Page 308 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 308
Information Technology Agency
Actual Adopted Estimated Total
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
100,000 - 114,000 Recreation and Parks Other Revenue -
1,006,290 1,047,175 1,047,000 Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Sch. 2) 1,309,708
4,771 - - Community Development Trust Fund (Sch. 8) -
13,771 - - Special Parking Revenue Fund (Sch. 11) -
653,575 449,150 449,000 Sewer Operations & Maintenance Fund (Sch. 14) 664,529
133,809 106,962 107,000 Sewer Capital Fund (Sch. 14) 184,463
2,893 2,796 3,000 Convention Center Revenue Fund (Sch. 16) 3,719
Department of Neighborhood Empowerment Fund
4,711 - 2,000 -
(Sch. 18)
Street Lighting Maintenance Assessment Fund (Sch.
108,282 86,271 86,000 132,220
11,533,428 10,381,455 10,382,000 Telecommunications Development Account (Sch. 20) 1,323,368
54,882 23,642 24,000 Rent Stabilization Trust Fund (Sch. 23) 36,388
202,759 14,733 78,000 Arts and Cultural Facilities & Services Fund (Sch. 24) 29,432
Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund (Sch.
5,191 - - -
14,000 14,000 14,000 ATSAC Trust Fund (Sch. 29) 14,000
- - 45,000 City Attorney Grants Fund (Sch. 29) -
15,783 - - City Planning System Development Fund (Sch. 29) -
120,577 - - Fire Department Special Training Fund (Sch. 29) -
GOB Series 2006A Animal Shelter Construction Fund
24,610 - - -
(Sch. 29)
GOB Series 2009 Clean Water Cleanup Fund (Sch.
18,822 - - -
56,218 - - Innovation Fund (Sch. 29) -
455,811 - - MICLA Lease Revenue Commercial Paper (Sch. 29) -
- - 23,000 Narcotics Analysis Laboratory (Sch. 29) -
8,998 - - Permit Parking Program Revenue Fund (Sch. 29) -
304 - - Project Restore Trust Fund (Sch. 29) -
32,398 - - Proposition K Projects Fund (Sch. 29) -
24,665 - - State AB1290 City Fund (Sch. 29) -
130,740 - - Subventions and Grants (Sch. 29) -
Targeted Destination Ambulance Service Fund (Sch.
2,143 - - -
25,323 - 250,000 Transportation Grants Fund (Sch. 29) -
581 - - City Ethics Commission Fund (Sch. 30) -
33,856 30,565 31,000 Citywide Recycling Trust Fund (Sch. 32) 69,432
Cannabis Regulation Special Revenue Fund (Sch.
12,461 - 32,000 -
14,860 - - Planning Case Processing Fund (Sch. 35) -
21,240 - - Accessible Housing Fund (Sch. 38) -
1,539,766 1,651,732 1,652,000 Building and Safety Building Permit Fund (Sch. 40) 1,908,851