Page 302 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 302
The Housing Department develops Citywide housing policy and supports viable urban communities by advocating for
safe and livable neighborhoods through the promotion, development, and preservation of decent and safe affordable
housing and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate- income individuals to improve
access and livability through place-based strategies. The Department's key programs are Development and Finance,
Asset Management, Rent Stabilization, Multi-family Residential Code Enforcement, Code and Rent Compliance,
Commissions and Community Engagement, Program Operations, and Accessible Housing Program.
Actual Adopted Estimated Total
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
59,147,429 65,186,688 62,945,000 Salaries General 67,718,429
403,679 335,768 313,000 Salaries, As-Needed 323,216
150,832 243,027 89,000 Overtime General 112,892
59,701,940 65,765,483 63,347,000 Total Salaries 68,154,537
- - 89,000 Advertising & Public Relations -
250,545 239,331 279,000 Printing and Binding 234,197
34,705 15,141 - Travel 13,946
11,824,471 9,532,356 11,700,000 Contractual Services 3,195,544
383,029 358,895 304,000 Transportation 346,770
1,454,629 838,710 1,446,000 Office and Administrative 639,712
- 1,146 - Operating Supplies -
5,364,997 4,386,500 3,551,000 Leasing 4,121,880
19,312,376 15,372,079 17,369,000 Total Expense 8,552,049
79,014,316 81,137,562 80,716,000 Total Housing 76,706,586