Page 48 - MERCIAN Eagle 2022
P. 48

Mortars Recce
Anti Tanks
Machine Guns Snipers
Assault Pioneers
Maj Townsend WO2 Weaver CSgt Wightman CSgt Davis WO2 Senior Capt Sidwell CSgt White Capt Tuck
CSgt Williams
Lt Whimster
CSgt Narukutabua CSgt Davis
Sgt Green
Cpl Hill
  Javelin Gunner Cadre
Cpl Rhodes
The Anti-tank Platoon conducted its annual Javelin Gunner cadre in Swynnerton to qualify the newest members of the Pl and refresh existing Pl members
on their basic skills and drills. The cadre was also opened
to the wider Bn, providing
the opportunity to gain the qualification, for those looking to join the Pl as well as those looking to broaden their skill set for later down the line once the Battalion is amalgamated.
The Javelin Gunner Cadre
was a 7-week program which consisted of the basic Javelin classroom lessons where the weapon system, both the missile and the CLU (Command Launch Unit), is explained in depth of its functions and characteristics. Within those lessons were a series of practical exercises where carrying techniques are taught and the loading and unloading of the weapon system, culminating with the weapon handling test itself.
The cadre also focused heavily on Vehicle Recognition lessons, where a number of vehicles and their key recognition features are taught to help to identify vehicles through thermal sights.
Physical training was added
to the program and consisted
of build-up training to enable everyone on the cadre to be able to carry the kit over distance at a reasonable pace.
The final week saw the Pl move to a training area in Leek to conduct a Patrol Competition where members of the cadre were put through a series of stands over a distance through the moors, testing them on everything that they had learnt from the last couple of weeks.
The Cadre ended with a
Live Fire Range up in Warcop, where all the students got the opportunity to see the Javelin fire live as the top two students of the cadre were rewarded with a Javelin Missile to fire each.
                                DRAGON (Fire Support) Company
      DRAGON Coy tackled 2022 in a dispersed manner; there were soldiers as far afield as the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia, Kenya and Warminster. Throughout, all have sought to have a smile on their face and prepare for wherever the amalgamation may take them.
Cpls’ Hebb and Hesketh delivered an extremely successful Urban Operations Instructor Cadre to the Saudi Arabian National Guard in Riyadh to an all-Officer course, including a Saudi Royal. Both
were praised for their professionalism and embracing the Arabic culture and language.
Dragon’s deployment to Kenya focussed around delivering the specialist weapons support to the Permanent Range Team, elements of the Task Force Hannibal headquarters, Manoeuvre Group 3 and
a Manoeuvre Support Group to each of the Rifle Companies. The flexibility shown to re-ORBAT, develop hybrid approaches to irregular warfare and deliver a potent
opposition force was impressive. Despite working separately for the
majority of the three months in Kenya there was some time for AT, safari trips and relaxing in the pool.
Those remaining in the UK focussed
on career courses. Pioneers managed
to all attain new qualifications. LCpls Cudworth, Pun Magar and Sundas received great reports from their Mortars Standards course. While LCpl Barrett passed the arduous Light Reconnaissance Commanders’ Course which is normally attended by substantive Corporals.
Towards the closedown of the Battalion some time was carved out for fun. Dragon won the sports day, with impressive wins in the rugby and strong-soldier competition and enjoyed themselves in the heat of the summer to complete adventure training in Wales.

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