Page 19 - The Light Blue Volunteer Journal 2021
P. 19
Parish Attachment with CUOTC
Of all the 70 ordinands at Ridley Hall theological college in 2020-21, I reckon I was given the best placement.
Here’s why.
My ‘parish attachment,’ typically a Sunday service and midweek commitment, was not with a typical parish. No, it was with CUOTC. One could argue that it is a parish of sorts, with the XO’s ‘parish notices,’ but it’s completely different to a regular parish in the general, geographicallydelineated, sense. This unique ‘parish attachment’ was an excellent complement to my two previous attachments at Peterhouse Chapel and Holy Trinity. It was the best attachment for three reasons.
The first was that I had a lot of fun! My first experience of CUOTC, after the medical, was of the postponed 2019-20 annual camp. Thrown in at the deep end with the Stormberg platoon there was a lot of catching up to do. Half a dozen of us flew through the Mod A syllabus under the fastidious leadership
of Maj Wopat. That was, of course, after the SCR (Soldier Conditioning Review), which always helps to break the ice. Along with the challenge of completing Mod A, for me there was the extra layer of figuring out what it meant to take on the role of Chaplain Cadet in an organisation that was entirely new to me. I had never been a ChCdt before, and CUOTC had never had one. We had fun together carving out a role over those first couple
of weeks. Being ‘runner’ for the CSM, Platoon Commander or Sergeant quickly became the accepted role for this particular ChCdt. I loved it!
The second reason was that I had the opportunity to lead
a zoom Alpha course during Lockdown 3. This was a foray
into the unknown, a great ministry experience, above all a joy and privilege and, again, a lot of fun. Alpha was offered off the back of several conversations over my first four months with CUOTC - annual camp, drill nights, a weekend away and a week of wet and windy December AT in the Lakes. The seed was sown during a conversation during the EndEx on annual camp. One cadet was sharing some of their questions and asking how they might explore further. I suggested Alpha and, to my surprise, a member of staff said they’d done Alpha and would really recommend it. That was a great encouragement! A few months later I was able to offer Alpha as part of CUOTC’s training. Although it was frustrating not to be able to meet in
person, taking Alpha onto zoom for lockdown meant that it could be accessed from anywhere in the country or continent..! Some of us were up north, some down in the south west, some still
in Cambridge, others on their year abroad and others stuck on the continent. Despite our geographical distance and the social distancing restrictions, for one evening each week we gathered on zoom to catch up, share life, take a break from our bubbles, hear a bit about the basics of the Christian faith and then discuss what we’d heard and bring our questions to the group. Honesty was welcomed, and I loved it when, the first week, when asked why they were trying Alpha, one of the group quite openly admitted there wasn’t much else on at the moment. Brilliant! A number came along and gave Alpha a try, which I commend, and still others stuck out the eight weeks. I really enjoyed engaging with those who came - both sharing the highs and lows in what was undeniably a dark time for many, and on the deeper level
of Jesus Christ and the claims made of him in the Bible. If you’re interested, you can find out more about Alpha at https://alpha. org/try-alpha/
The third reason it was the best attachment of 2020-21 was that it gave me the chance to explore the call I feel to military chaplaincy. It gave me a unique opportunity, over the course
of the year, to rub shoulders with cadets, officers and PSIs - a unique opportunity to dip my toe in the water. I learnt a whole lot about the British Army, its structure, its quirks, its personnel. I take all of that with me into my curacy - three years as an apprentice to a much more experienced vicar - in central London. If you’re in or passing through London, do look me up and say ‘hello.’ I’m near Victoria/Sloane Square at St Michael’s, Chester Square. You can reach me at
Okay, maybe a placement with CUOTC isn’t for every ordinand, but for me it was just the ticket. I’m hugely grateful to Padre Mark Chester for making it possible, COs Lt Col Al Field and Lt Col Adrian Garrett for being willing to give this whole Chaplain Cadet thing a go, and Padre Stephen Wilson for his regular prayer, support and encouragement throughout an extraordinary year.
Soli Deo Gloria
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