Page 520 - FY 2021-22 Adopted Budget file_Neat
P. 520

          SCHEDULE 53
                                                CODE COMPLIANCE FUND
          Receipts from the Administrative Citation Enforcement (ACE) Program shall be deposited in the Code Compliance Fund in
          accordance with Article 11 of Chapter 6 of Division 5, Section 5.121.11 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code. The ACE Program
          provides an alternative method of problem resolution and enforcement for violations of the Los Angeles Municipal Code. Receipts
          include administrative fines, administrative costs, and enforcement costs related to the ACE Program. Departments authorized to
          participate in the ACE Program include the Animal Services Department, Department of Building and Safety, Fire Department,
          Housing Department, Public Works Bureau of Street Services, Police Department, and Department of Recreation and Parks. The
          Fund is administered by the Office of Finance.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2019-20         2020-21                                                                 2021-22
                   893,543          671,860  Cash Balance, July 1                                          368,860
                   893,543          671,860  Balance Available, July 1                                     368,860
                 1,220,063        1,184,000  11,840 Other Receipts                                        1,104,000
                 2,113,606        1,855,860  Total Revenue                                                1,472,860

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                    42,360          104,000  17 Animal Services                                            116,278
                   621,633          562,000  111 City Attorney                                             658,779
                    59,119           52,000  331 Finance                                                    60,786
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                   165,138          150,000  1,917  ACE Contractual Services                               176,663
                      185                -  1,918  ACE Operating Services                                        -
                   553,311          619,000  1,919  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                    460,354

                 1,441,746        1,487,000  Total Appropriations                                         1,472,860
                   671,860          368,860  Ending Balance, June 30                                            -

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