Page 15 - KRH 2022 CREST
P. 15
The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars 13
C (11H) Squadron
2022 saw the Senior Squadron go international. Over the past 12 months we have been deployed for 37 weeks in 8 different countries, participated in 14 exercises and run 7 live fire range packages. The Squadron has embraced all the challenges thrown our way with enthusiasm and vigour.
We hit the ground running at the start of the year with Cpl Bellingham and LCpl Gurung driving ambulances in Wales as part of Op RESCRIPT and LCpl Pickering trying not to get lost in his ambulance in CATT. Following the Regimental re-orbat last winter, CATT provided the perfect opportunity for the new members of the Squadron to shake out and for those new into seats get to grips with their roles.
At the end of January, we deployed to Castlemartin for what was supposed to be a two-week range package, however, the tempera- mental Welsh weather seemed to have other ideas... Four weeks and two days later we eventually drove down the M4
to Tidworth for the final time.
During ranges, 16 crews passed their Annual Crew Test and Troop Assessments, no one was blown away during a turbulent NAVEX and the Squadron Bar quadrupled the amount in Squadron Funds. Additionally, LCpl Pell introduce a new drill into the 120 weapon handling test
LCpl Piercy hanging out the Sqn Leader’s boxers
(TVE only loading), 32A decided to re-jig the range layout and Tpr McAllister lost his eyebrows in the gale-force winds. There were some moments of joy during the seemingly never-ending range package. Most notably, 2 comedians were born; Tpr Mark and LCpl Thomas both delivered standout jokes to lighten the mood during the morning safety briefs.
Due to our unexpected extension in Wales, we had to quickly switch fire to low level Troop training on Salisbury Plain. Here we were able to introduce the new additions to the Squadron to the joys of a tank exercise and allow people a little bit of time to shake out prior to our deployment on Ex DEFENDER 22 in Germany and Poland.
Simultaneously, Sgt Bulbeck and Lt Oldroyd were busy relation- ship building with our new Danish partners and exploring the sights of Copenhagen as we prepared to welcome the Danes into the Battlegroup. The ‘chilled-out’ ethos of the Danish Squadron was initially a slight shock to the up-tight Brits, but after a couple
32B flying the flag on Ex IRON SPERE in Latvia