Page 13 - Reedley Exponent 5-10-18
P. 13
Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
Parents and other family members at Reedley High's first-ever College Signing Day take pictures of their seniors, who are head- ing to four-year universities and colleges in the fall. The event was held April 30.
Mondays, 11 a.m. Preschool Storytime. At the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. Stories, songs and crafts for 3- to 5-year-olds. With Linda Rotan, a library assistant. Through April 29. Details: (559) 638-2818.
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Celebrate Recovery. Re- deemer's Church. Details: (559) 859-8942.
First Monday of the month. 6:45 p.m. St. An- thony of Padua Catholic Daughters Court: Our Lady of Grace #2637.
At St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church, 1018 N. Frankwood Ave. Rosary is at 6:45 p.m.; the meetings begin at 7 p.m. For more details, please check the church's regular bulletin.
First Tuesday of the month. 10:30 a.m. Reedley Library Book Group. At the library, 1027 E St. The book to be discussed at the June meeting is “The Road to Character” by David Brooks.
Second Tuesday of the month, 2 p.m. Caregiver Support Group. In the Community Room at the Palm Village Retirement Community, 703 W. Her- bert Ave. This meeting gives caregivers of a fam- ily member or friend with memory loss a time to meet for mutual emotion- al, educational and social support. Details: call (559) 638-6933.
Second Tuesday of the month, 6 p.m. The Blos- som Trail A's meets at Bristol Ranch (formerly Brooks Ranch), 1620 E. Manning Ave. for dinner and meeting. New mem- bers are welcome. You don't have to own a Model A to join. For more de- tails, call Jerry Eitzen at (559) 638-8222.
Wednesdays, 11 a.m. “Come Play With Me” (for children from infants to 3 years old). At the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. De- tails: call (559) 638-2818.
Second Friday of the month, 9:30 a.m. Parkin- son's Support Group. Palm Village Community Room, 703 W. Herbert Ave. Open to anyone with Parkin- son's disease and/or their caregivers. For details, call (559) 638-6933 and ask for Norma Froese.
Third Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m. The
Friends of the Library. At the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. New members are welcome. For more de- tails, call (559) 638-6476.
Registration is under-
way for the Junior Gi- ants Summer Baseball program at through May 11. Through the Reedley Community Services Department. A free program for boys and girls ages 5-13. For de- tails, call (559) 637-4203.
Registration is underway for the city’s Adult Soft- ball program, through May 18. Register at the Reedley Community Cen- ter, 100 N. East Ave. Or, go online to http://www. community_services and then click on “Register Here.” For more details, call (559) 637-4203.
Swim lesson registration
opens May 14 through
the Reedley Community Services Department. Lesson begin June 18, with morning, afternoon and evening classes at the Reedley High School Aquatics Complex. Regis- ter at http://www.reedley. com/department/com- munity_services and then click on “Register Here.” For more information on dates and times, call (559) 637-4203.
Registration begins May 14 for the city of Reed- ley’s Summer Day Camp program. The camp will be offered June 18-Aug. 3, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave. Weekly and daily rates available. Register at department/community_ services and then click on “Register Here.” For more details on dates and times, call (559) 637-4203.
Summer Cheer Class will be offered by the Reed- ley Community Services Department. Registra- tion is underway. Classes start June 13 and meet every Wednesday through Aug. 8 (but no class on July 4). Beginner class is 3:30-4:30 p.m.; intermedi- ate class is 4:40-5:30 p.m. Register at www.reedley. com or at the Reedley Community Center, 100
N. East Ave. For more de- tails, call (559) 637-4203.
Tai Chi classes are avail- able at the Reedley Com- munity Center, 100 N.
East Ave. The class meets at 12:30 p.m. on Mondays. It's a year-round program. For adults of all ages. De- tails: call (559) 637-4203.
Lap Swim is available at the Reedley High School Aquatics Complex. Hours are 7:30-9:30 p.m. Mon- days, Wednesdays, Thurs- days (through May 31). Swim cards can be bought at the Reedley Communi- ty Center, 100 N. East Ave. You must pre-purchase
a swim card. For details, call (559) 637-4203.
Water Aerobics offered by the city of Reedley at the Reedley High School Aquatics Complex. Stu- dents must pre-register at the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave. Bobbi Monk is the instruc- tor. For details, call (559) 637-4203.
May 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Speaker Jessica Ham. Pre- sented by the Reedley Peace Center. Ham is a Fresno Pacific University student who will present her senior thesis “The Three Waves
of Feminism in the United States.” In Fellowship Hall, First Mennonite Church. Details: dfriesen0@gmail. com
May 12, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Annual Korky Kevork-
ian Memorial Barbecue and Fly In. At the Reed- ley Municipal Airport, 4557 S. Frankwood Ave. Admission is free. Guest speaker Dick DeKoning will speak at noon; he
will talk about helping to build Howard Hughes’ “Spruce Goose.” Event also includes free airplane rides (minimum age 8); free barbecue hot dog meal; and aircraft display. For more details, send an email to denise.phariss@ or call
(559) 637-4203.
May 15, 7 p.m. Musica
Viva concert. Featuring musicians Susan Doer- ing, Dieter Wulfhorst and Heidi Franklin. In the sanctuary of the First Mennonite Church, 12th and L streets. This is a free event.
