Page 396 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 396
Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program
Actual Adopted Estimated Total
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
46,009,114 8,930,430 8,930,000 General Fund 61,079,725
4,117,125 500,000 2,048,000 Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund (Sch. 5) 450,000
179,307 918,332 5,533,000 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund (Sch. 7) -
270,490,960 313,074,000 287,089,000 Sewer Capital Fund (Sch. 14) 301,569,318
Park and Recreational Sites and Facilities Fund
4,295,607 2,470,000 2,470,000 3,100,000
(Sch. 15)
Arts and Cultural Facilities & Services Fund (Sch.
- 400,697 201,000 -
4,037 - - HCID General Fund Program (Sch. 29) -
Homeless Emergency Aid Program Grant Fund
5,478,530 - - -
(Sch. 29)
Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention
12,507,836 - - -
Grant (Sch. 29)
4,736,513 - - Potrero Canyon Trust Fund (Sch. 29) -
1,441 - - Public Works Trust Fund (Sch. 29) -
263,499 - - Building and Safety Building Permit Fund (Sch. 40) -
61,436 219,678 1,788,000 Street Damage Restoration Fee Fund (Sch. 47) -
1,300 - - Measure R Local Return Fund (Sch. 49) -
1,816,416 3,533,825 2,841,000 Measure M Local Return Fund (Sch. 52) 1,485,000
Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program
4,211,582 18,306,512 44,932,000 34,945,855
Special (Sch. 5)
- 7,345,940 3,673,000 Measure W Local Return Fund (Sch. 55) 13,548,180
354,174,703 355,699,414 359,505,000 Total Funds 416,178,078