Page 46 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 46

  7 Platoon
Lt Barney Blackstone
Off the back of Ex ASKARI STORM 22, 7Pl HQ with a mixture of 7 platoon, 8 platoon and volunteers from across the Battalion, remained in Kenya ready to take over the Force Protection Tasking. Forming the armed response unit for BATUK, the newly formed platoon rose to the challenge. With a quick turn-around of less than 24 hrs between ‘End-ex’ and the start of training for the new role, the soldiers proved flexible and adaptable, settling into the new task with relative ease.
After a short handover period, 2MERCIAN proudly raised our flag and took over the Joint Operation Control Centre from the RIFLE platoon that
we were to replace. The lads found themselves thrown in at the deep end, dealing with numerous incidents across the first week, and all those involved deserved credit for their handling of complex real-life situations calmly and professionally.
While on duty, the platoon rotated between sangers, Quick Reaction
Force and guard room duties involving monitoring camp security via CCTV and taking charge of the camp booking in and out procedure. Off duty, the task gave opportunities to visit the wider area of Kenya. All members of the platoon conducted AT, experiencing climbing, abseiling, rock climbing and gorge jumping, while some used their time off to visit Nairobi and Mombasa.
With one multiple always on shift, the
platoon found time to run two multiple days out to Chaka Ranch, where the soldiers went go-karting and quad biking along with a number of other activities. The platoon performed admirably throughout and received praise from BATUK for their performance, especially following straight on from a challenging exercise. They will now enjoy some well-deserved leave before returning
to Weeton to begin their preparations to move to their new Battalions and Regiments later this summer.
Pl Cmd 7 Pl Pl Sgt 7 Pl Pl Cmd 8 Pl Pl Sgt 8 Pl
Maj Small WO2 Webb Capt Bough Lt Blackstone Sgt Ward
Lt Thornhill Cpl Brock
                                C (Kohima) Company
     The last six months has been a busy period for C (Kohima) Company, beginning with a deployment on OP ESCALIN in December to provide assistance to haulage companies during the fuel shortages. A number of
C Coy troops were deployed to fuel depots across the country with the main focus being Thurrock. The soldiers acted as drivers’ mates enabling the hauliers to drive longer hours and easing the fuel shortages. At the same time as OP ESCALIN there were also troops from C Coy deployed in Scotland as vaccinators to assist with the COVID-19 Vaccination drive, away from their families for a number of weeks these troops acted professionally and provided some much required assistance to the NHS.
In January the focus of the Battalion switched to the upcoming Kenya deployment. C Coy was to form part of “Manoeuvre Group Two” (MG2), one of the light-role fighting units of Task Force Hannibal (TFH), the enemy force for EX
ASKARI STORM. With this in mind both
7 and 8 Platoons began training and preparation. The Coy deployed in February and once in Kenya and acclimatised the Coy had around three weeks to train before the exercise started. Each Platoon focused their training on defensive tactics and actions (the main role MG2 was to play in ASKARI STORM), as well as a refresher on some more conventional actions. Prior to deploying on the exercise the Coy managed to complete some well-earned adventure training at Rift Valley where they took part
in activities such as mountain biking and canyoning.
During the course of Ex ASKARI STORM the soldiers of C Coy enjoyed several victories, proving themselves highly capable in defensive tactics as well as unconventional actions. As a smaller and less resourced combat unit C Coy was able to inflict mass casualties on the enemy, with each platoon constantly adapting their
tactics to maximise effectiveness. Upon return to the UK following EX
ASKARI STORM in late April it was clear to everyone how fast approaching the date for the amalgamation was. With this in mind C Coy began preparation for the freedom parades they were to be a part of; Worcester, Derby and a medals parade in Weeton. The parades went very well with the troops receiving a warm welcome and rounds of applause throughout each parade.
With the amalgamation taking place on the 28th July the soldiers of C Coy should feel immensely proud of all they have achieved over the last six months and the professionalism with which they have acted. Each soldier should now look forward
to their respective futures in their new Battalions and take with them the spirit of C (Kohima) Company 2 MERCIAN.

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