Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 9-20-18 E-edition
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ABOVE: GuestssampleddessertsduringapastTasteoftheTowneventindowntownReedly.This year more than 20 vendors will be participating and organizers are expecting a good turnout.
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they are pleased with the amount of local business who will participate.
"We have gone around to Reedley businesses first, we approached every restau- rant that we can think of that sells food, beer and bakeries and gave them first chance," she said. "When we realized we weren't getting as many vendors as we needed, we branched out and went into Fowler, Kingsburg, Dinuba
and Cutler."
Henderson also added
there will be live entertain- ment by members of the River City Opera House as well as a car show and much more.
Vendors this year will include: Adventist Health, The Bear Club, Bobby Sala- zar’s Mexican Foods, Cedar View Winery, Costa Dorada Restaurant, David’s Dough- nuts to Go, El Viejon Bar and Grill, Fugazzis, Gerawan FarmingGolden Living Cen- ter, Kings River Winery, La Catrina Mexican Restaurant,
Lanna Coffee, Lori’s Country Corner, Palm Village Retire- ment Community, Ramos Torres Winery, Reedley Col- lege Agriculture Business, Rosa Brothers Milk Com- pany, Sierra View Homes, Sweet Destination, Three Finger Jack’s at Ridge Creek Golf Course, Uncle Harry’s Classic Meals, YR Pizza Planet, The Wakehouse, Wil- lie’s Cafe and Yoshi’s/Chinese & Japanese Cuisine & Sushi.
For more information on the event, contact (559) 856- 1222, or visit Reedleydown-
The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, September 20, 2018 Youth & Education
St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
Let your child grow with us! Catholic Based Educa- tion: The most important gift you will ever give your child.
It’s not too late to Regis- ter your child for the 2018- 2019 school year.
We believe a Catholic school education is the most important gift that parents will ever give their child.
We offer an opportunity for students to explore the many life paths enabling them to use their talents by serving the church and our community in various capaci- ties and make the world a better place. Catholic schools make a difference in every child’s life!
Our First fundraiser is around the corner. This is a great event where the students walk, jog, or run to show support for our school and raise awareness of the importance of having an active healthy lifestyle with positive choices. For this event we ask sponsors to support our efforts by pledging donations.
Pledges can be made on an "amount per lap" basis or can be collected at any time as a flat donation.
Our school uses all funds raised to directly benefit St. La Salle Students in the classrooms and throughout the school.
SoifyouseeaSt.La Salle student please take the opportunity to sponsor them this year! May God Bless You! Jog-a-Thon will be held Sept. 14.
Volleyball Tournament
Come join us for our an- nual girls' volleyball tourna- ment on Sept. 15, starting at 8 a.m. Junior High students from our local schools will be playing. Thank you in advance to our coaches and referees.
Student of the Month Awards - Congratulations to our August 2018 students of the month! TK- Faith Ech- everria,.Kindergarten; At- ticus Garcia. First grade; Kailani Akui Isaac Aguilar. Second grade; Addison Co- varrubias, Nathan Castel- lanos. Third grade; Landon Almendarez, Victoria Alanis. Fourth grade; Maria Palafox, Josiah Jimenez. Fifth grade; Jayden Cabello, Cesli Reyes. Sixth grade; Eric Contreras, Evelyn Medina. Seventh grade: Diana Avalos Angel Godinez. Eighth grade Amy Perez, Jessica Rivas.
Good Manner Awards
Congratulations to our August 2018 students award- ed with good manners- TK Aaliyah Argote. Kindergar- ten; Mikayla Garcia. First grade Aylin Avalos, Elijah Jimenez. Second grade, Mckenzie Lopez. Third grade; Matthew Galvan, Me- gan Reyes. Fourth grade; Analeigh Villegas, Rosio Romero-Ortega. Fifth grade; Miranda Valenzuela, Joseph Rojo-Flores. Sixth grade; Na- thaniel Rios, Perla Ramos. Seventh grade; Samantha Alanis, Benicio Lopez. Eighth grade; Sergio Sanchez, Domi- nic Adame.
Safe Environment Training
The Diocese requires all
volunteers to be “Safe En- vironment Cleared." No one will be allowed to participate in school sports, field trips, class parties, etc., until they have been cleared through the Diocese. The following requirements must be met before volunteering: *Finger- printed: You must be finger- printed through the Diocese of Fresno. Please pick up the form in the front office. This is done only one time.
*SE Training: You must complete the online course Protecting Children in the 21st Century. The website is https://safeandsacred-fresno. org. Print the certificate and bring it to the school office with $10. You do not have to complete this course every year.
*Code of Conduct: Sign and return the Code of Con- duct to the school office. This must be done every school year. Copies are available in the school office.
Enrollment still open
Enrollment for the 2018- 2019 school year at Immanu- el Schools is still open! If you are interested in enrolling your children for the upcom- ing year, you may pick up an enrollment packet from the District Office located at 1128 S. Reed Ave., Reedley, CA 93654. For more informa- tion about Immanuel Schools, call today at (559) 638- 2529. Visit our website at immanu- for up-to-date information on events. Im- manuel Schools – The differ- ence is life changing.
Athletics News
Girls Frosh/Soph, JV and Varsity Volleyball Teams com- pete today at 4 p.m. at Imman- uel against Exeter Union High School. Tomorrow, our jv and varsity football teams have an away game against Quincy Junior/Senior High School. JV kicks off at 5 p.m. Varsity at 7 p.m. Sep. 7, Girls tennis competes in the California Girls Tennis Classic, and Girls Varsity Volleyball competes in the Madera Classic. Sep. 8 our Coed Cross Country Team will run the Kingsburg 2-mile at 8 a.m.
Rally Day
We welcome Immanuel families and friends to come to our Rally Day Sep. 22. Join
us for a time of celebration of the new school year and two inductees into our Hall of Fame, hear this year’s fo- cus “For His Glory”, partake in a delicious free meal and so much more. There is no charge for this special eve- ning. We hope you will plan to attend.
5 p.m. Program in the Chapel (Hall of Fame Induct- ees, Choir Performance)
6 p.m. FREE Barbecue Dinner, Elementary Family Fun Night
7 p.m. Worship Time for- junior high and high schools, as well as a bonfire and smores.
then we'll just have them do two, and now everything seems to trickle down and my idea is to boost that back up."
His message might not always be received well but he will continue to teach it for anyone who will take it into consideration.
"The football guys, I've been with them longer the longer I'm with them the better it goes over because I don't change,” he said. “I am that still post, it's not moving, I'm not changing the way I train them."
File Photo / The Exponent
Photos by Juanita Adame/ The Exponent
ABOVE: Willaim Hamilton demonstrated a proper lifting tech- nique in the weight room at Reedley High on Sept. 12.
RIGHT: Notes written on a white board inside the weight room.
Continued from page B2
gy levels and performances on the field and in the class- room.
"We obviously struggle with weight in our country and we struggle with body fat, we struggle with diabetes," he said. "We don't even use our sugars in the right way any- more it seems, we triple, qua- druple the amount we should have throughout the day"
Think of the body as a ma-
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nessed. "It wasn't good," he said. He put his head down. 'It wasn't good, this is not a good intersection,"herepeated. We later learned the name and condition of the victim. (See A section for the story)
It's interesting how life can change in an instant. Sit- uations like these are never easy, especially for families of victims and for witnesses who are left to process the trauma they witnessed.
I have however always admired first responders for the work they do at accident scenes. Beingabletoconcen- trate and help victims in high stress situations is not a job anyone can do.
Thank you first respond- ers for your service of help- ing those in need. We are hop- ing the victim of that accident makes a full recovery.
chine, as fuel” he said. "Pro- cessed food is the biggest problem I see out there, not knowing what macro nutri- ents are so when I come up to these kids and tell them they need the three macros in ev- ery meal, that's basic, fat, pro- tein and carbohydrates.
During workout sessions Hamilton said he trains hard, and helps students to see their true potential.
"Our standards have come down in PE quite a bit just be- cause some might say, oh we can't do four of those instead
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