Page 431 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 431

Other Special Purpose Funds
               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2019-20        2020-21        2020-21                                                    2021-22
                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

                5,276,020    17,112,000     17,112,000 Building and Safety Contractual Services         17,028,000
                4,124,602     4,082,000      3,732,000 Building and Safety Expense and Equipment         2,127,000
                 474,599        534,000       534,000 Building and Safety Lease Costs                      550,000
                 891,989        278,000       278,000 Building and Safety Training                         373,000
                 129,040              -             - Engineering Special Service Fund                           -
                       -    279,746,266             - Reserve for Future Costs                         278,138,642
                  17,006        200,000       200,000 Special Services Costs                               200,000
                1,235,115     7,561,000      7,561,000 Systems Development Project Costs                 7,349,000
               63,109,606    65,923,504     55,398,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              56,601,000

                                                     Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Fund (Sch. 41)

                  88,527         90,000        90,000 Outside Auditor                                       90,000
                 124,869        107,800       189,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                  164,875
                                                     Systematic Code Enforcement Fee Fund (Sch. 42)

                   9,156         30,000        71,000 Code Enforcement Training                             30,000
                  23,033              -        57,000 Code Enforcement (SCEP) Fee Study                          -
                 378,713      1,248,000      4,270,000 Contract Programming - Systems Upgrades             828,000
                  17,862              -         5,000 Engineering Special Service Fund                           -
                 183,599        245,000       379,000 Hearing Officer Contract                             245,000
                 741,956        742,500       892,000 Rent and Code Outreach Program                       742,500
                  31,625         37,500        57,000 Service Delivery                                      37,500
                   4,895         45,575        72,000 Translation Services                                  34,500
               19,379,304    19,814,918      2,387,072 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              32,437,897

                                                     El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historical Monument Fund (Sch. 43)
                       -         50,000             - El Pueblo Parking Automation Project                       -
                 555,300      1,423,142             - Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                        -

                                                     Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund (Sch. 44)
                   9,793              -        80,000 Animal Purchases and Sales                                 -
                       -              -      1,513,000 Capital Improvement Exp Prog                              -
                1,364,057             -             - GLAZA Marketing Refund                                     -
                 378,000              -             - Zoo Perimeter Road Repairs                                 -
                  43,714              -       116,000 Zoo Programs and Operations                                -
                   2,850              -        70,000 Zoo Repairs and Improvement                                -
                 220,355        250,000       365,000 Zoo Wastewater Facility                              135,000
                                                     Central Recycling Transfer Station Fund (Sch. 45)

                 300,000        300,000       300,000 CLARTS Community Amenities                           200,000

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