Page 14 - Reedley Exponent 12-27-18 E-edition
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Senior Center NEWS
The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, December 27, 2018
Community CALENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to or fax to 559-638-5021.
Volunteers needed
We couldn't provide all the services we do without our volunteers. Did you know that volunteers’ lives increase by seven years?
Start the new year by vol- unteering at the senior center. We are in need of drivers for our Gleaners program. Tuesday mornings volunteers pick up vegetables and fruits from nearby farmers to give to seniors on Wednesday mornings. Also help is need- ed on Wednesday morning to set up for our distribution of bread, Danish, fruits and veg-
Help needed for our se-
nior lunch program. Monday – Friday we have a federally funded hot lunch program for seniors. We need help with set up, serving and clean up. You can pick a day you can come to help. Whether it’s one day a week or more we would ap- preciate you help. Call Chris- tina at (559) 637-4207 for more information.
A Special Invitation To You. Come Visit the Reedley Senior Center
Have you been by to vis- it the senior center lately? Whether this would be your first time or just haven’t been by for awhile, we invite you to stop by for coffee and Danish and maybe make a reserva- tion to have lunch here with us.Weopenat9amforcof- fee and Danish. We have bil- liards open from 9-11 am, you can work on a puzzle, watch TV or visit with friends.
Seniors 60 + can also sign up to enjoy a wonderful hot lunch that is served Monday- Friday at 11 am. WE all know that appetites are so much better when we eat in the company of others. Now is the time to make a resolution to start 2019 with the Reed- ley Senior Center as part of YOUR routine. Stop by and visit us.
Exercise Class
Specially designed for seniors. Shirley Festejo pro-
vides this
class FREE
on Monday
and Wednes-
day, 10:00
am in the
Room. Ex-
ercise Video
on Friday,
10:00 am in
the Redwood Room. No class on Monday, December 24
Ice Cream Social/So- cial de Halados Come join us for delicious ice cream on Wednesday, December 26 following lunch. All you need to bring is yourself and a friend. Thank you to Gold- en Living Center for provid- ing ice cream and toppings.
Ven u únite a nosotros para un Social de Helados. Todo lo que necesita es traer a ti mismo y un amigo. Pro- porcionaremos helado sin azúcar gratis, coberturas y golosinas.
Café Bistro / Billiards
Bring a friend and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and Danish and play a game of pool. Monday - Friday at 9am at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Cen- ter - Meals taste so much better when you can enjoy them in the company of
others! Join us in the Phil Hudson Senior Room at the Community Center week- days at 11:00 am (except holi- days) for a nutritious lunch and good time.
Senores Y Senoras
La Cuidad de Reedley les invita a visitar y participar en los programas de personas mayores. En el edificio del centro de la comunidad hay un cuarto especial para ust- edes.
Please note: if you may know a Spanish speaking per- son please pass this informa- tion on to them and encourage them to join us for lunch daily at 11 am. We are a Spanish speaking friendly center. They can call the center and ask for Christina.
Thank you!
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Celebrate Recovery. Re- deemer's Church. Details: (559) 859-8942.
First Monday of the month. 6:45 p.m. St. An- thony of Padua Catholic Daughters Court: Our Lady of Grace #2637. At St. An- thony of Padua Catholic Church, 1018 N. Frankwood Ave. Rosary is at 6:45 p.m.; the meetings begin at 7 p.m. For more details, please check the church's regular bulletin.
Second Tuesday of the month, 2 p.m. Caregiver Support Group. In the Com- munity Room at the Palm Village Retirement Com- munity, 703 W. Herbert Ave. This meeting gives caregiv- ers of a family member or friend with memory loss a time to meet for mutual emotional, educational and social support. Details: call (559) 638-6933.
Second Tuesday of the month, 6 p.m. The Blossom Trail A’s meets at Bristol Ranch (formerly Brooks Ranch), 1620 E. Manning Ave, for dinner and meet- ing. New members are wel- come. You don't have to own
a Model A to join. For more details, call Jerry Eitzen at (559) 638-8222.
Second Friday of the month, 9:30 a.m. Parkinson's Support Group. Palm Village Community Room, 703 W. Herbert Ave. Open to anyone with Parkinson's disease and/ or their caregivers. For de- tails, call (559) 638-6933 and ask for Norma Froese.
Third Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m. The Friends of the Library at the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. New mem- bers are welcome. For more details, call (559) 638-6476.
ricabyBillBryson. It.
Musica Viva will present the second feature of their 16th season of local musical performances with an Advent program on Tuesday, Decem- ber 11th at First Mennonite Church of Reedley.
Entitled "Meditations for the Season in Words and Music", the program will be comprised of readings and music for Advent and Christ- mas played by Susan Doering, violin and Dieter Wulfhorst, violoncello. The concert will be held at 7 pm. in the sanc- tuary of the First Mennonite Church, 12th & 'L' streets in
Reedley. The public is invited to attend this free event.
Dec. 17 Christmas Camp
Available Now- Dec 17 through January 4. No Camp Dec. 24, Dec. 25, and Jan. 1. Time: 7:45am-5:15pm Regis- ter at the Reedley Community Center Call for more informa- tion 637-4203
Family Dance Prom
Available now January 25th 2019 from 6:30pm-9:00pm -Couple tickets include dinner and photo, single tickets also available.Tickets available at the Reedley Community Cen- ter Call for more information 637-4203
Cheer Classes Available now begins January 9th 2019 8 weeks, 3:30pm-5:30pm Two classes available: Beginners (ages 4 and up) Intermediate (ages 7 and up) Register at the Reedley Community Cen- ter Call for more information 637-4203.
