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  Closing out 2023; the MCTC PD Team said goodbye to its longest standing SIOPT, Mr Mark Door, who
spent a quarter of a century conducting and delivering the finest quality of Physical Training for the Military Provost Staff and detainees housed in the corrective facility.
Subsequently, the Gymnasium with 16+ lessons per week was undermanned, with only two personnel to deliver PT whilst continuing to rehabilitate the detainees, WO2 (QMSI) David Hagan RAPTC and SIOPT Mr Jack Browne, covering until two gapped assignments were filled. RAF ERI Sgt Matthew Wood, posted in performing a 50/50 role of PTI and ERI. Then a long-term gapped Royal Navy PT post was swiftly filled by the RAPTC with the posting of Sgt (SI) Richard Baird.
2024 had a promising start with the new Commanding Officer, Colonel Christopher Carter, being assigned to begin his tenure at the correction facility. Gym staffing was healthy, morale was high, weather was improving, then the planned centre was dealt another blow, due to potential Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) was found in the Gym roofing, so the Gym was immediately closed with RAAC inspection still pending. Not to be defeated, the Gym staff relocated across the road into an old mess hall, which is still currently the MCTC temporary Gym.
Sgt Wood, with the backing from the CO & QMSI, implemented a conditioning course, with the aim of upgrading personnel from MLD to MFD and improving deployability. The course was a major success, resulting in a 60% pass of the Soldier Conditioning Review and a 40% pass of the Role Fitness Test, but the
Cpl Panton after competing in Powerlifting
WO2 (QMSI) D Hagan RAPTC & Sgt (SI) R Baird RAPTC
 biggest win was 2 individuals upgrading to Medically Fully Deployable (MFD).
Sgt (SI) Richard Baird, keen to help ensure our staff posted Service Custody Facilities dotted around the United
Kingdom volunteered to visit them all and produce a plan. Visiting Northern Ireland, Edinburgh, Catterick, Staffordshire and Tidworth he briefed them on MY-ZONE, created groups and is now tracking their performance. This has managed to create a competitive edge and enhance the esprit de corps amongst the troops with monthly challenges being set and recorded by Sgt Baird.
In sport the Regt had success with Cpl Panton competing in a UK National Powerlifting Competition breaking 2 records in her category and was invited to the World Championships in May 24. The Regt Basketball Team trained hard and won the 16 Brigade Minor Unit Competition.
The Regt held the annual Southern Cross March and Shoot Competition which is part of the larger 16 Brigade Cup and won! Considering that the MPS Regt’s average age is over 40yrs, that shows that experience, skill, practice, and hard training can win the day!
 1st Place – Southern Cross – March and Shoot Competition – MPS Regt

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