Page 433 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 433

Other Special Purpose Funds
               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2019-20        2020-21        2020-21                                                    2021-22
                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

                                                      Vision Zero Contracts, Speed Surveys, Outreach
                 180,802        200,000       200,000                                                      200,000
               12,060,587    12,751,137     14,951,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              18,492,891
                                                     Multi-Family Bulky Item Fee Fund (Sch. 50)

                       -        450,000       900,000 Department of Water and Power Fees                   450,000
                       -      1,500,000       150,000 PW-Sanitation Expense and Equipment                2,000,000
                       -      3,431,250             - Rate Stabilization Reserve                         3,337,718
                2,078,215     1,758,737      1,758,000 Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Schedule 2)   1,492,013
                2,347,201     3,516,753      3,516,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               2,806,091

                                                     Sidewalk Repair Fund (Sch. 51)

                 203,774              -             - Environmental Impact Report                                -
                 213,181        250,000       250,000 Monitoring and Fees                                  250,000
                2,002,556             -             - Sidewalk Repair Contractual Services               4,000,000
                 924,142              -             - Sidewalk Repair Engineering Consulting Services    2,400,000
                 963,112              -             - Sidewalk Repair Incentive Program                  1,000,000
                  59,562        400,000       300,000 Street Tree Planting and Maintenance                 400,000
                2,596,397     4,877,947      4,803,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               4,599,918

                                                     Measure M Local Return Fund (Sch. 52)
                       -      3,000,000             - Alley Paving                                       2,000,000
                 840,736              -             - BSS Equipment                                              -
                       -      2,400,000             - Complete Streets                                   2,400,000
                       -      1,000,000             - Concrete Streets                                   1,000,000
                 857,076              -             - DOT Equipment - SR/VZ Projects                             -
                 123,067              -             - DOT Equipment - Traffic Signals                            -
                       -      1,000,000             - Median Island Maintenance                          1,000,000
                 120,021        500,000             - Open Streets Program                                 500,000
                 534,232      1,171,000      1,171,000 Paint and Sign Maintenance                        1,571,186
                1,353,561     1,900,000       673,000 Speed Hump Program                                 1,815,705
                 800,000              -             - Stormwater Pollution Abatement Fund                        -
                 106,449              -             - Street Lighting at Existing Pedestrian Crosswalks          -
                2,133,823             -             - Street Reconstruction/Vision Zero Projects                 -
                                                      Sunset Blvd Slope Mitigation - Coronado to
                 154,441              -             -                                                            -
                                                      Waterloo, Phase 1
                       -              -             - Traffic Signal Supplies                            3,000,000
                  89,071        400,000       250,000 Traffic Studies                                      400,000
                       -        100,000       100,000 Traffic Surveys                                      100,000
                1,358,318       625,000             - Transportation Technology Strategy                   625,000
                2,816,915     3,065,487      3,065,000 Vision Zero Corridor Projects - M                 7,454,675

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