Page 517 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 517
The Los Angeles Administrative Code establishes the Sidewalk and Curb Repair Fund for the purpose of receiving revenues
designated by the City for administration, inspection, design, and construction activities associated with the identification and
remediation of conditions that impede the accessibility of sidewalks, curbs, and other Pedestrian Facilities. Pedestrian Facilities are
defined as any sidewalk, curb, ramp, intersection, crosswalk, walkway, pedestrian right-of-way, pedestrian undercrossing, pedestrian
overcrossing, or other pedestrian pathway.
Actual Estimated Budget
2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
3,044,632 438,348 Cash Balance, July 1 2,029,348
- - PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations 291,797
3,044,632 438,348 Balance Available, July 1 1,737,551
15,446,852 18,071,000 11,759 General Fund 22,934,548
38,645 104,000 11,842 Interest 104,000
18,530,129 18,613,348 Total Revenue 24,776,099
146,484 64,000 111 City Attorney 75,058
53,026 48,000 253 Disability 55,229
72,350 64,000 383 General Services 76,053
22,609 20,000 455 Information Technology Agency 35,418
235,158 161,000 575 Board of Public Works 160,473
673,518 950,000 595 Bureau of Contract Administration 1,149,253
1,894,754 1,724,000 607 Bureau of Engineering 2,181,159
7,987,268 8,053,000 667 Bureau of Street Services 8,221,193
43,890 147,000 691 Transportation 172,345
Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
203,774 - 2,495 Environmental Impact Report -
213,181 250,000 2,691 Monitoring and Fees 250,000
2,002,556 - 2,817 Sidewalk Repair Contractual Services 4,000,000
924,142 - 2,818 Sidewalk Repair Engineering Consulting Services 2,400,000
963,112 - 2,819 Sidewalk Repair Incentive Program 1,000,000
59,562 300,000 2,852 Street Tree Planting and Maintenance 400,000
2,596,397 4,803,000 10,718.56 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs 4,599,918
18,091,781 16,584,000 Total Appropriations 24,776,099
438,348 2,029,348 Ending Balance, June 30 -
The General Fund revenue amount includes $3.6 million in reimbursement from the Library Department and $5.5 million in
reimbursement from the Department of Water and Power for sidewalk repair work. A total of $4,316,364 (Direct Costs - $3,389,764,
Fringe Benefits - $926,600) is also budgeted in the Schedule 49 Measure R Traffic Relief and Rail Expansion Fund for the
installation of sidewalk access ramps. Additionally, $15,000,000 is budgeted in the Schedule 54 Road Maintenance and
Rehabilitation Program Special Fund for Sidewalk Repair - Access Request Acceleration. The City's Proprietary Departments are
estimating $370,000 in sidewalk repair work for facilities. These amounts, plus the funds budgeted in the Sidewalk Repair Fund,
total $44.5 million. This meets the City's obligation, per the Willits Settlement Agreement, to spend $31 million per year to make
sidewalks and other pedestrian facilities accessible to the disability community. 2021-22 is the fifth year of the compliance period.