May 12, 7 p.m. “Pops Concert - Best of Disney.” Presented by Fresno Paci c University San Joaquin Chorale. At the Clovis Uni ed Performing Arts Center, 2770 E. In- ternational Ave., Fresno. General admission is $10; $5 students and FPU com- munity including alumni cardholders; and children under age 12, free. Pay- able at the door. Details: go to sanjoaquinchorale. com or call (559) 453-2267.
May 19, 3 p.m. Reedley College Community Band concert. Entitled “Fea- turing ... The Band!” In the Reedley High School Performing Arts Theatre. Admission is free. The concert will feature songs showcasing instruments. Also band members who are band directors for their own ensembles will each direct part of a song.
May 19, 2-8 p.m. Mira- monte School Reunion. All former students, staff, family and friends are in- vited. At the Dunlap Com- munity Club. Event will include food, fun, raf e and more. Admission is free, but you must RSVP for $15 dinner, which will be catered by Twin Val- leys Restaurant. For more details, go online to mi- ramontegrizzlies.wixsite. com/reunion or call (559) 336-2658.
Continued from page B2
and a former Reedley High principal, was the evening’s keynote speaker. He talked to the students about three topics: self-discipline, tech- nology and “never forgetting where you came from.”
Campbell urged the se- niors to take seriously what attending a university or college demands – getting to classes, studying, and han- dling all the other responsi- bilities that come with the territory.
When it comes to tech- nology, he advised the se- niors to have face-to-face conversations and not rely on texts and emails. He also cautioned them to be careful what they post on social me- dia because those words are on the internet forever.
Finally, Campbell said the seniors should never forget were they came from and to respect their parents, siblings and guard- ians: “Don’t forget who got you here.”
As the event proceeded, each senior gave a written statement to RHS Assis- tant Principal Sergio Rodri- guez to read aloud as he or she walked up and onto the stage.
Many of the seniors – a number of whom are the first in their families to pursue a higher education – thanked their parents for believing in them and mo- tivating them. They also thanked teachers, counselors and friends.
When each student reached the microphone, Rodriguez would say their name followed by “will be attending ...”
Each senior then an- nounced the school while he or she held up the school’s pennant, greeted by ap- plause and cheers from the audience.
The student then signed a poster-size version of the individual signing docu- ments and took a seat at a table on stage.
Orozco spoke about how success comes in a variety of ways and how it doesn’t come easy, whether it’s in academics, sports or extra- curricular activities.
She described the long hours, long nights and forg- ing through, with the support of their parents, teachers, counselors and others.
“On behalf of the Class of 2018, I’d like to thank you all for pushing us ... and en- couraging us to follow our dreams,” Orozco said.
With all the honored se- niors on stage, they recited a “Pirate Commitment” to persevere in higher educa- tion, to graduate and to help at least one other student from the community. And, “no matter what, I commit to always reach higher for myself, for my family, for my community.”
“On behalf of the Class of 2018, I'd like to thank you all for pushing us ... and encouraging us to follow our dreams."
– Lorena Orozco, senior speaker at RHS' College Signing Day
As each student signed his or her personal signing document, festive green, white, gold and black bal- loons wafted down from the rafters onto the seniors.
Before the ceremony, Ra- chel Avila, mother of senior Jacklyn, talked about what this type of event means for her family – she could have been speaking for other par- ents with seniors in the Class of 2018.
Rachel talked about all the perseverance and effort that Jacklyn put in toward her future and how it all has led to higher education be- yond graduation.
“Now she gets to see it. We knew what was ahead if she just stuck to it,” Rachel said. “Now she gets to see it, and we get to sit back and watch her.”
Grayson is proud to announce the arrival of his little brother,
Maverick Dylan
The Reedley Exponent B5 Thursday, May 10. 2018
Community CALENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to or fax to 638-5021.
born on April 5, 2018
Straders Celebrate
75 Years
Carroll and Geraldine Strader will celebrate their 75th wedding anniversary on Saturday, May 12th from 2PM to 3PM, with an OPEN HOUSE in the Main Dining Room at Sierra View Homes, 1155 E. Spring eld, in Reedley. The family would like to extend an invitation to anyone knowing the Straders, who would like to attend and share in their celebration.
Carroll and Jerry, who were born and raised in Iowa, married
in Marion, Arkansas, on May 16, 1943, right after Jerry’s high school graduation, as Carroll was going into the service of his country. Jerry went to Washington D.C. to work for the FBI during this time.
Carroll came home, a World War II veteran, and later became a meat cutter. The couple moved with their young family from Iowa to California in 1950 and Carroll went to work as a Meat Manager for Justesen’s Grocery and later Food Bank Stores. They lived in Wasco, Shafter, and Sanger. In 1958, Carroll was transferred to Reedley as Meat Manager. He worked for Food Bank Stores until he and his friend and partner, Ted Farnesi, purchased the Food Bank Store in Dinuba and renamed it Shop & Save Grocery. Their building lease expired after 7 years and they closed the store. Carroll then went to work for New Holland Manufacturing, where he worked until his retire- ment.
Jerry was a homemaker while the children were young. Later, she loved working just doors from home at George’s Market, part time. Then she became secretary to the Librarian at Reedley College and worked there until she retired.
The Straders moved to Arizona in 1992, traveled the U.S.
in their 5th wheel for many years, and returned to Reedley in 2008 to live at the Sierra View Retirement Community, so they could be closer to their children and grandchildren.
The Straders have four children: Karen Durham & Diana Gaither (Chuck); all of Reedley; Drake Strader (Teri) of Kings- burg; and Deby Kirby (Jeff) of Mississippi; 12 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren.