Page 29 - طرائق تدريس العربية
P. 29
.١٩٨٢ ، א، א א، ، א، א
ú א א، א א א א، ، אª ، ġ
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- B.F. Skinner, Verbal Behavior , . N.Y. Appleton, Century Crofts ,١٩٥٧.
- Chester.W. Harris. Encyclopedia of education recherché .The
Macmillan Company N.Y.١٩٦٠.
- S, A.W., Television, learning and distance education, Journal of
Education Television/VTO،Vol.١٤,٣, pp.٢١٣−٢٢٥ ; Hill, B., Marking the
Most of Satellites and Interactive Video ،London, pp.١٣−٢.
- Harold A. Anderson, “Comprehension and interpretation Evaluation of
Reading. Chicago Press ١٩٥٥.pp.١٠١−١٠٦.