
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