Page 19 - Future Ready: Trailblazing Digital Innovation Quezon City
P. 19
It is now easier and faster to get Occupational OOPS also allows applicants to apply online via
(Working) Permits in Quezon City. This used to the QC E-Services portal. By logging in their
be a burden as every January, workers in accounts and clicking "Occupational (Work)
Quezon City would line up as early as 4 am at Permit," they can submit their requirements
the City Hall to secure a slot within the day's and track their application. OOPS also caters to
cut-off. bulk occupational permit applications by
authorized company representatives. The
This tedious process of getting the permit starts system also allows BPLD to send email blasts to
from queuing to get an order of payment, to QC-based employees and occupational permit
paying, to getting your photo taken, to finally applicants and extract detailed system reports
getting the actual Occupational Permit at the used for other systems catering to QC
cramped basement of the Civic Center Building employees' welfare.
A. The entire process would entail at least one
day - forcing the worker to miss his/her valued
day's work.
In January 2020, 12 counters were set up with
computers to apply the new process. At the
counter, an applicant’s data is encoded, their
picture is taken, and the occupational permit is
printed while the applicant waits. The applicant
leaves the counter with the permit on hand,
which means that they no longer need to go
back to QC Hall again. The entire process will
take a QC worker only five to eight minutes.