Page 514 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 514
Public Utilities Code Section 130350 provides that the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Commission (Metro) may
adopt a sales tax within the County, provided that it is approved by a majority of the electors. In 2008, the voters in Los Angeles
County approved the imposition of an additional one-half cent sales tax for a period of 30 years to (a) expand the County Metro rail
system, including providing a direct airport connection; (b) make local street improvements, such as signal synchronization, filling
potholes, repairing streets and making neighborhood streets and intersections safer for drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians in each
community; (c) enhance safety and improve the flow of traffic on freeways and highways; (d) make public transportation more
convenient and affordable (especially for seniors, students, the disabled and commuters); and, (e) provide alternatives to high gas
prices, stimulate the local economy, create jobs, reduce pollution and decrease dependency on foreign oil. All transit projects funded
by Metro through the Measure R transit capital fund will require a three percent local match. Matching funds identified will allow Metro
to deliver transit projects within the City more quickly.
Actual Estimated Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
39,935,186 27,794,272 Cash Balance, July 1 27,303,272
- - PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations 18,232,629
39,935,186 27,794,272 Balance Available, July 1 9,070,643
48,516,867 47,562,000 11,773 Measure R Sales Tax 50,386,604
193,325 - 11,806.5 Reimbursement from Other Funds 77,699
791,793 350,000 11,842 Interest 350,000
89,437,171 75,706,272 Total Revenue 59,884,946
2,515,674 1,827,000 383 General Services 2,014,209
23,162 - 455 Information Technology Agency -
62,708 82,000 513 Personnel 91,201
418,131 557,000 607 Bureau of Engineering 612,040
439,217 495,000 653 Bureau of Street Lighting 485,403
25,920,856 21,272,000 667 Bureau of Street Services 20,927,639
5,567,544 5,494,000 691 Transportation 6,036,563
Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
1,300 - 861 CTIEP - Physical Plant -
2,176,582 500,000 10,597 ATSAC Systems Maintenance 3,000,000
5,267,009 - 10,611 Bicycle Plan/Program - Other 2,000,000
4,169 - 10,618.25 Bikeshare Operations and Maintenance -
551,849 - 10,621 Bridge Program -
191,845 - 10,624 Broadway Streetscape Project -
157,005 - 10,657.5 Consulting Services -
118,812 - 10,671 Downtown LA Street Car Project -
232,359 - 10,685.38 Great Streets 500,000
- 500,000 10,708 Median Island Maintenance 1,000,000
2,896,205 1,800,000 10,719 Paint and Sign Maintenance 1,800,000
- 700,000 10,728.5 Pavement Preservation Overtime 700,000
901,614 - 10,730 Pedestrian Plan/Program 2,000,000
873,724 - 10,739.5 Quality Assurance Program -
40,404 - 10,749 Safe Routes to School Study -
400,268 - 10,764 Signal Improvement Construction -
4,418 25,000 10,772.5 Technology and Communications 25,000
5,239 - 10,778.5 Traffic Signal Supplies -