Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 1-17-19 E-edition
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Senior Valentine’s Luncheon - Tuesday, February 12 Join us on Tuesday,
February 12
for fun and
excitement at our Senior Lun- cheon!! Thank you Sierra View Homes for providing our main and side dish. We have wonderful door prizes for you to win. Seating is limited so please call (559) 637-4207 to make your reser- vation. Sponsored by Sierra View Homes, RSCI and the City of Reedley Community Services.
Volunteers needed
Start the new year by vol- unteering at the senior center. We are in need of drivers for our Gleaners program. Tues- day mornings volunteers pick up vegetables and fruits from nearby farmers to give to se- niors on Wednesday morn- ings.
Help is needed for our se- nior lunch program. Monday – Friday we have a federally funded hot lunch program for seniors. We need help with set up, serving and clean up. You can pick a day you can come to help. Whether it’s one day a week or more we would appreciate your help. We couldn't provide all the services we do without our volunteers. Call Christina at (559) 637-4207 for more in- formation.
A Special Invitation To You- Come Visit the Reedley Senior Center. Have you been by to visit the senior center lately? Whether this would be your first time or just haven’t
Send us your school news bulletins by noon Monday to be included on our Youth and Education page. Email to:
Farm Fresh Country Breakfast
Fresh Baked Biscuit and Gravy with 2 Large Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage
Bacon or Sausage & Eggs
2 Large Eggs with your choice of Bacon or Sausage, Served with Hash Browns and Toast
Coffee with any Early Bird Breakfast
Time To Vote for your Hometown Favorites!
Christina Ontiveros
Senior Center NEWS
Community CALENDAR
To submit an entry, send information to or fax to
been by for awhile we invite you to stop by for coffee and Danish and maybe make a reservation to have lunch here with us.
Weopenat9amforcof- fee and Danish. We have bil- liards open from 9-11 am, you can work on a puzzle, watch TV or visit with friends.
Seniors 60 + can also sign up to enjoy a wonderful hot lunch that is served Monday- Friday at 11 am. WE all know that appetites are so much better when we eat in the company of others. Now is the time to make a resolution to start 2019 with the Reed- ley Senior Center as part of YOUR routine. Try it, come by and visit us.
Ice Cream Social /So- cial de Halados - Thank you to Golden Living Center for providing ice cream and top- pings. Come join us for lunch, then following lunch our ice cream social on Wednesday, January 23. You can build your own sundae with all the wonderful toppings to chose from. All you need to bring is yourself and a friend.
Gracias al Oro Centro de Vida por patrocinar nuestros sociales de helados. Ven u únite a nosotros para un So- cial de Helados. Todo lo que necesita es traer a ti mismo y un amigo. Proporcionar- emos helado sin azúcar gra- tis, coberturas y golosinas. Este evento se llevará a cabo despus de lonche el miércoles 23 de enero en la Sala Princi- pal Phil
Exercise Class
Join an Exercise Class on Monday and Wednesday in the California Room from 10-11 am. Thank you Shirley for instructing the classes. We also have a video exer-
3 Years Running! 2014, 2015 & 2017
OPEN 6 A.M. TO 10 P.M.
Home of Dinuba’s Original Early Bird Early Bird Specials Served Daily from 6 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
cise class on Friday at 10 am in the California Room.
Tai Chi Class – Not just for seniors. Classes are held Mondays at 12:30 pm in the California Room. Class fee is $10 per month. Register at the community center office.
Computer Classes
Computer Literacy I & II has moved to Grant School. Call Reedley Adult School for more information. 305-7085
Lunch at the Senior Cen- ter- Meals taste so much bet- ter when you can enjoy them in the company of others! Join us in the Phil Hudson Se- nior Room at the Community Center weekdays at 11:00 am (except holidays) for a nutri- tious lunch and a good time.
This program is partially funded by the Fresno-Madera Area Agency on Aging. If you are 60 or older, a suggested donation of $2.00 is appreci- ated, however, not required. Reservations must be made by 11:00 am the weekday be- fore you plan to attend. Call 637-4207 for your reservation today.
La Ciudad de Reedley les invita a visitar y participar en los programas de perso- nas mayores. En el edificio del centro de la comunidad hay un cuarto especial para ustedes. Si tienen preguntas y necesitan informacion y asistencia les podremos ayu- dar de 9:30-11:30 am los dias de lunes a viernes.
Please note: if you may know a Spanish speaking person please pass this in- formation on to them and encourage them to join us for lunch daily at 11 am. We are a Spanish speaking friendly center. Ask them to call the Center and ask for Christina. Thank you!
Mondays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Celebrate Recovery. Re- deemer's Church. Details: (559) 859-8942.
First Monday of the month. 6:45 p.m. St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Daughters Court: Our Lady of Grace #2637. At St. Anthony of Pad- ua Catholic Church, 1018 N. Frankwood Ave. Rosary is at 6:45 p.m.; the meetings begin at 7 p.m. For more details, please check the church's regular bulletin.
Second Tuesday of the month, 2 p.m. Caregiver Support Group. In the Com- munity Room at the Palm Vil- lage Retirement Community, 703 W. Herbert Ave. This meeting gives caregivers of a family member or friend with memory loss a time to meet for mutual emotional, educational and social sup- port. Details: call (559) 638- 6933.
