Page 11 - Mid Valley Times 7-18-19 E-edition
P. 11
Thursday, July 18, 2019 | A11 | Mid Valley TiMes Young readers visit Dinuba Fire
Photo contributed / Mid Valley Times
Children participating in the Dinuba Branch Library’s Summer Reading Program got a special treat on July 10, as they paid a visit to the nearby Dinuba Fire Station. Those attending, which were many, received a full tour of the station and even had a chance to use some of the equipment. Oliver Serna, above, was one child who took advantage of the station tour as he was able to hold and spray a firefighter hose.
Children and their par- ents gathered to learn about the Tulare County Sheriffs Junior Explorer and Ex- plorer programs during a recruitment meeting held July 9 at Tulare County Sheriff’s Office Headquar- ters in Visalia, as the office is currently recruiting for the program.
Kids, ages 10-13, are en- couraged to become Junior Explorers. The Junior Ex- plorer Youth Development Program reaches out to un- derprivileged children who are trying their best to get good grades, stay out of trou- ble and be good role models.
Junior Explorers inter- act with Deputies and Ex- plorers at several events each year, including the Tulare County Fair Parade
and Kids Day at the Fair, Holiday Party and a Camp- ing Trip at the Central Coast.
Teens through young adults, ages 14-20, who are interested in law enforce- ment and serving their community, are invited to become Sheriff’s Explorers. Explorers meet weekly at the substation nearest their homes. Some typical activi- ties include uniformed pa- trol ride-alongs, classes on law enforcement topics and interacting with the public during street fairs, parades, or other civic events.
The Explorer Program is administered by the Tu- lare County Sheriff ’s Of- fice as a branch of the Boy Scouts of America. For more information, contact Cpl. Monse Meza at (559) 804-7284.
From left, Clint Vance, Geary Baxter, David Navarette and Jim Anderson. Baxter and Navarette, both Vietnam era veterans, are the newest members of the Sanger VFW Post 7168.
Sanger VFW Post 7168 welcomes two new members
MVT Staff Report
Sanger VFW Post 7168 newest mem- bers — 101st Airborne veteran Geary Baxter and Navy veteran David Nava- rette, who both served during the Viet- nam era — were welcomed aboard at the July 6 monthly breakfast meeting
of the post.
Post commander Clint Vance and
quartermaster Jim Anderson and the rest of the post members and guests put down knives and forks long enough to applaud and shake hands with the new members before going back to their pancakes, biscuits and sausage
gravy breakfast.
The public is always welcome to at-
tend the breakfasts, according to com- mander Vance. "For only $6 — that goes to support VFW community charitable activities — they can enjoy the best breakfast and good company in Sanger," he said.
Photo contributed / Mid Valley Times
Tulare County Sheriff's Office held a recruitment meeting for Ju- nior Explorers and Explorers in Visalia on July 9.
Tulare County seeks
Explorers, Jr. Explorers
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