Page 12 - Reedley Exponent 4-5-18 E-edition
P. 12
TheReedleyExponent B4Thursday,April5,2018
IHS releases 2018 football schedule
File Photo / The Exponent
ImmanuelHighSchoolrecentlyreleasedits2018footballschedule.TheEagleswillopentheseasonon the road against Roosevelt High School in Fresno on Friday, Aug. 17.
Staff Report
Immanuel High School recently released the teams football schedule for the 2018 season. Here is an early look at the Eagles schedule:
Immanuel High will open the season on Friday, August 17, against Roosevelt High School in Fresno.
They then will play Farm- ersville High School on Fri- day, Aug. 24, at the Immanuel High School Sports Complex.
The Eagles will have away games against Chow- chilla High, Quincy Junior- Senior High of Quincy, Men- dota High, Sierra High and ShermanIndianHighof Riv- erside.
Immanuel will host Cen- tral Valley Christian High on Sept. 14 and Liberty High on Oct.5 attheschool'ssports complex.
Chris Aguirre / The Exponent
Brady Barcellos, Reedley College Tigers pitcher, picked up the win against Saddleback College on March 26 at Reedley College
RC baseball beats Saddleback College
Pirates baseball finishes 1-3 at Easter Classic
Continued from page B3
able for the game. Immanuel beat Coalinga
High 11-3 on March 28 on the final day of the tourna- ment.
Bradley Collins-Dunn and Justin Paboojian each had three RBIs. Rosales had two RBIs and Chris Gurrola had one.
JT Friesen earned the win on the mound, pitching seven innings, allowing just one run, and striking out seven batters.
Immanuel played Dinu- ba High on April 4.
No score was available at presstime.
The Eagles will play Central Valley Christian on Friday, April 6, at the Immanuel High Sports Complex.
They then will play Kings- burg High School on Tuesday, April 10, at Kingsburg High.
IHS Softball
The Immanuel High Ea- gles softball team finished in fourth place at the Fowler Tournament held March 24, 26 and 27 in Fowler.
As of April 3, Immanuel was 11-5 overall.
The Eagles lost to Wash- ington Union High 11-1 on March 27 in the third-place game.
No statistics were avail- able for the game.
Immanuel will open Cen- tral Sequoia League play on Tuesday, April 10, against Kinsgburg High School in Kingsburg.
They then will play the Selma High Bears on Thurs- day, April 12, in Selma.
Photo Contributed / Reedley High track and field
Trinity Towes, Reedley High Pirates track athlete, competes at the Rafer Johnson Invitational on March 17 in Kingsburg.
Come Join Sal’s for
between 11:00am and 4:00pm
Continued from page B3
The Reedley High Pirates badminton team will play Fresno High on Monday, April 9, at Reedley High School.
They then will play Roo- sevelt High on Wednesday, April 11, in Fresno.
Look for the results of these matches in future edi- tions of The Exponent.
Chris Aguirre / The Exponent
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Cooper Morrison, Reedley College Tigers baseball player, bats against Saddleback College on March 26 at Reedley College.
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The Reedley High Pirates baseball team went 1-3 at the Fresno Easter Classic.
Reedley High lost to
San Joaquin Memorial 3-2 on March 28 at Buchanan High School in Clovis.
The Pirates lost to Chowchilla High 12-1 to open the tournament on March 26. They then beat Sierra High of Manteca 6-3 in the second game on March 26.
On March 27, the Pirates lost to Granite Bay 11-0.
LEFT: Justin Lopez, Reedley High shortstop, hits the ball during a game against San Joaquin Memorial on March 28 at Buchanan High.
Chris Aguirre / The Exponent
Staff Report
Brady Barcellos, Reed- ley College Tigers pitcher, threw seven innings – al- lowing no runs and strik- ing out five batters – to lead the Tigers to a 3-1 win over Saddleback College on March 26 in Reedley.
The Tigers then defeated Bakersfield College 10-4 on March 27 in Bakersfield.
On March 26, Kevin Page had two RBIs. Nick Martinez had one.
On March 27, Gabe Gri- jalva hit a home run and had three RBIs. Page and Josh Mares each had two RBIs, while Ty Bamford and Mitchell Crawford each had one.
Evan Sagariballa won the game on the mound pitching eight innings, al- lowing just three runs and striking out five batters.
The Tigers opened a three-game series against Fresno City College on April 3 at Reedley College.
No score was available at presstime.
They will continue the series against Fresno City College on Thursday, April
5, in Fresno. They end the series on Saturday, April 7, in Reedley.
They then play Porter- ville College on Tuesday, April 10, in Porterville.
RC Softball
The Reedley College Ti- gers softball team improved to 9-4 in the Central Valley Conference following a dou- bleheader sweep of West Hill-Coalinga on March 27 in Coalinga.
The Tigers won the first game 10-2 and won the sec- ond game 12-1.
In the first game, Em- ily Grimbleby picked up the win allowing just two runs and striking out 10 batters. Jessica Vegely had four RBIs.
In the second game, Grimbleby earned the win. Julia Jimenez, Madison Shu- bin, Lauren Costa and Veg- ely each had two RBIs.
Reedley College plays College of the Sequoias on Thursday, April 5, at Reed- ley College. They then will play a doubleheader against Taft College on Tuesday, April 10, at Reedley College.