Second Tuesday of the month, 6 p.m. The Blossom Trail A’s meets at Bristol Ranch (formerly Brooks Ranch), 1620 E. Manning Ave, for dinner and meeting. New members are welcome. You don't have to own a Mod- el A to join. For more details, call Jerry Eitzen at (559) 638- 8222.
Second Friday of the
month, 9:30 a.m. Parkinson's Support Group. Palm Village Community Room, 703 W. Herbert Ave. Open to anyone with Parkinson's disease and/ or their caregivers. For de- tails, call (559) 638-6933 and ask for Norma Froese.
Third Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m. The Friends of the Library at the Reedley Library, 1027 E St. New mem- bers are welcome. For more details, call (559) 638-6476. rica by Bill Bryson.
Palm Village Retirement Community Blood Drive Tuesday Jan 22, 2019 1 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Please call 559-638- 6933 to make an appointment. Lunch will be offered to those who take a tour before or af- ter donating blood
Family Dance Prom
Available now Janu- ary 25th 2019 from 6:30pm- 9:00pm -Couple tickets in- clude dinner and photo, single tickets also available.Tickets available at the Reedley Com- munity Center Call for more information 637-4203
Cheer Classes
Available now! They begin January 9th 2019 and continue for 8 weeks from 3:30pm-5:30pm.
Two classes available: Beginners (ages 4 and up) Intermediate (ages 7 and up)
Register at the Reedley Com- munity Center Call for more information 637-4203.
Hip Hop Dance Classes
Available Now! Classes be- gins January 11th 2019, and continue for 8 weeks. No class Feb. 1st, 6:00pm-7:00pm Register at the Reedley Com- munity Center Call for more information (559) 637-4203
Tumbling - Available Now! They begin January 8th & 10th 2019 and will continue for 10 weeks. Four classes will be available- Tumbling 1, 2, 3, 4. Register at the Reed- ley Community Center Call for more information (559) 637-4203
Coed Adult Basketball
Registration begins January 21st 2019. Mandatory manag- ers meeting: March 12th 2019. Games begin: March 19th 2019. Game times: 6:30pm, 7:30pm and 8:30pm. Register at the Reedley Community Center. For more information, call (559) 637-4203
Family Dance Prom
Available now- January 25th 2019 from 6:30 pm-9 p.m. Couple tickets include dinner and photo, single tickets also available. Tickets available at the Reedley Community Cen- ter Call for more information (559) 637-4203
French Toast Combo
3 Slices of Thick French Toast with 2 Large Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage
Hot Cakes Combo
2 Big Hot Cakes, 2 Eggs and your choice of Bacon or Sausage
Any 1
E a r l y B 5i r d B r e a k f a s t
$ 99
When “That will never happen
to me” happens.
I’m ready to help.
There’s never a good time
for an accident to happen. But when it does, you can count on me to be there quickly so you can get your life back to normal. GET TO A BETTER STATETM. CALL ME TODAY.
Have a story idea?
CallJuanitaAdameat (559)638-2244
Best Pizza _____________________________________
Best Breakfast __________________________________
Best Chinese ___________________________________
Best Bar _______________________________________
Best Steakhouse_________________________________
Best Mexican ___________________________________
Best Taco ______________________________________
Best Burrito____________________________________
Best Burger ____________________________________
Best Sandwich __________________________________
Best Sushi _____________________________________
Best Mediterranean______________________________
Best Bakery ____________________________________
Best Fine Dining ________________________________
Best Co ee ____________________________________
Best Ice Cream/Yogurt ___________________________
Best Auto Shop _________________________________
Best Mechanic __________________________________ (Name & Shop)
Best Car Salesperson_____________________________ (Name & Dealership)
Best Air Conditioning & Heating Repair _____________
Best Insurance Agency ___________________________
Best Insurance Agent ____________________________ (Name & Agency)
Best Mortgage Company__________________________
Best Real Estate O ce____________________________
Best Real Estate Agent____________________________ (Name & Agency)
Best  ri  Store ________________________________
Best Pharmacy _________________________________
Best Pharmacist_________________________________ (Name & Pharmacy)
______________________________________________ Best Funeral Home ______________________________ Best Doctor ____________________________________ Best Dentist____________________________________ Best Optical Service _____________________________ Best Retirement Community ______________________ Best Hangout___________________________________
Winners to be Announced on March 14th in the Reader’s Choice Tab
910 North Alta DINUBA
(No Substitution or Take-Out on Early Bird Specials. No meal splitting please.)
The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, January 17, 2018 Community News
(559) 591-2122
Best Server ____________________________________ (Name & Establishment)
Best Caterer____________________________________
Best Grocery Store ______________________________
Best Hardware Store _____________________________
Best Florist ____________________________________
Best Gi  Shop __________________________________
Best Boutique __________________________________
Best Bank _____________________________________
Best Bank Teller ________________________________ (Name & Branch)
Best Hair Salon _________________________________
Best Hair Stylist_________________________________ (Name & Salon)
Best Nail Salon _________________________________
Best Nail Tech __________________________________ (Name & Salon)
Best Pedicurist__________________________________ (Name & Salon)
______________________________________________ Best Barber ____________________________________ Best Fitness Center ______________________________ Best Tire Shop __________________________________

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