Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 11-8-18 E-edition
P. 16

Photo Contributed
ABOVE:FrontRowfromleft- KristalOliver,JeanClemons,ForrestBrown.Backrowfromleft- JerryLin- scheid, Doreen Oken, Denise Phariss and Simon Helyer (Golden State YMCA)
After serving for more than 20 years, Forest Brown is retiring from his position as board member of the Reedley YMCA Committee.
“We’re so sorry to see him go, but we are grateful that Forest has given so much for so many years,” said Jean Clemons, YMCA spokesper- son.
“Forest is not only a val- ued member of our Commit- tee, but he’s really an icon in Reedley." Many people said they remembered him as Reedley's Chief of Police, or from the Reedley Lions Club, or a generous patron of so ma- ny charitable organizations.”
Brown has been instru-
"We're sorry to see him go, Forest has given so much for so many years."
– Jean Clemons YMCA
mental in helping the set-up and operation of the YMCA’s Pet and Storybook Parade, held the first Saturday in May of each year, as well as partici- pating in various leadership roles on the YMCA Commit- tee.
Brown, and his wife Kathy, said they will continue to sup- port the local YMCA and its
efforts to promote summer camp for Reedley children and families.
“I don’t even know what the Pet and Storybook Parade would look like without For- est and Kathy there,” Clem- ons said. “I would imagine they will be there next May to cheer on the children and make sure the rest of us do our jobs properly!”
The Reedley YMCA Com- mittee meets the last Wednes- day of each month for break- fast at Brook’s Ranch Restau- rant at 7 a.m.
The committee includes: Jean Clemons, Denise Pha- riss, Jerry Linscheid, Joyce Huebert, Doreen Oken, and Kristal Oliver.
The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, November 8, 2018
Photos Jon Earnest / The Exponent
ABOVE LEFT: The receptionist at The Exponent, Kate Isaak handed out candy to children on Halloween. ABOVE RIGHT: Business owners gave candy early in the afternoon to children who participated in the event. BELOw LEFT: A young participant dressed as Freddy Kruger during the annual Trick or Treat on G Street Event. BELOw CENTER: Shirley Azevedo gives a young girl dressed as wonder woman some Halloween Candy. BELOw RIGHT: Visitors to one of the businesses in downtown posed for a photo. (Photo Contributed)
Continued from page B2
YMCA's Forest Brown to retire from committee
Former police chief will continue service in community as well as in Storybook parade
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Laura Aguilera 10-28-86
5’ 7, 160 lbs. Second Degree Burglary Wart# F18906411
Santos Angulo 6-16-93
5’ 11, 160 lbs. Revocationof CommunitySupervision Wart# R16900316-3
Dustin Badasci 7-13-86
5’ 7, 160 lbs. Corporal Injury Spouse/Cohabitant Wart# F18900344
Manuel Felix 5-1-74
5’ 8, 210 lbs. Second Degree Burglary Wart# F14906102
Jose Figueroa 7-10-99
5’ 8, 130 lbs. Robbery Wart# F18907024
Jesse Garcia 3-23-94
5’ 5, 157 lbs. Corporal Injury Spouse/Cohabitant Wart# F18906709
Esperanza Mendoza 11-14-91
4’ 9, 164 lbs. DUI
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Charisse Rola 12-27-81
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Jesus Romero 9-27-85
5’ 7, 150 lbs. DUI
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Jorge Vargas 11-5-92
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