Hip Hop Dance Class-
Available Now! Begins Janu- ary 11th 2019. 8 weeks, no class Feb. 1st, 6:00pm-7:00pm Register at the Reedley Com- munity Center Call for more information (559) 637-4203
Tumbling - Available Now Begins January 8th & 10th
2019. 10 weeks. Four classes available- Tumbling 1, 2, 3, 4 Register at the Reedley Com- munity Center Call for more information (559) 637-4203
Dec. 30 - Tejano Music Legend and two time Grammy Winner; Little Joe Y La Famil- ia will be performing at the Dinuba Veteran's Memorial Hall, doors will open at 4pm. Concert will begain at 5pm until 7 pm. The Dinuba Veter- an's Memorial Hall is located at 249 S. Alta Drive in Dinuba. Cost is $40. All proceeds bene- fit the Western Regional Viet- nam Veteran's Memorial Wall. For more infuriation, contact Ruth Padilla at 559-696-0614 or Frank Nunez at 559-970-5177 or visit namWall or vvmwall-dinuba. The Western Regional Vietname Veteran's Memorial Wall Committee would like to thank the following sponsors, Cutler Food Mart, Valley Tax Service, Spanky's Hair Salon, La Esperanza Restaurant, and J&M Ibarra Organic Farms.
Christina Ontiveros
February 2019
Community Guide and Business Directory
Mid Valley Publishing is looking forward to working with all of you to produce a beautiful, informative and user-friendly publication that will bene t the entire community.  e guide, used by the public to locate products and services, will be made available to Reedley residents and visitors. It will be distributed at restaurants, placed in local hotel rooms and will also be distributed throughout the year at several events and locations.
 e guide is scheduled to be released in February of 2019. Janie Lucio, advertising executive with the Reedley Exponent, will be in contact with Reedley businesses and organizations over the next couple of months to discuss advertising opportunities. Please note that Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce Members receive a FREE listing in the directory and will also receive a discount on a purchased advertisement in the guide.
If you are interested in this advertising opportunity, you may contact Janie Lucio direct at: (559) 638-2244 or You can also contact the Chamber at (559) 638-3548 or
Call Janie Lucio at 638-2244 to Reserve Space! Deadline January 31, 2019
Have a story idea?
Call Juanita Adame
559-638- 2244
Environmental Assessment No. 2017-1, Annexation Application No. 2017-1,
General Plan Amendment Application 2017-1,
Ordinance 2019-001 (Pre-Zone Application No. 2017-1) & Tentative Subdivision Map No. 6178 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in accordance with Sections 65090 and 65091 (Planning and Zoning Law) of the Government Code; and, pursuant to the procedures of Title 10 of the Reedley Municipal Code, the City Council of
the City of Reedley will conduct a public hearing to consider the following:
1. Environmental Assessment No. 2017-1: Recommend that the City Council adopt the Mitigated Negative Dec- laration, dated November 8, 2018, prepared for Annexation Application No. 2017-1, Change of Zone Application No. 2017-1, General Plan Amendment Application No. 2017-1and Tentative Subdivision Map No. 6178.
2. Annexation Application No. 2017-1 Recommend that the City Council submit an application requesting the Fresno Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) to take proceedings to annex approximately 40 gross acres into the City of Reedley located on the northeast corner of Frankwood Avenue and South Avenue. The proposed annexation is adjacent to the existing City of Reedley City Limits and promotes orderly growth and development. 3. General Plan Amendment Application No. 2017-1 Recommend that the City Council approve the reclassi ca- tion of a 40-acre parcel from 20 acres of Low Density Residential and 20 acres of Medium Density Residential to be reclassi ed as 3 acres of Neighborhood Commercial and 37 acres of Low Density Residential. The commercially designated land is located in the southwestern corner of the project site.
4. Ordinance No. 2019-001 (Pre-Zone Application No. 2017-1) Recommend that the City Council approve the pre-zoning of a 40-acre parcel from agricultural use (AE-20) within Fresno County to 3 acres of CN Neighborhood Commercial and 37 acres of R-1-6 One Family Residential. The proposed zoning designations are consistent with the proposed general plan amendment.
5. Tentative Subdivision Map No. 6178 (Frankwood Commons) Recommend that the City Council approve the subdivision of land and proposed street dedications/improvements to accommodate for the above referenced uses. Proposed is 150 lots for single family homes from 6,480 to 11,946 square feet in area, one 3.01-acre lot for future commercial uses, one 1.60-acre lot for a storm water drainage basin, and  ve landscape strip outlots (approximately 19,023 square feet) adjacent to city right-of-way.
Date: Tuesday, January 8, 2019 Time: 7:00 p.m., or thereafter Place: City Hall Council Chamber
845 “G” Street, Reedley, CA 93654
The City Council Meeting Agenda will be available for review on the City of Reedley’s website at http://www.reedley.
com/ by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 4, 2019.
Any interested person may appear at the public hearing and present written testimony, or speak in favor or against the project proposal. If you challenge the above applications in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues, you, or someone else, raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Reedley City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing.
NOTE: Government Code Section 65091 (Planning and Zoning Law) requires that this notice be sent to owners of property within 300 feet of the subject property. The City of Reedley, Community Development Department has mailed this notice to the property owners within 350 feet of the project.
Additional information on the proposed application, including the environmental assessment, are available for public review and may be obtained from the Community Development Department, 1733 Ninth Street, Reedley, California 93654. Please contact Ellen Moore, Associate Planner at (559) 637-4200, ext. 222, or by email at ellen.moore@ for more information.
Assessor’s Parcel Number: 363-220-01
December 27, 2018
Send us your school news bulletins by noon Monday to be included on our Youth and Education page. Email to:
2019Community Guide & Business Directory

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