Page 7 - Four Cavalry Regiments (Crest)
P. 7

                                 The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 21
  proud in the knowledge that only 18 A (xHx) Sqn personalities would have this honour. Several family members and friends could visit and watch through the palace gates or inside the Tower during the Ceremony of the Keys; a truly unique experience.
The lockdown restrictions and subsequent dispersion around the country forced the Sqn to improvise with its Physical and Adventurous training. A Sqn’s
‘Mr Motivator’, LCpl Brashill, fresh from his PTI Course, led the weekly Zoom PT session and set up the Tp STRAVA groups, with mini-compe- titions such as quickest 5km, or fur- thest distance travelled in a week, fought over.
Ex COMBAT SPIRIT – Leaguer at sunset
SSgt Goldsmith fought unending bureaucratic policy that had yet to catch up with the changing COVID environment and led a fantastic week away mountain biking for ten soldiers; they all came back suitably muddy and qualified.
October saw the Sqn thrust into mounted and dis- mounted training. In a quiet moment on Ex NOBODY’S CHALLENGER, LCpl Quayle channeled his inner UsainBoltandfoundhisnewcallingasa100msprinter. In a nail-biting race to the burger tent and back, beat Tpr Barker to be crowned... well with not much apart from providing outstanding entertainment that had the Sqn in raucous laughter! On Ex COMBAT SPIRIT, in support of the new Tp leaders and crew command- ers’ final exercises, the Sqn was joined by a Tp attached from C Sqn and one from the QRH. The exercise had all the hallmarks to be an excellent example of interoper- ability; however, the gods decided otherwise. Unleashing
  Hurty foot for Mr Cavendish...
Sqn Second in Command with the Sqn Sergeant Major, we promise!

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