Page 459 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 459

          SCHEDULE 7
                                     STORMWATER POLLUTION ABATEMENT FUND
          The Environmental Protection Agency establishes regulations setting forth requirements for stormwater discharges from large
          municipal storm drains.  The City enacted a Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge (Article 4.2 of Chapter 6 of the Los Angeles
          Municipal Code) on all properties in the City in order to treat and abate stormwater.  The charge is based on stormwater runoff and
          pollutant loading associated with property size and land use.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2019-20         2020-21                                                                 2021-22
                28,082,209       25,692,139  Cash Balance, July 1                                         5,927,139
                        -                -  PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations           3,038,120
                28,082,209        25,692,139  Balance Available, July 1                                   2,889,019
                 1,930,494        1,830,000  11,740 Developer Plan Review Fees                            1,930,000
                 1,514,933          376,000  11,806 Reimbursement from Other Agencies                           -
                 1,849,484          400,000  11,806.5 Reimbursement from Other Funds                       391,000
                28,734,801        28,000,000  11,819 Stormwater Pollution Abatement Charge               28,400,000
                 1,131,371        2,216,000  11,824 State Grants                                           638,727
                   583,685          444,000  11,838 Other Financing Sources                                     -
                   612,182          350,000  11,842 Interest                                               250,000
                64,439,159        59,308,139  Total Revenue                                              34,498,746

          EXPENDITURES                      APPROPRIATIONS
                   205,659          441,000  383 General Services                                          480,928
                    30,045           27,000  485 Mayor                                                      27,053
                    47,644           42,000  513 Personnel                                                  46,727
                    91,572           13,000  575 Board of Public Works                                      94,256
                   275,204          308,000  595 Bureau of Contract Administration                         365,128
                 3,919,711        3,329,000  607 Bureau of Engineering                                    3,626,125
                13,904,422        12,325,000  635 Bureau of Sanitation                                   13,157,007
                 5,911,600        5,283,000  667 Bureau of Street Services                                5,554,718
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                   179,307        5,533,000  861  CTIEP - Physical Plant                                         -
                    36,232               -  2,378  BPW Green University                                          -
                   115,172        2,019,000  2,500  Expense and Equipment                                  330,000
                    5,654            25,000  2,528  Green Street Infrastructure                                  -
                   200,000          200,000  2,686  Media Tech Center                                      262,510
                   305,769          901,000  2,715  NPDES Permit Compliance                               1,780,000
                 4,920,890        3,677,000  2,730  On Call Contractors (Emergency Funds)                 2,787,321
                    9,182           455,000  2,731  Operation and Maintenance - TMDL Compliance Projects    80,000
                        -           660,000  2,744  Payment for Sewer Construction Maintenance Fund Loan   356,973
                 1,195,815        9,234,000  2,804  San Fernando Valley Stormwater Capture Projects       4,000,000
                 2,661,092        5,902,000  2,807  Sanitation Contracts                                  1,550,000
                 4,732,050        3,007,000  10,718.56  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                      -

                38,747,020        53,381,000  Total Appropriations                                       34,498,746

                25,692,139        5,927,139  Ending Balance, June 30                                            -

          *Payment for Sewer Construction Maintenance Fund Loan includes both principal and interest amounts.

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