Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 3-28-19 E-edition
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ABOVE: JosephGonzalezaddressedtheKCUSDboardontheeveningofMarch12tosharetherecent accomplishment of two years with no work related injuries. The board congratulated the team and said without them it would not be possible to have such safe schools. ABOVE: SeveralKCUSDmaintenanceworkersposedforaphotoon the afternoon of March 21. ABOVE: FrankCarillo,thecustodialsupervisorforKCUSDsaidhe'd like to implement the safety rules in the custodial department as well. SAFETY Continued from page B1 in the hallway of the mainte- nance department is the elec- tronic “no injury” sign that, on March 21, read 754 accident free days. "Two years have gone by, so now, our focus is to contin- ue our safety record," said Jo- seph, KCUSD’s maintenance director. "So what we do, well the team, they're watching out for one another, so if they see a hazard, they will identify it, they'll address it, or they will let others know, hey there's a hazard here," Joseph said that every morning he gathers his team for a safety meeting. “It could be a foggy day, a rainy or even when it's ex- tremely hot, we go over about working in the heat, but every morning there's some type of safety reminder,” he said. David Martinez, one of the newer and younger employees of the team said Gonzalez is more than just a manager. "He's a perfect example of what a leader is suppose to be," Martinez said. "Look at him, he's like superman this guy. The only reason I know is because in the morning he goes to the gym.” "He gets up at four o'clock in the morning,” Martinez con- tinued. “He goes to the gym, he doesn't talk about that much. And then after that he's usually one of the first people to show up and arrive to work even before we're here.” Gonzalez and his team were at the March 12 KCUSD school board meeting where they were congratulated by the board and the superinten- dent for their achievement. "When the kids get to school, they are able to do what they do, day in and day out, ten thousand students because of what you guys do of what you set up," said John Campbell, KCUSD Superin- tendent. "What you clean, what you fix, what you make happen so, on behalf of the board and the ten thousand students and the district we just want to thank you guys for all that you do." Frank Carillo, the custo- dial supervisor at the district said that since Gonzalez ar- rived at the district, things have taken a turn for the bet- ter. "Again, before Joseph got here, it was totally different," he said. "It was a lot, no safe- ty record for sure that's one thing, that's the top one." Carillo also said that at- titudes were much differ- ent back then, no one really thought about safety. "They didn't pay attention to these things that we now have in place," he said. "Now we have a safety goal where they're more conscious of their surroundings. And how to take care of their jobs and other coworkers." Their next goal? Gonzalez said to continue their safety procedures and make it to the 2.5 year mark. Carillo said he would also like to implement the safety formula into the custodial department to help his team as well. "Our custodians they're stationed at a single school site," said Carillo. "I am work- ing on instilling this process with the custodial department as well." ABOVE: A group of index cards with positive traits, hang inside the office of Joseph Gonzalez. He said he makes it a point to abide by each of the traits to make his team better. The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, March 28, 2019 The R R ee ey is now on Facebook!! edl l E Ex xp pone en nt Go to our fan page to share your • Community Events • Videos • Photographs Also log in to view additional photos from current stories and events. Have a story idea? Call Juanita Adame at (559) 638- 2244 03530