Page 14 - KRH 2022 CREST
P. 14
The Regimental Journal of The King’s Royal Hussars
LCpl C Manners
Pte (now LCpl) Manners deployed on Exercise DEFENDER in May 2022 with the KRH Battle Group RAO department. Her selfless commitment, drive and a determina- tion far surpassed her rank and experience and was recognised by the 12th Armoured Brigade Combat Team staff. She became the deployed G1 focal point and underpinned the redeployment of 1000 personnel to the
UK at extremely short notice.
Pte Manners was effectively the single point of delivery for the Ex DEFENDER PERSREP; entrusted with a level of responsibility entirely disproportionate to her rank, though clearly not her abil- ity, she worked in isolation and at reach from the remainder of the Detachment. Entirely on top of her brief, she communicated effectively and confidently alongside SO2s within Bde co-ordina- tion meetings, displaying deep competence, a practical approach, and a ferocious work ethic.
In an extremely complex redeployment, which involved the movement of 1000 personnel from multiple units, between two locations in Poland and two in Germany, alongside a recovery to the UK, Pte Manners was the single point of failure, and ulti- mately success, for the PERSREP. A remarkable performance from a Private soldier that has been in the Army for less than two years. Pte Manners’ significant contribution to the Regiment and Brigade has been formally recognised.
The Regimental Medal
Instituted in 1909 by the Commanding Officer of the 14th Hussars, the King’s Royal Hussars remain one of two units in the British Army to Award a Regimental Medal. The medal is awarded to any officer, warrant officer, non-commissioned officer or soldier in the Regiment who has contributed in some conspicuous manner to the military efficiency or military honour of the Regiment. It is important to ensure that the award of the Regimental Medal is not seen as automatic and tied to any post. Awards are rare, and to date only 259 medals and 20 bars have been awarded.
Regimental Medal Number 258.
WO2 C Brown
Over the last 18 months WO2 Brown has demonstrated an unparalleled level of pro- fessionalism and dedication to the Regiment in support of a plethora of G4 activity. WO2 Brown’s foresight and meticulous nature in
the facilitation of technical support has been nothing short of remarkable. He has played a pivotal role in enabling the battle- group to demonstrate its readiness to deploy on operations. This has been substantiated by the successful planning and execu- tion of numerous high-profile exercises, notably Ex CRIMSON THUNDER and Ex IRON STORM 2/21, alongside a strategic deployment to Poland on Ex DEFENDER EUROPE 22.
During Ex DEFENDER EUROPE 22, WO2 Brown came to the fore using all his experience to liaise, deliver and support a stra- tegic deployment to mainland Europe, the likes of which has not been seen in recent years. The King’s Royal Hussars reputation and standing has been considerably enhanced by WO2 Brown’s remarkable input and it is in recognition of his crucial, often under- stated, contribution that he is awarded the Regimental Medal.
Regimental Medal Number 259.
Capt AH Worth
As the Operations Officer for the King’s Royal Hussars Battle Group, and now the enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group, Capt Worth has proven himself to be a piv- otal driving force in planning and executing
warfighting training and operations. From widely praised exer- cises on Salisbury Plain to combined-arms live firing in Wales, he has been a catalyst for success in a BG that has become synony- mous with excellence.
As Operations Officer, he deployed, controlled and recovered a large 3:1 Battle Group to Poland on Exercise DEFENDER 22 and is doing the same for Op CABRIT in Estonia but this time with an even bigger BG. His calm professionalism and effortless charm has knitted together over 800 British soldiers from 19 different units across the Field Army and joined them together with another 400 soldiers from two partner nations to deliver an outstanding performance through our Integration training with 1st Estonian Brigade. His outstanding professional performance has greatly enhanced our operational efficiency and cemented our excellent reputation across the British Army, host-nation and NATO Allies. For this, he is awarded the Regimental Medal.
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