Page 452 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 452
The Solid Waste Collection, Transfer, Recycling, Recovery of Waste Resources and Disposal Fee (formerly Sanitation Equipment
Charge) is imposed on all single family dwellings in the City and upon multiple unit dwellings for which the City provides refuse
collection services. All receipts from the Fee are deposited in the Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund. Funds are used for all
costs of the City's solid waste collection, recycling, and disposal activities including, but not limited to: salaries; direct and indirect
overhead costs; principal and interest payments; lease payments; landfill costs, including disposal, resource recovery facilities or
refuse to energy and fuel facilities and closure of City owned landfill facilities; the development, acquisition, construction, operation
and maintenance of equipment, alternative fuel infrastructure, recycling, green waste processing, transfer facilities, or resource
recovery facilities used in the collection, recycling, or recovery of solid waste resources; and storage of solid waste related
Actual Estimated Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
158,336,627 122,300,981 Cash Balance, July 1 18,150,981
- - PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations 15,400,000
158,336,627 122,300,981 Balance Available, July 1 2,750,981
551,238 500,000 11,730 California Beverage Reimbursement 500,000
275,466 373,000 11,731.5 Central Recycling Transfer Station Fund (Schedule 45) 239,137
680,819 767,000 11,732.5 Citywide Recycling Trust Fund (Schedule 32) 664,292
50,000 - 11,735 Contamination Reduction Contributions -
6,916,941 3,893,000 11,759 General Fund 765,489
72,432 160,000 11,762 Household Hazardous Waste Special Fund (Schedule 39) 100,880
7,112,766 6,100,000 11,770 Solid Waste Fee Lifeline Rate Program 6,100,000
2,078,215 1,758,000 11,777 Multi-Family Bulky Item Revenue Fund (Schedule 50) 1,492,013
4,026,690 3,900,000 11,797 Reimbursement from Proprietary Departments 4,000,000
102,148 100,000 11,805 Sale of Recyclables 100,000
15,483,367 5,700,000 11,806 Reimbursement from Other Agencies 12,554,453
156,882 200,000 11,813 Sale of Salvage Property 200,000
293,282,808 264,240,000 11,818 Solid Waste Fee 288,300,000
1,032,619 325,000 11,824 State Grants 100,000
1,150,857 1,056,000 11,840 Other Receipts 1,056,000
14,294,329 300,000 11,841 Interest/Credits from Debt Service 300,000
2,983,389 1,700,000 11,842 Interest 270,000
508,587,593 413,372,981 Total Revenue 319,493,245
76,238 73,000 87 City Administrative Officer 81,540
462,162 466,000 111 City Attorney 518,269
34,298 29,000 127 City Clerk 31,310
55,311 47,000 307 Emergency Management 52,051
46,397,471 48,939,000 383 General Services 50,350,236
1,006,290 1,047,000 455 Information Technology Agency 1,309,708
85,981 27,000 485 Mayor 27,053
711,214 633,000 513 Personnel 651,192
412,535 1,315,000 575 Board of Public Works 292,024
111,371,543 109,359,000 635 Bureau of Sanitation 104,223,924
480,000 30,000 937 General City Purposes 580,000
3,558,232 3,000,000 971 Liability Claims 2,000,000