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                                knowledge whatsoever in the profession of being a sniper at the KRH, indeed the Regiment only has three suitably trained per- sonnel. The KRH were the only team not to have a well-estab- lished and officially recognised Sniper Platoon or equivalent in either of the two competitions.
Corporal Longshaw is a humble, ruthlessly determined and immensely talented soldier. He is at the forefront of soldiering within the KRH. He is a natural leader who does so best through leading by example. He mentors those around him and drives standards noticeably higher through his own performance and through setting high standards. No example could demonstrate this better than the performance of the KRH Sniper Competition Team under his leadership.
Cpl Peckham
While deployed with the King’s Royal Hussars Battlegroup on Op CABRIT 4 Cpl Peckham was employed as D Squadron Staff Quartermaster Sergeant. A role traditionally filled by a staff ser- geant. D Sqn ability to perform while deployed is testament to Cpl Peckham’s capacity and dedication. For acting two up, on opera- tions, Cpl Peckham is highly deserving of this formal recognition.
12th Armoured Brigade Combat Team Commendations
Lt WAD Barrell
In his first year as Recce Tp Ldr Lt Barrell has oozed quality, commitment, and drive. He has excelled in his core role: delivering a troop morally and physically prepared for operations. Lt Barrell led Recce Tp through an intensive training pathway culminating in Combat Ready Training in Oct 21, before converting platforms to Warrior and deliver- ing isolated live fire ranges in Castlemartin
in early 22. However, Lt Barrell’s capacity and leadership is best articulated through the value and volume of his output outside of his core role.
Lt Barrell planned, executed and managed a Regimental Football Tour to Jersey in Summer 21, and is in the process of re-invig- orating the KRH’s affiliation with the 1st Canadian Hussars by organising a Football Tour for Summer 22 to Canada. He also co-ordinated the most extensive Regimental cricketing pro- gram in the past five years; planned, captained and executed the Regimental Cresta team’s 2022 exercise; and as the Regimental Field Sports officer led the execution of a week conceptual and sporting events in the Highlands. Much of this activity was con- ducted concurrently to his core role and without oversight. His dogged determination to deliver discretionary activity which makes up the fabric of Regimental life has been remarkable. Less visible, but arguably the most impressive of Lt Barrell’s achieve- ments, is his work as a mentor. Lt Barrell planned and delivered RMAS Instructor Cadre preparation to the first successful KRH SNCO to be selected as an instructor at RMAS. Additionally, he has devoted considerable time to successfully coaching one of his crew commanders through the AOSB process. Lt Barrell has strived for professional excellence, achieved it, and delivered far beyond in the areas it matters most for the lived experience of our people.
SSgt L McDonald
SSgt McDonald covered the roles of two Sgts and an SQMS dur- ing the training for and deployment on Ex IRON STORM, with no drop in the outputs of any of those roles. He was part of a
team that delivered the Sqn’s A and B vehicle fleet at above 75% availability throughout the training year and hit 100% availabil- ity at the start of Ex IRON STORM 2. That C Sqn were able to deliver outstanding levels of availability and equipment care was due to SSgt McDonald’s dedication, professionalism, and passion for soldiering, and as such, his endeavours have been formally recognised.
SSgt J Dunnigan
Staff Sergeant Dunigan has been employed as the Royal Logistic Corps Senior NCO within the Quartermaster and Quartermaster Technical Departments for The King’s Royal Hussars since September 2020. Since his arrival he has exceeded expectations by going far beyond his core duties to ensure that the
Regiment is furnished with the highest calibre of technical advice. As the Regiment’s logistic supply subject matter expert, Staff Sergeant Dunigan has been fundamental to the delivery of vital equipment support material. His tenacity, drive and profes- sionalism are commensurate to KRH Battlegroup’s equipment availability, which at the start of Ex IRON STORM 2 reached an enviable 97%. Given the size of the fleet, c300 vehicles, with the majority of those being armoured, it was an outstanding achievement.
SSgt A Wright
Staff Sergeant Wright led a team that deliv- ered the Sqn’s A and B vehicle fleet at above 75% availability throughout the 2021 train- ing year and hit 100% availability at the start of Ex IRON STORM 2 with C Sqn. SSgt Wright has been at the forefront of SU, and often BG, drive for EC excellence. His metic- ulous oversight, with his detailed knowledge of the vehicle fleet, thorough understanding
of procuring spares, combined with adroit maintenance schedul- ing facilitated very high levels of equipment availability through- out the year. C Sqn was able to deliver outstanding levels of avail- ability and equipment care to the KRH BG due to SSgt Wright’s leadership, professionalism, and zeal for engineering, and as such, his endeavours have been formally recognised.
Sgt AD Chesters
Sergeant Chesters was part of a team that delivered the Sqn’s A and B vehicle fleet at above 75% availability throughout the 2021 training year and hit 100% availability at the start of Ex IRON STORM 2. In addition to his core role, he supported the Welfare Dept in his role conducted WIS visits as a trained recovery officer. Sgt Chesters also supported a number of regimental charities and has
forged a regimental relationship with British Powerlifting and Strongman competitors, which have proven to be popular from a recruiting and retention perspective. His dedication to the role, his drive for improved vehicle availability, and his wider work on behalf of the Regiment Chesters has been formally recognised.
The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 11

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