Page 457 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 457


          SCHEDULE 5
                                        SPECIAL GAS TAX IMPROVEMENT FUND
          The Special Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund receives monies from the State's Excise Tax on the sale of gasoline and from federal
          reimbursements through the Surface Transportation Program - Local.  These monies provide funding to various departments and to
          the CIEP - Physical Plant for eligible activities and projects. Funding is apportioned through various formulas in accordance with
          Sections 2103, 2105, 2106, and 2107 of the Streets and Highways Code and through annual federal legislation relative to the
          Surface Transportation Program.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2019-20         2020-21                                                                 2021-22
          Fund  206                         Special Gas Tax Improvement Fund (Sch. 5)
                16,616,534        7,722,138  Cash Balance, July 1                                         1,609,083
                        -                -  PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations           1,609,083
                16,616,534        7,722,138  Balance Available, July 1                                          -
                   584,765           50,000  11,752 Federal Grants                                          50,000
                27,857,835        31,638,000  11,755 State Gasoline Tax Section 2103                     36,417,369
                20,608,788        20,512,000  11,756 State Gasoline Tax Section 2105                     23,610,629
                11,692,846        11,515,000  11,757 State Gasoline Tax Section 2106                     13,254,504
                26,042,517        24,505,000  11,758 State Gasoline Tax Section 2107                     28,206,828
                 4,541,936               -  11,758.5 State Gasoline Tax - SB1                                   -
                   247,030               -  11,759 General Fund                                                 -
                    38,596           38,000  11,768 Lease and Rental Fees                                   38,000
                 5,139,049        10,000,000  11,826 Surface Transportation Program (STP)                16,000,000
                   441,775          200,000  11,842 Interest                                               200,000
                113,811,671      106,180,138  Total Revenue                                             117,777,330

          EXPENDITURES                       APPROPRIATIONS
                 2,515,098        2,223,000  383 General Services                                         2,540,316
                   256,879           82,000  575 Board of Public Works                                     288,431
                   442,273          407,000  595 Bureau of Contract Administration                         485,810
                 4,387,945        4,042,000  607 Bureau of Engineering                                    4,787,838
                 2,739,817        3,196,000  653 Bureau of Street Lighting                                3,460,511
                64,519,357        42,275,000  667 Bureau of Street Services                              61,181,105
                 3,749,730        3,891,000  691 Transportation                                           4,212,230
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                 4,117,125        2,048,000  861  CTIEP - Physical Plant                                   450,000
                   305,964          909,000  2,407  Concrete Streets                                       100,000
                   590,969          187,000  2,737  Paseo Del Mar                                                -
                        -             8,000  2,860  Speed Hump Program                                           -
                   600,000               -  10,432.5  St Lighting Assessment Fund                                -
                    12,018           17,000  10,457  Traffic Signal Supplies                                     -
                    83,107               -  10,459.5  Transportation Striping and Mark Out Equipment             -
                21,769,251        45,286,055  10,718.56  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs             40,271,089
                106,089,533      104,571,055  Total Appropriations                                      117,777,330
                 7,722,138        1,609,083  Ending Balance, June 30                                            -

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