Page 467 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 467

          SCHEDULE 14
                                  SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE FUND
               Actual          Estimated                                                                Total
             Expenditures    Expenditures                                                              Budget
               2019-20         2020-21                                                                 2021-22

          EXPENDITURES                       APPROPRIATIONS
          Fund  70W                          Wastewater Commercial Paper A Construction Fund (Sch. 14)
                    90,000               -  383 General Services                                                 -

                   90,000                -   Subtotal                                                            -
          Fund  70X                          Wastewater Commercial Paper B Construction Fund (Sch. 14)
                 2,401,969               -  595 Bureau of Contract Administration                                -
                 9,085,890               -  607 Bureau of Engineering                                            -
                 1,888,796               -  635 Bureau of Sanitation                                             -

                13,376,655               -   Subtotal                                                            -
          Fund  760                          Sewer Operations & Maintenance Fund (Sch. 14)
                   335,511          321,000  87 City Administrative Officer                                337,909
                   360,431          525,000  111 City Attorney                                             583,523
                    34,298           29,000  127 City Clerk                                                 31,310
                    30,471               -  195 Controller                                                       -
                    55,311           47,000  307 Emergency Management                                       52,051
                    1,957             2,000  331 Finance                                                     1,876
                 5,033,747        6,564,000  383 General Services                                         6,852,273
                   653,575          449,000  455 Information Technology Agency                             664,529
                    30,045           27,000  485 Mayor                                                      27,053
                 1,821,034        1,707,000  513 Personnel                                                1,742,893
                 1,795,921        1,609,000  541 Police                                                   1,795,921
                 2,399,437        1,618,000  575 Board of Public Works                                    2,087,071
                123,669,180      134,837,000  635 Bureau of Sanitation                                  135,551,464
                        -                -  691 Transportation                                             225,500
                   706,820          707,000  847 Capital Finance Administration                            706,535
                   480,000           30,000  937 General City Purposes                                     660,040
                19,282,365          147,000  971 Liability Claims                                         5,370,072
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                 2,980,800        2,981,000  2,471  Department of Water and Power Fees                    2,980,800
                 2,836,485        2,737,000  2,513  General Services Expense and Equipment                2,736,500
                        -                -  2,619  Insurance Reserve                                      3,000,000
                        -                -  2,733  Operations and Maintenance Reserve                    63,325,402
                90,996,414       105,373,000  2,786  PW-Sanitation Expense and Equipment                105,373,213
                39,236,585        23,271,000  2,810  Sanitation-Project Related                          21,709,000
                        -         1,250,000  2,844  Sewer Connect Fin Assist Prgm                         1,250,000
                   329,301          500,000  2,847  Sewer Service Charge Refunds                           500,000
                16,571,847        26,447,000  10,466  Utilities                                          26,447,356
                77,562,576        53,388,000  10,718.56  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs             84,134,945
               387,204,111       364,566,000  Subtotal                                                  468,147,236

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