Page 400 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 400
General City Purposes
Actual Adopted Estimated Total
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2020-21 2021-22
15,706 16,177 16,000 Settlement Adjustment Processing 16,339
2,280 2,250 2,000 Sister Cities International 2,500
- 72,000 - Sister Cities of LA 80,000
2,142,485 2,308,604 2,309,000 Social Security Contributions 2,180,887
1,125,566 2,400,000 2,400,000 Solid Waste Fee Reimbursement 2,600,000
46,168 41,580 42,000 South Bay Cities Association 57,000
295,514 267,371 267,000 Southern California Association of Governments 318,500
159,217 617,000 617,000 Special Events Fee Subsidy - Citywide 817,000
- 200 - State Annexation Fees 200
- - - Summer Night Lights 4,000,000
- - - TransLatina Coalition 50,000
69,798 64,800 65,000 United States Conference of Mayors 72,000
23,000 20,700 21,000 Westside Cities Council of Governments 23,000
82,750 90,000 90,000 World Trade Center 100,000
- 2,800,000 - Youth Employment Program 5,600,000
Zero Waste Transition Microgrants for Small
- - - 1,000,000
Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Sch. 2)
- 100,000 - Clean and Green Job Program 100,000
450,000 - - Discovery Cube Los Angeles 450,000
30,000 30,000 30,000 Southern California Association of Governments 30,000
California State Asset Forfeiture Fund (Sch. 3)
- 25,000 - Gang Reduction and Youth Development Office 25,000
Sewer Operations & Maintenance Fund (Sch. 14)
- 180,040 - Clean and Green Job Program 180,040
450,000 - - Discovery Cube Los Angeles 450,000
30,000 30,000 30,000 Southern California Association of Governments 30,000
Arts and Cultural Facilities & Services Fund (Sch. 24)
80,000 80,000 80,000 Cultural, Art, and City Events 80,000
233,488 240,975 241,000 Heritage Month Celebration and Special Events -
- - - Heritage Month Celebration and Special Events 240,975
Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund (Sch. 27)
30,000 30,000 30,000 Southern California Association of Governments 30,000
State AB1290 City Fund (Sch. 29)
894,328 - - Council District Community Services -