Page 295 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 295
General Services
This Department provides internal support for City programs in the delivery of services to City residents. Services
include the following: fleet, building services, procurement and stores inventory, fuel, construction and alterations,
custodial, real estate, mail and messenger, parking, emergency management and special event coordination, materials
testing, and printing services. By ordinance, the General Manager fills the Charter-established position of Purchasing
Actual Adopted Estimated Total
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
105,668,058 101,749,534 107,191,000 Salaries General 115,896,090
5,830,929 319,984 3,925,945 Salaries Construction Projects 300,257
2,757,392 2,371,457 1,913,000 Salaries, As-Needed 2,219,004
4,792,578 3,692,553 4,880,000 Overtime General 3,692,553
182,302 - 22,000 Overtime Construction -
7,385,623 6,157,135 6,676,000 Hiring Hall Salaries 6,157,135
11,236,108 217,987 6,542,000 Hiring Hall Construction 77,464
3,736,859 2,744,656 1,888,000 Benefits Hiring Hall 2,744,656
6,500,000 79,469 3,679,000 Benefits Hiring Hall Construction -
107,259 104,130 60,000 Overtime Hiring Hall 104,130
1,081,021 - 154,000 Overtime Hiring Hall Construction -
149,278,129 117,436,905 136,930,945 Total Salaries 131,191,289
182,401 64,968 98,000 Printing and Binding 64,968
214,601 280,200 6,000 Travel 280,200
107,310,493 27,247,136 36,334,000 Contractual Services 29,042,134
36,549,153 35,531,457 37,102,000 Field Equipment Expense 37,011,457
5,822,978 5,846,863 3,396,000 Maintenance Materials, Supplies and Services 5,846,863
906,415 1,016,970 772,000 Custodial Supplies 1,008,870
37,449,979 65,216 14,998,000 Construction Materials 20,151
35,457,543 39,809,595 38,401,000 Petroleum Products 39,139,595
2,092 23,176 19,000 Transportation 23,176
4,609,598 4,000,000 4,000,000 Utilities Expense Private Company 4,000,000
278 19,442 15,000 Marketing 19,442
93,620 105,051 74,000 Uniforms 105,051
481,009 462,957 623,000 Laboratory Testing Expense 462,957
918,116 857,717 444,000 Office and Administrative 857,717
822,256 784,578 504,000 Operating Supplies 784,578
19,393,454 19,516,436 46,335,000 Leasing -
250,213,986 135,631,762 183,121,000 Total Expense 118,667,159